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Imperial Library
Cover page
Halftitle page
Title page
Copyright page
Editorial team
Editor in chief of 2014 edition
Editor in chief of 2005 edition
Project managers
Project manager of 2005 edition
Contributors to both editions
Special thanks to
Chapter 1: The parts of a book
1.1 General principles
1.2 Preliminary matter
1.3 Text
1.4 End matter
1.5 Folios and running heads
1.6 Errata slips
1.7 Paper and book sizes
1.8 Even workings
Chapter 2: Preparing copy
2.1 Definitions
2.2 Making changes to copy
2.3 Editorial style and house style
2.4 Marking proofs
2.5 Technical issues for the copy-editor and proofreader
Chapter 3: Spelling and hyphenation
3.1 Spelling
3.2 Inflection
3.3 Hyphenation
3.4 Word division
Chapter 4: Punctuation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Apostrophe
4.3 Comma
4.4 Semicolon
4.5 Colon
4.6 Full point
4.7 Ellipses
4.8 Question mark
4.9 Exclamation mark
4.10 Hyphen
4.11 Dashes
4.12 Brackets
4.13 Solidi and verticals
4.14 Quotation marks
4.15 Asterisk
Chapter 5: Capitalization
5.1 General principles
5.2 Sentence capitals
5.3 Use to indicate specific references
5.4 Institutions, organizations, and movements
5.5 Geographical locations and buildings
5.6 Dates and periods
5.7 Events
5.8 Legislation and official documents
5.9 Honours and awards
5.10 Titles of office, rank, and relationship
5.11 Religious names and terms
5.12 Personification
5.13 People and languages
5.14 Words derived from proper nouns
5.15 Trade names
5.16 Ships, aircraft, and vehicles
5.17 Names including a number or letter
Chapter 6: Names
6.1 References to people
6.2 Place names
Chapter 7: Italic, roman, and other type treatments
7.1 General principles
7.2 Italic type
7.3 Quotation marks
7.4 Bold type
7.5 Capitals
7.6 Underlining
Chapter 8: Work titles in text
8.1 General principles
8.2 Titles of written works
8.3 Sacred texts
8.4 References to Shakespeare
8.5 Films, broadcast works, and digital media
8.6 Musical works
8.7 Works of art
8.8 Non-English work titles
8.9 Integration of titles into text
Chapter 9: Quotations and direct speech
9.1 General principles
9.2 Layout of quoted text
9.3 Styling of quoted text
9.4 Poetry
9.5 Plays
9.6 Epigraphs
9.7 Non-English quotations
Chapter 10: Abbreviations and symbols
10.1 General principles
10.2 Punctuation and typography
10.3 Symbols
10.4 The indefinite article with abbreviations
10.5 Possessives and plurals
10.6 e.g., i.e., etc., et al.
10.7 Abbreviations with dates
Chapter 11: Numbers and dates
11.1 Numbers: general principles
11.2 Numbers with units of measure
11.3 Times of day
11.4 Roman numerals
11.5 Date forms
11.6 Decades, centuries, and eras
11.7 Regnal years
11.8 Calendars
Chapter 12: Languages
12.1 General principles
12.2 Arabic
12.3 Chinese
12.4 Dutch and Afrikaans
12.5 French
12.6 Gaelic
12.7 German
12.8 Greek
12.9 Hebrew
12.10 Italian
12.11 Japanese
12.12 Latin
12.13 Old and Middle English
12.14 Portuguese
12.15 Russian
12.16 Scandinavian languages
12.17 Slavonic languages
12.18 Spanish
12.19 Welsh
12.20 Yiddish
Chapter 13: Law and legal references
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Typography
13.3 References
13.4 Citing cases
13.5 Legislation
13.6 International treaties, conventions, etc.
13.7 Other materials
13.8 Judges’ designations and judgments
Chapter 14: Science, mathematics, and computing
14.1 General principles
14.2 Biological nomenclature
14.3 Medical terminology
14.4 Chemistry
14.5 Computing
14.6 Mathematics
14.7 Astronomy
Chapter 15: Lists and tables
15.1 Lists
15.2 Tables
Chapter 16: Illustrations and artwork
16.1 General principles
16.2 Specific types of illustrations
16.3 Digital artwork and graphics files
16.4 Line and tone artwork: hard copy
16.5 Permissions and acknowledgements
Chapter 17: Notes and references
17.1 General principles
17.2 Footnotes and endnotes
17.3 Author–date system
17.4 Numbered references
17.5 Citation linking
Chapter 18: Bibliography
18.1 General principles
18.2 Books
18.3 Articles in periodicals
18.4 Theses and dissertations
18.5 Citations to support author–date referencing
18.6 Manuscript and other documentary sources
18.7 Audio and audiovisual materials
18.8 Websites and other digital media
Chapter 19: Indexing
19.1 Introduction
19.2 What to index
19.3 Alphabetical order
19.4 Non-alphabetical order
19.5 Presentation of indexes
19.6 Number references
Chapter 20: Copyright and other publishing responsibilities
20.1 Introduction
20.2 UK copyright
20.3 Copyright conventions
20.4 Permissions
20.5 Defamation
20.6 Negligent misstatement
20.7 Passing off
20.8 Trade marks
20.9 The Internet
20.10 Blasphemy, obscenity, racial hatred, and official secrets
Chapter 21: US and British English
21.1 Overview
21.2 Punctuation
21.3 Quantities, units, and numerical information
21.4 Orthographic variation (spelling and hyphenation)
21.5 Lexical variation (word choices)
21.6 Grammatical and syntactic variation
21.7 Other varieties of English
Proofreading marks
Glossary of printing and publishing terms
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