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Imperial Library
Cover Page
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Title Page
Copyright Page
Bunyan’s Writings
Some Dates
I. Bunyan’s England 1628–1688
1. The English Revolution
2. The Rich, the Poor, and the Middling Sort
3. Popular Literature
II. From Elstow to Newport Pagnell and Back
4. The Bunyans
5. In the Army
i. Newport Pagnell
ii. Paul Hobson
iii. Back to Elstow
III. Grace Abounding and the 1650S
6. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
i. Spiritual Autobiography
ii. The Battle of the Texts
iii. The Lost Inheritance
7. Ranters and Quakers
8. Early Writings
i. Anti-Quaker Pamphlets, 1656–1657
ii. Dives and Lazarus
9. Bunyan and the Bedford Congregation
i. The Congregation
ii. Millenarianism
IV. Holding On
10. Preaching and Imprisonment
11. Adapting to the Restoration
i. ‘Normality’ Restored
ii. In Jail
12. The Tinker and the Latitudinarians
i. The Subversive Bible
ii. Bunyan and Edward Fowler
iii. Tinkers, Education, and Literature
13. The Church after the Restoration
i. Bunyan and his Congregation
ii. Millenarianism again
V. Bunyan’s Theology
14. Some Influences
i. Luther and Foxe
ii. Arthur Dent (d. 1607)
iii. Lewis Bayly (d. 1631)
iv. Richard Bernard (1567–1641)
v. William Dell(?1607–1669)
vi. John Owen (1616-1683)
vii. The Bible
15. Covenant Theology
i. The Protestant Heritage
ii. The Will for the Deed
iii. The Metaphors of Bunyan’s Covenant Theology
16. Social Uses of Hell-fire
17. Antinomianism
VI. Bunyan’s Major Creative Period: 1678–1686
18. The Pilgrim’s Progress
i. The Allegory and its Antecedents
ii. Sweating Work
iii. From this World to That Which is to Come
iv. Progress, Circular, Linear, and Psychological
v. Satire and Vanity Fair
vi. Christian’s Wife and Children
19. The Life and Death of Mr. Badman
20. The Holy War
i. Allegory and Epic
ii. Sources for the Epic
iii. The Holy War and Bedford Corporation
21. Music, Singing, and Poetry
i. Music
ii. Poems
22. Self-denial and Humility
i. Self-denial
ii. Songs in The Pilgrim’s Progress
VII. Last Years, Dangerous Years
23. Bunyans Printers
24. The Palace Beautiful
i. Baptism and the Church
ii. Bunyan and the Woman Question
iii. ‘Prayerless Professors’
25. Kings and Antichrist: Seeming Delays
26. Posthumous Writings: ‘Who bid the boar come here?’
VIII. Life after Death: 1688 Onwards
27. Bunyan and Dissent
28. Bunyan and Popular Culture
i. Between Two Cultures
ii. Prose and Verse
iii. Bunyan and Milton
29. Bunyan and the World
i. Bunyan the Man
ii. Bunyan’s Contemporary Reputation
iii. ‘Behold it was a Dream’
Appendix: The Radicalism of the New Model Army and the Existence of the Ranters
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