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Author’s Note
1 Racism: The Two-Headed Snake
2 Georgia to California
3 The Athlete Emerges
4 UCLA and Rachel Isum
5 Early Stances against Racism
6 After College
7 African Americans and Military Service
8 2nd Lt. Robinson
9 Medical Issues
10 Camp Hood, Texas
11 Back of the Bus
12 The Charges
13 The Statements
14 The Investigation
15 The Court-Martial
16 The Verdict
17 Final Army Days
18 The Negro Leagues
19 Branch Rickey
20 Spring Training
21 Montreal Royals
22 Breaking the Color Barrier
23 Federal Bureau of Investigation
24 House Un-American Activities Committee
25 Fame, Death Threats, and Retirement
26 Life after Baseball
27 More FBI
28 Final Days
29 Legacy
30 Conclusion
Epilogue: People, Places, Things—Today
Historical Perspective 1: Slavery and Racism
Historical Perspective 2: Grady County, Georgia
Historical Perspective 3: Spanish Flu Epidemic
Historical Perspective 4: Pasadena, California
Historical Perspective 5: African Americans in the Military
Historical Perspective 6: Max Schmeling
Historical Perspective 7: Joe Louis
Historical Perspective 8: 1st and 2nd U.S. Cavalry Divisions
Historical Perspective 9: Texas Race Relations
Historical Perspective 10: McCloskey General Hospital
Historical Perspective 11: Camp Hood, Texas, MP Station
Appendix A: Sworn Statement of 2nd Lt. Jack R. Robinson
Appendix B: Original Charge Sheet
Appendix C: Sworn Statement of Capt. Peelor L. Wigginton
Appendix D: Sworn Statement of Capt. Gerald M. Bear
Appendix E: Sworn Statement of Mr. Milton N. Renegar
Appendix F: Sworn Statement of PFC Ben W. Mucklerath
Appendix G: Sworn Statement of Mr. Bevlia B. Younger
Appendix H: Sworn Statement of Mrs. Elizabeth Poitevint
Appendix I: Sworn Statement of Mrs. Ruby Johnson
Appendix J: Sworn Statement of Acting Cpl. George A. Elwood
Appendix K: Sworn Statement of Sgt. William L. Painter
Appendix L: Sworn Statement of Acting Cpl. Eugene J. Henrie
Appendix M: Sworn Statement of Acting Cpl. Elmer S. Feris
Appendix N: Sworn Statement of Capt. Edward L. Hamilton
Appendix O: Sworn Statement of 1st Lt. George Cribari
Appendix P: Sworn Statement of Pvt. Walter H. Plotkin
Appendix Q: Sworn Statement of Pvt. Lester G. Phillips
Appendix R: Final Charge Sheet
Appendix S: Summary of Telephone Conversation
Appendix T: Letter to Assistant Secretary of War Truman K. Gibson
Appendix U: Second Sworn Statement of Capt. Gerald M. Bear
Appendix V: Sworn Statement of Mrs. Virginia Jones
Appendix W: Request for Retirement from Active Service
Appendix X: Follow Up Request for Retirement from Active Service
Appendix Y: Court-Martial Transcript
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