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Imperial Library
Fowler’s Journal.
thorsday 6th Sept 1821
28th Sept 1821
30th Sept 1821
october 1th 1821
2nd october 1821
3rd october 1821
4th october 1821
5th october 1821
5th october 1821 [continued]
6th october 1821
6th octor 1821 [continued]
7th october 1821
8the october 1821
9th octr 1821—
10th octr 1821
11th octr 1821
12th october 1821
13th octor 1821
14th oct 1821
15the octobr 1821
16th october 1821
17th octr 1821
18th octr 1821
19th octr 1821
20th octobr 1821
21st Octr 1821
22nd octr 1821 monday
23rd octr 1821 tusday
24th octr 1821 Wensday—
25th octobr 1821
26th october 1821 Friday
Satterday 27th octr 1821
28th octr 1821
monday 29th octr 1821
30th octobr 1821
31st octr 1821 Wensday
1st november 1821
3rd November 1821
4th Novr 1821 Sunday—
5th novr 1821 Monday
6th novr 1821
7th Novr 1821
8th november 1821 thorsday
9th novr 1821 Friday
10th Novr 1821
11th novr 1821 Sunday
12th Novr 1821 monday
13th novr 1821 tusday
14th novembr 1821
17th novr 1821 Satterday
Sunday 18th Novr 1821
19th nov 1821 monday
20th novmbr 1821 tusday
Wensday 21st nov 1821
22nd nov 1821—
friday 23rd nov 1821—
Satterday 24th november 1821
Sunday 25th novem 1821
26th nov 1821
27th nov 1821
28th nov 1821
29th nov 1821
30th november 1821
1st Decembr 1821
2nd norr [Dec.] 1821
3rd Decmbr 1821
4th Decmbr 1821
6th Decm 1821
7th Decm 1821
8th Decm 1821
9th Decmbr 1821
10th Decm 1821
12th Decm 1821
13th Decm 1821
14th Decmbr 1821
15th Decm 1821
16th Decm 1821
17th Decm 1821
18th Decm 1821
19th Decm 1821
20 Decm 1821
21st Decm 1821
22nd Decm 1821
23rd Decm 1821
24th Decm 1821
25th Decm 1821
26th Decm 1821
27th Decm 1821
28th Decembr 1821
29th Decr
30th Decr
31st Decr.
January 1st 1822
Jany 2nd 1822
Jany the 3rd 1822
Friday 4th Jany 1822
Saterday 5th Jany 1822
Sunday 6th Jany 1822
monday 7th Jany 1822
tusday 8th Jany 1822
Wensday 9th Jany 1822
thorsday 10th Jany 1822
Friday 11th Jany 1822
Saterday 12th Jany 1822
Sunday 13th Jany 1822
monday 14th Jany 1822
tusday 15th Jany 1822
Wensday 16th Jany 1822
thorsday 17th Jany 1822
Friday 18th Jany 1822
Satterday 19th Jany 1822
Sunday 20th Jany 1822
Monday 21st January 1822—
tusday 22nd Jany 1822
Wensday 23rd Jany 1822
thorsday 24th Jany 1822
Friday 25th Jany 1822
Saterday 26th Jany 1822
Sunday 27th Jany 1822
monday 28th Jany 1822
tusday 29th Jany 1822
Wensday 30th Jany 1822
Wensday [Thursday] 31st Jany 1822
thorsday [Friday] 1st Feby 1822
Friday [Saturday] 2nd Feby 1822
Satterday [Sunday] 3rd Feby 1822
Sunday [Monday] 4th Feby 1822
Monday [Tuesday] 5th Feby 1822
tusday [Wednesday] 6th Feby 1822
Wensday [Thursday] 7th Feby 1822
thorsday [Friday] 8th Feby 1822
Satterday 9th Feby 1822
Sunday 10th Feby 1822
monday 11th Feby 1822
tusday 12th Feby 1822
Wensday 13th Feby 1822
thorsday 14th Feby 1822
Friday 15th Feby 1822
Satterday 16th Feby 1822
Sunday 17th Feby 1822
monday 18th Feby 1822
tusday 19th Feby 1822
Wensday 20th Feby 1822
thorsday 21st Feby 1822
Friday 22nd Feby 1822
Satterday 23rd Feby 1822
Sunday 24th Feby 1822
monday 25th Feby 1822
tusday 26th Feby 1822
Wensday 27th Feby 1822
thorsday 28th Feby 1822
Friday 1st march 1822
Satterday 2nd march 1822
Sunday 3rd march 1822
monday 4th march 1822
tuesday 5th march 1822
Wensday 6th march 1822
thorsday 7th march 1822
Friday 8th march 1822
Satterday 9th march 1822
Sunday 10th march 1822
monday 11th march 1822
tusday 12th march 1822
Wendsday 13th march 1822
thorsday 14th march 1822
Friday 15th march 1822
Satterday 16th march 1822
Sunday 17th march 1822
monday 18th march 1822
tusday 19th march 1822
Wensday 20th march 1822
thorsday [Friday] 29th march 1822
Satterday 30th march 1822
Sunday 31st march 1822
monday 1st aprile 1822
tusday 2nd aprile 1822
Wensday 3rd aprile 1822
thorsday 4th aprile 1822
friday 5th aprile 1822
Satterday 6th aprile 1822
Sunday 7th aprile 1822
monday 8th aprile 1822
tuesday 9th aprile 1822
Wensday 10th aprile 1822
thorsday 11th aprile 1822
friday 12th aprile 1822
Satterday 13th aprile 1822
[Sunday, April 14th—no entry]
monday 15th aprile 1822
tusday 16th april 1822
Wensday 17 aprile 1822
thorsday 18th aprile 1822
Friday 19th aprile 1822
Satterday 20th aprile 1822
Sunday 21st aprile 1822
monday 22nd aprile 1822
tusday 23 aprile 1822
Wensday 24th aprile 1822
thorsday 25th aprile 1822
Friday 26th april 1822
Satterday 27th aprile 1822
Sunday 28th aprile 1822
monday 29th aprile 1822
tusday 30th aprile 1822
Wensday 1st may 1822
Satterday 4th may 1822
Sunday 5th may 1822
monday 6th may 1822
tusday 7th may 1822
Wensday 8th may 1822
thorsday 9th may 1822
friday 10th may 1822
Satterday 11th may 1822
Sunday 12th may 1822
monday 13th may 1822
tusday 14th may 1822
Wensday 15th may 1822
thorsday 16th may 1822
friday 17th may 1822
Satterday 18th may 1822
Sunday 19th may 1822
monday 20th may 1822
tusday 21st may 1822
Wensday 22nd may 1822
thorsday 23rd may 1822
friday 24th may 1822
Satterday 25th may 1822
Sunday 26th may 1822
monday 27th 1822
tusday 28th may 1822
Wensday 29th may 1822
thorsday 30th may 1822
Friday 31st may 1822
Satterday 1st June 1822
Satterday 2nd June 1822
monday 3rd June 1822
tusday 4th June 1822
Wensday 5th June 1822
thorsday 6th June 1822
friday 7th June 1822
Satterday 8th June 1822
Sunday 9th June 1822
monday 10th June 1822
tusday 11th June 1822
11th June [continued.]
Wensday 12th June 1822
thorsday 13th June 1822
Friday 14th June 1822
Satterday 15th June 1822
Sunday 16th June 1822
monday 17th June 1822
tusday 18th June 1822
Wensday 19th June 1822
thorsday 20th June 1822
Friday 21st June 1822
Satterday 22nd June 1822
Sunday 23rd June 1822
monday 24 June 1822
tusday 25th June 1822
Wensday 26th June 1822
thorsday 27th June 1822
Friday 28th June 1822
Satterday 29th June 1822
Sunday 30th June 1822
monday 1st July 1822
tusday 2nd July 1822
thorsday [Wednesday] 3rd July 1822
thorsday 4th July 1822
Friday 5th July 1822
Satterday 6th July 1822
List of corrections made to the text
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