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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Dedication Page
Prelude to Chapter 1: The Generativist Manifesto
Chapter 1 : Agent-Based Computational Models and Generative Social Science
Prelude to Chapter 2: Confession of a Wandering Bark
Chapter 2: Remarks on the Foundations of Agent-Based Generative Social Science
Prelude to Chapter 3: Equilibrium, Explanation, and Gauss's Tombstone
Chapter 3: Non-Explanatory Equilibria: An Extremely Simple Game with (Mostly) Unattainable Fixed Points
Appendix to Chapter 3: Large Effect of a Subtle Rule Change
Prelude to Chapters 4-6: Generating Civilizations: The 1050 Project and the Artificial Anasazi Model
Chapter 4: Understanding Anasazi Culture Change through Agent-Based Modeling
Chapter 5: Population Growth and Collapse in a Multiagent Model of the Kayenta Anasazi in Long House Valley
Chapter 6: The Evolution of Social Behavior in the Prehistoric American Southwest
Prelude to Chapter 7: Generating Patterns in the Timing of Retirement
Chapter 7: Coordination in Transient Social Networks: An Agent-Based Computational Model of the Timing of Retirement
Prelude to Chapter 8: Generating Classes without Conquest
Chapter 8: The Emergence of Classes in a Multi-Agent Bargaining Model
Prelude to Chapter 9: Generating Zones of Cooperation in the Prisoner's Dilemma Game
Chapter 9: Zones of Cooperation in Demographic Prisoner's Dilemma
Appendix to Chapter 9: Generating Norm Maps in the Demographic Coordination Game
Prelude to Chapter 10: Generating Thoughtless Conformity to Norms
Chapter 10: Learning to be Thoughtless: Social Norms and Individual Computation
Prelude to Chapter 11: Generating Patterns of Spontaneous Civil Violence
Chapter 11: Modeling Civil Violence: An Agent-Based Computational Approach
Prelude to Chapter 12: Generating Epidemic Dynamics
Chapter 12: Toward a Containment Strategy for Smallpox Bioterror: An Individual-Based Computational Approach
Prelude to Chapter 13: Generating Optimal Organizations
Chapter 13: Growing Adaptive Organizations: An Agent-Based Computational Approach
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