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Imperial Library
In Flanders Fields And Other Poems
In Flanders Fields
{Although The Poem Itself Is Included Shortly, Thi...
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders Fields The Poppies Blow
O Guns, Fall Silent Till The Dead Men He...
He Wrought In Poverty, The Dull Grey Day...
Scarlet Coats, And Crash O' the Ba...
The Unconquered Dead
The Captain
Ye Have Sung Me Your Songs, Ye Have Chan...
Beneath Her Window In The Fragrant Night...
Amid My Books I Lived The Hurrying Years...
The Hope Of My Heart
I Left, To Earth, A Little Maiden Fair,
Slumber Songs
The Oldest Drama
Immortal Story That No Mother's Heart
I Saw Two Sowers In Life's Field At Morn...
There Stands A Hostel By A Travelled Way...
I Saw A King, Who Spent His Life To Weav...
I Saw A City Filled With Lust And Shame,...
One Spake Amid The Nations, "Let Us Ceas...
Amid Earth's Vagrant Noises, He Caught T...
The Earth Grows White With Harvest; All...
The Dying Of Pere Pierre
The Day Is Past And The Toilers Cease;
Upon Watts' Picture "Sic Transit"
A Song Of Comfort
An Uphill Path, Sun-Gleams Between The S...
At The Drowsy Dusk When The Shadows Cree...
Cometh The Night. The Wind Falls Low,
If Night Should Come And Find Me At My T...
I. In Flanders Fields
II. With The Guns
Friday, April 23rd, 1915.
Saturday, April 24th, 1915.
Sunday, April 25th, 1915.
Monday, April 26th, 1915.
Tuesday, April 27th, 1915.
Wednesday, April 28th, 1915.
Thursday, April 29th, 1915.
Friday, April 30th, 1915.
Saturday, May 1st, 1915.
Sunday, May 2nd, 1915.
Monday, May 3rd, 1915.
Tuesday, May 4th, 1915.
Wednesday, May 5th, 1915.
Thursday, May 6th, 1915.
Friday, May 7th, 1915.
Saturday, May 8th, 1915.
Sunday, May 9th, 1915.
Northern France, May 10th, 1915.
France, May 12th, 1915.
France, May 17th, 1915.
Thursday, May 27th, 1915.
Friday, May 28th, 1915.
Wednesday, April 29th*, 1915.
May 1st, 1915.
Flanders, March 30th, 1915.
And Here Is One Last Note To His Mother:
At This Time The Canadian Division Was Moving Sout...
Tuesday, June 1st, 1915.
This Phase Of The War Lasted Two Months Precisely,...
April 1st, 1915.
Such, Then, Was The Life In Flanders Fields In Whi...
III. The Brand Of War
IV. Going To The Wars
V. South Africa
Green Point Camp, Capetown,
Van Wyks Vlei,
April 10th, 1900.
April 23rd, 1900.
Victoria Road, May 20th, 1900.
With Ian Hamilton's Column Near Balmoral.
At Lyndenburg:
VI. Children And Animals
From Bonfire To Sergt.-Major Jack Kilgour
From Bonfire To Sergt.-Major Jack Kilgour
From Bonfire To Margaret Kilgour, Civilian
In Flanders, April 3rd, 1915.
Bonfire, And Bonneau, And Little Mike, Are All Wel...
September 29th, 1915.
April, 1917.
VII. The Old Land And The New
VIII. The Civil Years
IX. Dead In His Prime
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