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Imperial Library
Title Page
Table of Contents
The fiercest of them all
Some notes on playing the game
The bridge at Athlone
Uprooting, upheaval, a coming havoc?
That business about moving house
The forgetting of eaten bread
Some big blunders in literature
Oh, dear me! more holidays!
Manners also maketh the boy
Bringing back the Gaelic tongue
Men and women of the roads
The great perils of being nursed
The ancient game of name-calling
Questions, their pleasures and perils
The great danger of newspapers
Let’s talk of influenza
Dr Livingstone and the Dark Continent
The question of black
Consequences of having a cigarette
A very strange case indeed
Waiting for the imprimatur
Let’s talk about water
Contemplate the spud!
The written word
Those decent folk – my friends
Thoughts on the yoke
The Model T man
Talking of Dr Diesel
The folly of the answer game
One more Guinness
As noble as our newspapers
The world is right-handed
What’s funny?
Electors treated as half-wits
Don’t take leave of your senses!
Ah, this eve!
A converted try
A dreadful day
Bad language
Does tax hurt?
Mowers to movies
From Clongowes to Martello tower
My sympathies to the Carlovians
Some British delusions about the Irish
How would you define the word Celt?
All about golfing
Man in the street
Knowall on the weather
The power of darkness
No work past fifty
To hang or not to hang
Firmness about farms
Don’t say yes – say maybe!
Where’s the nigger in this woodpile?
Old troubles of a newspaper
There’s something fishy here
Taking too much for granted
Do you like doing it yourself?
Moore of the Melodies
The comers and goers
Time for the holliers again!
Spending has problems
The night that I nearly died
Getting well is plenty of trouble
Risks we take on Sunday morning
Hospitals offer poor fare
Mind your language!
Upbringing, uplift, uproar
Talking turkey
Enough is too much
Looking back a little
Those forty days
O’Casey ploughs again
An oldtimer’s thoughts
Our national feast-day
Buy home products’
What’s our address?
Marching schoolboys
Some are ‘out of line’
Ah, barefoot days!
The butt of my gut
Our own troubles
My own policy
How do you rate?
By the Same Author
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