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Title Page
List of Acronyms
Part One: M2M Area Network Physical Layers
Chapter 1: IEEE 802.15.4
1.1 The IEEE 802 Committee Family of Protocols
1.2 The Physical Layer
1.3 The Media-Access Control Layer
1.4 Uses of 802.15.4
1.5 The Future of 802.15.4: 802.15.4e and 802.15.4g
Chapter 2: Powerline Communication for M2M Applications
2.1 Overview of PLC Technologies
2.2 PLC Landscape
2.3 Powerline Communication: A Constrained Media
2.4 The Ideal PLC System for M2M
2.5 Conclusion
Part Two: Legacy M2M Protocols for Sensor Networks, Building Automation and Home Automation
Chapter 3: The BACnet™ Protocol
3.1 Standardization
3.2 Technology
3.3 BACnet Security
3.4 BACnet Over Web Services (Annex N, Annex H6)
Chapter 4: The LonWorks® Control Networking Platform
4.1 Standardization
4.2 Technology
4.3 Web Services Interface for LonWorks Networks: Echelon SmartServer
4.4 A REST Interface for LonWorks
Chapter 5: ModBus
5.1 Introduction
5.2 ModBus Standardization
5.3 ModBus Message Framing and Transmission Modes
5.4 ModBus/TCP
Chapter 6: KNX
6.1 The Konnex/KNX Association
6.2 Standardization
6.3 KNX Technology Overview
6.4 Device Configuration
Chapter 7: ZigBee
7.1 Development of the Standard
7.2 ZigBee Architecture
7.3 Association
7.4 The ZigBee Network Layer
7.5 The ZigBee APS Layer
7.6 The ZigBee Device Object (ZDO) and the ZigBee Device Profile (ZDP)
7.7 ZigBee Security
7.8 The ZigBee Cluster Library (ZCL)
7.9 ZigBee Application Profiles
7.10 The ZigBee Gateway Specification for Network Devices
Chapter 8: Z-Wave
8.1 History and Management of the Protocol
8.2 The Z-Wave Protocol
Part Three: Legacy M2M Protocols for Utility Metering
Chapter 9: M-Bus and Wireless M-Bus
9.1 Development of the Standard
9.2 M-Bus Architecture
9.3 Wireless M-Bus
Chapter 10: The ANSI C12 Suite
10.1 Introduction
10.2 C12.19: The C12 Data Model
10.3 C12.18: Basic Point-to-Point Communication Over an Optical Port
10.4 C12.21: An Extension of C12.18 for Modem Communication
10.5 C12.22: C12.19 Tables Transport Over Any Networking Communication System
10.6 Other Parts of ANSI C12 Protocol Suite
10.7 RFC 6142: C12.22 Transport Over an IP Network
10.8 REST-Based Interfaces to C12.19
Chapter 11: DLMS/COSEM
11.1 DLMS Standardization
11.2 The COSEM Data Model
11.3 The Object Identification System (OBIS)
11.4 The DLMS/COSEM Interface Classes
11.5 Accessing COSEM Interface Objects
11.6 End-to-End Security in the DLMS/COSEM Approach
Part Four: The Next Generation: IP-Based Protocols
Chapter 12: 6LoWPAN and RPL
12.1 Overview
12.2 What is 6LoWPAN? 6LoWPAN and RPL Standardization
12.3 Overview of the 6LoWPAN Adaptation Layer
12.4 Context-Based Compression: IPHC
12.5 RPL
12.6 Downward Routes, Multicast Membership
12.7 Packet Routing
Chapter 13: ZigBee Smart Energy 2.0
13.1 REST Overview
13.2 ZigBee SEP 2.0 Overview
13.3 Function Sets and Device Types
13.4 ZigBee SE 2.0 Security
Chapter 14: The ETSI M2M Architecture
14.1 Introduction to ETSI TC M2M
14.2 System Architecture
14.3 ETSI M2M SCL Resource Structure
14.4 ETSI M2M Interactions Overview
14.5 Security in the ETSI M2M Framework
14.6 Interworking with Machine Area Networks
14.7 Conclusion on ETSI M2M
Part Five: Key Applications of the Internet of Things
Chapter 15: The Smart Grid
15.1 Introduction
15.2 The Marginal Cost of Electricity: Base and Peak Production
15.3 Managing Demand: The Next Challenge of Electricity Operators … and Why M2M Will Become a Key Technology
15.4 Demand Response for Transmission System Operators (TSO)
15.5 Case Study: RTE in France
15.6 The Opportunity of Smart Distributed Energy Management
15.7 Demand Response: The Big Picture
15.8 Conclusion: The Business Case of Demand Response and Demand Shifting is a Key Driver for the Deployment of the Internet of Things
Chapter 16: Electric Vehicle Charging
16.1 Charging Standards Overview
16.2 Use Cases
16.3 Conclusion
Appendix A: Normal Aggregate Power Demand of a Set of Identical Heating Systems with Hysteresis
Appendix B: Effect of a Decrease of Tref. The Danger of Correlation
Appendix C: Changing Tref without Introducing Correlation
C.1 Effect of an Increase of Tref
Appendix D: Lower Consumption, A Side Benefit of Power Shedding
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