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Imperial Library
G. Manville Fenn
"Middy and Ensign"
Chapter One.
On Board The “Startler”.
Chapter Two.
Introduces more Friends; with a few Words on the River Parang.
Chapter Three.
Doctor Bolter cures one Patient, and is left with another.
Chapter Four.
Doctor Bolter rubs his Hands, and Captain Smithers looks Green.
Chapter Five.
Up the Parang River.
Chapter Six.
How Tom Long tried the Durian.
Chapter Seven.
How Dick related the Visit.
Chapter Eight.
Tom Long’s Wound.
Chapter Nine.
A Night Attack, and a Misfortune.
Chapter Ten.
How Bob Roberts was not Drowned.
Chapter Eleven.
How Bob Roberts had a Lesson on Common Sense.
Chapter Twelve.
A Discussion upon Wounds.
Chapter Thirteen.
An Unpleasant Interruption.
Chapter Fourteen.
How Bob Roberts made a Firm Friend.
Chapter Fifteen.
How the Sultan was put off with Words.
Chapter Sixteen.
How Private Sim took a Nap, and found it Unpleasant.
Chapter Seventeen.
How Dick buys a Rajah, and his first Luff objects.
Chapter Eighteen.
How Bob Roberts went a-fishing.
Chapter Nineteen.
How Bob and Old Dick finished their Day.
Chapter Twenty.
A Run after a Rajah.
Chapter Twenty One.
How Abdullah showed the Smooth Side of his Ways.
Chapter Twenty Two.
The Crew of the Captain’s Gig.
Chapter Twenty Three.
How Bob Roberts and Tom Long asked for Leave.
Chapter Twenty Four.
A Jaunt in the Jungle, with an Awkward End.
Chapter Twenty Five.
How Bob and Tom bagged Strange Game.
Chapter Twenty Six.
How the two Companions were knocked off their Perch.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
How Diplomacy worked in a Malay State.
Chapter Twenty Eight.
How Sultan Hamet visited his Friends.
Chapter Twenty Nine.
How Ali fell into a Trap.
Chapter Thirty.
How Private Gray proved Suspicious.
Chapter Thirty One.
How Some could go and Some must stay.
Chapter Thirty Two.
How Mr Linton believed in a Precipice.
Chapter Thirty Three.
Private Gray has his Orders.
Chapter Thirty Four.
A Hot Night on board the “Startler.”
Chapter Thirty Five.
How Ali made his Plans.
Chapter Thirty Six.
At the Prison in the Woods.
Chapter Thirty Seven.
How Ali made a Dash for Liberty.
Chapter Thirty Eight.
A Swim in the Night.
Chapter Thirty Nine.
How Ali brought News, and was not believed.
Chapter Forty.
How Private Gray went a-fishing.
Chapter Forty One.
The Value of Private Sim.
Chapter Forty Two.
Why Dullah came to the Isle.
Chapter Forty Three.
Tom Long heads a Sally-Party.
Chapter Forty Four.
How Captain Smithers made Plans.
Chapter Forty Five.
Through Fire and Water.
Chapter Forty Six.
Shows how Bob Roberts gave a Hint, and the Malays got into Hot Water.
Chapter Forty Seven.
How Bob Roberts burned the Prahu.
Chapter Forty Eight.
Pleasant Days at the Fort.
Chapter Forty Nine.
How Ali went to spy out the Land.
Chapter Fifty.
How Bob fished for Miss Linton.
Chapter Fifty One.
Dealings with the Deep.
Chapter Fifty Two.
How the Steamer went up the Right Arm of the River.
Chapter Fifty Three.
Private Sim is very Wide Awake.
Chapter Fifty Four.
The End of Ali’s Mission.
Chapter Fifty Five.
How the Hunting-Party fared.
Chapter Fifty Six.
Doctor Bolter’s Bird.
Chapter Fifty Seven.
How Doctor Bolter got in a Mess.
Chapter Fifty Eight.
The Dose of Toobah.
Chapter Fifty Nine.
Like Brothers in Distress.
Chapter Sixty.
Signals of Distress.
Chapter Sixty One.
How Bob Roberts turned the Tables.
Chapter Sixty Two.
Captain Smithers proves a True Officer, and Private Gray a Gentleman.
Chapter Sixty Three.
The Last of it.
The End.
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