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Front Matter
Table of Contents
A parable: The Monk and the Minister
My story: It has never been about retirement
Important notes
Part I: Orientation
1. Debt: The Unacceptable Burden
2. Why you need F-You Money
3. Can everyone really retire a millionaire?
4. How to think about money
5. Investing in a raging bull (or bear) market
Part II: How to harness the world’s most powerful wealth-building tool
6. There’s a major market crash coming!!!! and even famous economists can’t save you
7. The market always goes up
8. Why most people lose money in the market
9. The Big Ugly Event
10. Keeping it simple: Considerations and tools
11. Index funds are really just for lazy people, right?
12. Bonds
13. Portfolio ideas to build and keep your wealth
14. Selecting your asset allocation
15. International funds
16. TRFs: The simplest path to wealth of all
17. What if you can’t buy VTSAX? Or even Vanguard?
18. What is it about Vanguard anyway?
19. The 401(k), 403(b), TSP, IRA and Roth buckets
20. RMDs: The ugly surprise at the end of the tax-deferred rainbow
21. HSAs: More than just a way to pay your medical bills
22. Case study: Putting The Simple Path to Wealth into action
23. Why I don’t like investment advisors
Part III: Magic Beans
24. Jack Bogle and the bashing of index funds
25. Why I can’t pick winning stocks and you can’t either
26. Why I don’t like dollar cost averaging
27. How to be a stock market guru and get on CNBC
28. You, too, can be conned
Part IV: What to do when you get there
29. Withdrawal rates: How much can I spend anyway?
30. How do I pull my 4%?
31. Social Security: How secure and when to take it
32. How to give like a billionaire
33. My path for my kid: The first 10 years
34. Tales from the South Pacific
35. Some final thoughts on risk
Praise for The Simple Path to Wealth
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