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Why You Need To Downsize Your Life
Reason #1 for Downsizing Your Life: You Get To Decide What Happens to Your Stuff
The Importance (and Burden) of Our Stuff
But I Kept It for a Reason!
Reason #2 for Downsizing Your Life: You Can Live More Inexpensively
Living Cheaper Means More Choices
Learning to Live Less Expensively Can Be Fun
How Downsizing Can Help Your Budget
Reason #3 for Downsizing Your Life: It Can Free You from What’s Holding You Back, from the Rut You Didn’t Even Know You Were In
When Your Stuff Keeps You in a Rut
When Your Stuff Serves a Purpose (Whether You Realize it or Not!)
Are You Hiding Behind Your Stuff?
When the Stuff Isn’t Yours
Reason #4 for Downsizing Your Life: You’ll Be Able to Pursue New Employment, Volunteer, or Fun Opportunities
Reason #5 for Downsizing Your Life: You’ll Be Doing Your Loved Ones a Big Favor
Why Do We Have So Much Stuff, And Why Is It So Hard To Give Up?
Why Do We Do It?
Downsizing Your Life is Very Doable
How to Downsize Your Life
Should You Move?
Consider Other Housing Options
Take a Job that Offers Housing
Back to School
When Your Kids are Being Downsized, Too
Purging Your Stuff
Donate or Sell?
“Paper to Go Through Later”
Shrink Your Collections
What About the Furniture?
The Burden of “Family Heirlooms”
As for the Storage Unit(s)…
After the Purge
Your New, Downsized Life
Moving Into New (Smaller) Digs
Life After Downsizing
Processing Your Emotions
A note from Claire
Excerpt: Secrets of Small-House Living
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