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Series Page
Title Page
Part One: In Theory
Chapter 1: Genetics, Schools, and Learning
The Aims and Assumptions of Education
Diverse Opportunities to Draw Out Individual Potential
DNA in the Classroom
In Summary…
Chapter 2: How We Know What We Know
Twins: A Natural Experiment
DNA Sequencing
Chapter 3: The 3Rs: Reading, wRiting…
From DNA to ABC
Environmental Influences on Reading Ability
Struggling Readers
The Genetics of Writing Ability
Chapter 4: … and 'Rithmetic
So, Why are Some People Better at Math than Others?
How does Nurture Affect Mathematical Ability?
Chapter 5: Physical Education: Who, What, Why, Where, and How?
Genes, Sports, and Smoking
Obesity, Genes, and Environment
The Heritability of Fitness
Gym Class Heroes
In Summary…
Chapter 6: Science: A Different Way of Thinking?
Differences Between the Sexes
In Summary…
Chapter 7: How do IQ and Motivation Fit In?
IQ + Genetics = Controversy (and Name-calling)
Self-Confidence and Motivation
Improving Confidence and Cognition in the Classroom
Chapter 8: Special Educational Needs: Ideas and Inspiration
The Expansion of Special Educational Needs
Personalized Learning in Action
In Summary…
Chapter 9: “Clones” in the Classroom
Positivity and Achievement
Clones in the Classroom
Chapter 10: Mind the Gap: Social Status and School Quality
Low SES: What Does It Look Like?
What Does the Heritability of SES Mean?
School Quality
Chapter 11: Genetics and Learning: The Big Ideas
Big Idea #1: Achievement and Ability Vary, Partly for Genetic Reasons
Big Idea #2: The Abnormal is Normal
Big Idea #3: Continuity is Genetic and Change is Environmental
Big Idea #4: Genes are Generalists and Environments are Specialists
Big Idea #5: Environments are Influenced by Genes
Big Idea #6: The Environments that Matter Most are Unique to Individuals
Big Idea #7: Equality of Opportunity Requires Diversity of Opportunity
Part Two: In Practice
Chapter 12: Personalization in Practice
So, What Can Be Done to Make Teaching and Learning More Personalized?
A Good “Mindset” for Learning
Other Ways to Personalize Learning
In Summary…
Chapter 13: Eleven Policy Ideas
1. Minimize the Core Curriculum and Test Basic Skills
2. Increase Choice
3. Forget About Labels
4. Teach the Child, As Well As the Class
5. Teach Children How To Succeed
6. Promote Equal Opportunities from an Early Age as a Foundation for Social Mobility in the Future
7. Equalize Extracurricular Opportunities at School
8. Create a Two Stage PE Program
9. Change the Destination
10. Train New Teachers in Genetics and Give Them the Tools to Put it Into Practice
11. Big Is Beautiful
Chapter 14: Education Secretary for a Day
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