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Imperial Library
6 Contents
18 Father of all treasons
19 A civil, obliging robber
20 Damnation seize my soul if I give you quarters
22 Burke’s the butcher, Hare’s the thief, Knox the boy that buys the beef
24 They were brave fellows. They were true men
26 It’s for the love of a man that I’m gonna have to die
30 You’ll never believe it – they’ve stolen the train
36 Addicted to the thrill
37 To me it is only so much scrap gold
38 Miss, you’d better look at that note
44 Without weapons, nor hatred, nor violence
45 I stole from the wealthy so I could live their lifestyle
46 Sing of my deeds, tell of my combats… forgive my failings
48 The fire becomes a mistress, a lover
54 It was the perfect crime
56 He was an expert in alarm systems
57 Weird and unbelievable, but it’s a very real criminal case
58 Old-school London criminal gents
64 Under the influence of bad counsels… I fell a martyr
66 People took their hats off to such a sum
68 The smoothest con man that ever lived
70 Domela’s story rings with the high lunacy of great farce
74 If my work hangs in a museum long enough, it becomes real
78 It’s not stealing because I’m only taking what they give me
80 They inflated the raft and left the island. After that nobody seems to know what happened
86 At the time, virtue was not one of my virtues
88 I was on a train of lies. I couldn’t jump off
90 Originally I copied Hitler’s life out of books, but later I began to feel I was Hitler
94 If this is not a ring-in I’m not here
100 Money… has often been a cause of the delusion of multitudes
101 Nothing is lost save honour
102 The old game of robbing Peter to pay Paul
108 You can’t convict a million dollars
110 Citizens were dying right, left, and centre
114 The world’s biggest mugging
116 It’s all just one big lie
122 I know in my mind that I did nothing criminal
124 He put in peril the existence of the bank
126 Bribery was tolerated and… rewarded
128 Not just nerdy kids up to mischief in their parents’ basement
130 The irregularities… go against everything Volkswagen stands for
136 The most hazardous of all trades, that of the smuggler
138 In Sicily there is a sect of thieves
146 They dare do anything
150 No more villainous, ruffianly band was ever organized
152 Prohibition has made nothing but trouble
154 If the boss says a passing crow is white, you must agree
160 When we do right, nobody remembers. When we do wrong, nobody forgets
164 They were the best years of our lives
166 All empires are created of blood and fire
168 It was always about business, never about gangs
176 He valued her less than old swords
177 Marvellous real-life romance
178 Anne, they’ve stolen our baby!
186 Since Monday I have fallen into the hands of kidnappers
188 I’m a coward. I didn’t want to die
190 I still sleep with a night light. I can’t ride a subway
196 I always felt like a poor chicken in a hen house
202 An unusually clear case, like a “smoking gun”
203 Perpetrated with the sword of justice
204 Not guilty by reason of insanity
206 Gave Katherine warning to leave
208 Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks
212 Fingerprinting alone has proved to be both infallible and feasible
216 Thank God it’s over. The suspense has been too great
217 I was driven by a will that had taken the place of my own
218 She was very good looking with beautiful dark hair
224 The artist was so well informed on chemicals… it was frightening
226 I have been a victim of many unusual and irrational thoughts
230 Now is the time for Helter Skelter
238 A dingo’s got my baby!
240 I was Mr Nobody until I killed the biggest somebody on Earth
241 Who has sent you against me? Who has told you to do this thing?
242 I was on death row, and I was innocent
244 An act of unparalleled evil
246 I’m afraid this man will kill me some day
252 Foul play while in the Spy Craft store
254 People are afraid and don’t want to talk to us
262 Murdering people… for sheer sport
263 The said Dame Alice had a certain demon
264 The blood of maidens will keep her young
266 I will send you another bit of innerds
274 They’d rather be dead than be with me
276 I just like to kill
284 Calculated, cruel, cold-blooded murders
286 More terrible than words can express
288 This is the Zodiac speaking
290 In his own eyes, he was some sort of medical god
292 A mistake of nature
293 I was sick or evil, or both
294 A danger to young women
298 Read your ad. Let’s talk about the possibilities
304 Insatiable and disgraceful lust for money
305 Murdering someone by craft
306 Sic semper tyrannis!
310 Dreyfus is innocent. I swear it! I stake my life on it – my honour!
312 If they shed my blood, their hands will remain soiled
316 There has to be more to it
322 I kiss you for the last time
324 Barbarity was all around us
326 Barbaric and ruthless
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