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Imperial Library
List of Illustrations
List of Maps
Note on Dating and Quotations
I Imperial Apprenticeship
1 A Part of the Main: England in Europe, 1558–1697
2 Marlborough Country: Britain and the Empire, 1697–1714
II Imperial Opportunities
3 Imperial Restoration, 1714–1715
4 Britain’s New European Empire, 1716–1717
5 Preventive War in the Mediterranean and the Baltic, 1718–1719
III Imperial Challenges
6 A Protestant Empire, 1721–1724
7 The Return of Charles V, 1725–1726
8 The Resurgence of France, 1727–1732
IV Imperial Visions
9 Imperial Retreat, 1733–1736
10 The Colonial Mirage, 1737–1739
11 Imperial Isolation, 1740–1742
V Imperial Recovery
12 The Empires Strike Back, 1742–1745
13 The American Empire Restores the Balance in the German Empire, 1745–1748
14 Imperial Pre-emptions, 1748–1752
VI Imperial Triumph
15 Transferring the Seat of Empire? 1753–1756
16 The Imperial Missions of William Pitt, 1757–1759
17 An Island Once Again, 1760–1763
VII Imperial Hubris
18 Imperial Retrenchments, 1763–1765
19 Imperial Pre-emptions, 1765–1767
20 Empire Adrift, 1768–1772
VIII Imperial Nemesis
21 Fighting for Europe in America, 1773–1777
22 Losing America in Europe, 1778–1779
23 The Partition of Britain, 1780–1783
1 Frederick V Elector Palatinate with his wife Elisabeth Stuart and their children by a follower of
2 John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough by Godfrey Kneller, c. 1706 (copyright © National Portrait
3 Playing card depicting the victory at the Battle of Hö chstädt (Blenheim), English School (18th ce
4 Johann Caspar von Bothmer by John Faber (Photo copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO,
5 The flag of the King-Elector George I (Courtesy Historisches Museum, Hanover)
6 Count Andreas Gottlieb von Bernstorff (Private collection)
7 Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Townshend, anon, after Godfrey Kneller, c. 1715–20 (copyright © Na
8 The Battle of Cape Passaro, 11 August 1718 by Richard Paton, 1767 (copyright © National Maritime M
9 An allegory of the power of Great Britain by land, design for a decorative panel for George I’s ce
10 Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, as Charles III King of Hungary by Johann Georg Mentzel, 1730 (Pho
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