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Imperial Library
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List of Figures
Paper, Cardboard, and Crafts Projects
1. Create Your Own Lava Lamps
2. Host an Upcycled Fashion Show
3. Do-It-Yourself Chain Mail
4. How to Make Your Own Cardboard Standup
5. Hydro-Dipping Flower Pots
6. Create Magnetic Slime
7. Duct Tape Crafts: Wallet and Rose
8. Create Papercraft Toys
9. Card-Making with Conductive Paint
10. Build and Launch Foam Rockets
11. Create Pet Rocks and Rock Pets
Sewing and Textiles Projects
12. Fidget Flannels
13. Sew a Glowing Ghost Marionette
14. Hand Sew a Mini Stuffed Animal
15. Transform a T-Shirt to Tote Bag in Ten Steps
16. Yarn Painting
17. Create a Woven Communi-Tree
18. Sew a Zippered Pencil Pouch
19. Sew Your Own Flag
20. Sew a Pillowcase Photo Frame
Circuitry, Wiring, and Wearables Projects
21. Create e-Textiles with LilyPad Arduino
22. Create a Soft Circuit Bracelet
23. Create LED Origami Tea Lights
24. Make LED Bookmarks
25. Create an LED Brooch
26. R’Orchestra: Musical Instruments with Makey-Makey
27. Begin Soldering and Earn a Blinking LED Badge
Milling, Soldering, and Cutting Projects
28. Create a Wooden Maze with a CNC Mill Machine
29. Create Your Own Catapults
30. Laser-Cut a Cardboard Glider Plane
31. Create a Custom Sign Using a Silhouette Vinyl Cutter
32. Laser-Cut Your Own Greeting Card
33. Build a Six-Piece Interlocking Burr Puzzle
34. Create a Cardboard Sculpture Using a Laser Cutter
35. Create Hidden Treasure Boxes
36. Build Bluetooth Speakers
37. Create Stamps to Tell Stories
High-Tech Programming and Robotics Projects
38. Scribble Droid: Making a Robot out of Found Objects
39. Build Solar Robots
40. Robot Biomimicry
41. 3D Printing and Robotics: Hooks and Hammers
42. Create a DIY Raspberry Pi Bar Code Scanner
43. Sonic Pi for Creative Coders
44. Create an Utrasonic Speed Detector
45. Privacy and Security Awareness Training with Raspberry Pi
Digital Media Projects
46. Make a Movie in Four Hours
47. Light Painting
48. Storyboarding to Create Films without Celluloid
49. Video Editing to Remix Films
50. Black History Month Interview Project
51. Hack a JPEG Image
52. Green Screen Photography
53. Create Digitized Sketchbooks
3D Printing Projects
54. Turn Yourself into a Chocolate Lollipop!
55. 3D Print a Bust of Yourself
56. Create Your Own Board Game
57. Create 3D Prints on Fabric
58. 3D Print a Marionette
59. 3D Print Characters for Stop-Motion Films
60. Hack a 3D Print
61. Turn 2D Graphics into 3D Prints
62. Create Your Own 3D Designs
63. Create a 3D Touch Display for the Library
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