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1, 2 Kings
A. The Rise of Solomon (1:1–2:46)
1. His Accession to the Throne (1:1–2:11)
a. Adonijah’s plot to seize the crown (1:1–10)
i. David’s feebleness (1:1–4)
ii. Adonijah’s attempted coup d’état (1:5–10)
b. The counterplan of Nathan (1:11–31)
c. Solomon’s anointing (1:32–40)
d. Adonijah’s submission (1:41–53)
e. David’s charge to Solomon (2:1–11)
2. His Establishment of the Kingdom (2:12–46)
a. His assumption to the throne (2:12)
b. Adonijah’s further scheme and execution (2:13–25)
c. The deposition of Abiathar and execution of Joab (2:26–34)
d. The elevation of Benaiah and Zadok (2:35)
e. The execution of Shimei (2:36–46)
B. Solomon’s Love for the Lord—God’s Approval (3:1–28)
1. The Marriage of Solomon to Pharaoh’s Daughter: Her Temporary Residence in the City of David (3:1)
2. Worship at Gibeon (3:2–4)
3. The Appearance of the Lord to Solomon (3:5–15)
a. Solomon’s prayer for wisdom (3:5–9)
b. God’s response (3:10–15)
4. Solomon’s Wisdom Demonstrated—Public Approval (3:16–28)
C. The Glories of Solomon’s Reign (4:1–34 [4:1–5:14])
1. The Organization of His Kingdom: His Officials (4:1–19)
2. His Royal Splendor (4:20–28 [4:20–5:8])
3. His Superior Wisdom (4:29–34 [5:9–14])
D. Preparations for the Building of the Temple (5:1–18 [15–32])
1. Solomon’s League with Hiram of Tyre (5:1–12 [15–26])
2. Solomon’s Labor Force (5:13–18 [27–32])
E. The Building and Dedication of the Temple (6:1–9:9)
1. The Building of the Temple (6:1–38)
a. The outer structure (6:1–14)
b. The inner structure (6:15–35)
c. The court (6:36)
d. The conclusion (6:37–38)
2. Solomon’s Other Structures (7:1–12)
3. The Vessels of the Temple (7:13–51)
a. Hiram the craftsman (7:13–14)
b. The two bronze pillars (7:15–22)
c. The bronze Sea (7:23–26)
d. The ten bronze basins and their stands (7:27–39)
e. Summary of Hiram’s bronze work (7:40–47)
f. The furnishings of the temple (7:48–50)
g. The treasures of the temple (7:51)
4. The Dedication of the Temple (8:1–66)
a. Moving the ark and the tabernacle to the temple (8:1–11)
b. Solomon’s address (8:12–21)
c. Solomon’s sevenfold prayer of dedication (8:22–53)
i. The theme of the prayer (8:22–30)
ii. Seven specific requests (8:31–53)
d. Solomon’s benediction (8:54–61)
e. Solomon’s dedicatory sacrifice (8:62–66)
5. The Lord’s Second Appearance to Solomon (9:1–9)
D´. Events after, but Relating to, the Building of the Temple (9:10–25)
1. The Business Relations between Solomon and Hiram (9:10–14)
2. Solomon’s Labor Force (9:15–23)
3. Pharaoh’s Daughter Moves to Her Permanent Quarters (9:24)
4. Solomon Now Offers Sacrifices at the Temple in Jerusalem (9:25)
C´. The Glories of Solomon’s Reign (9:26–10:29)
1. Solomon’s Commercial Activities (9:26–28)
2. The Visit of the Queen of Sheba (10:1–13)
3. The Wonders of the Solomonic Era (10:14–29)
B´. Solomon’s Love for Pagan Wives—God’s Disapproval (11:1–13)
1. Solomon’s Many Wives (11:1–3)
2. Solomon’s Turning after Idols (11:4–10)
3. God’s Announcement of Punishment (11:11–13)
A´. The Decline of Solomon (11:14–43)
1. The Rise of Adversaries (11:14–40)
a. Hadad the Edomite (11:14–22)
b. Rezon of Damascus (11:23–25)
c. Jeroboam (11:26–40)
2. Solomon’s Death and the Accession of Rehoboam (11:41–43)
II. THE DIVIDED KINGDOM (1Ki 12:1-2Ki 17:41)
A. The Division of the Nation (12:1–24)
B. The Reign of Jeroboam in the Northern Kingdom (12:25–14:20)
1. The Establishment of Jeroboam’s Religion (12:25–32)
2. The Condemnation of Jeroboam’s Religion (12:33–13:34)
a. Jeroboam and the man of God (12:33–13:10)
b. The man of God and the old prophet (13:11–34)
3. The Consequences of Jeroboam’s Religion (14:1–18)
4. Concluding Remarks concerning Jeroboam’s Reign (14:19–20)
C. The Early Successors to Rehoboam and Jeroboam (14:21–16:14)
1. The Reign of Rehoboam in the Southern Kingdom (14:21–31)
2. The Reign of Abijah in the Southern Kingdom (15:1–8)
3. The Reign of Asa in the Southern Kingdom (15:9–24)
4. The Reign of Nadab in the Northern Kingdom (15:25–31)
5. The Second Dynasty in Israel (15:32–16:14)
a. Baasha (15:32–16:7)
b. Elah (16:8–14)
D. The Era of the Third Dynasty (1Ki 16:15-2Ki 9:37)
1. Interregnum: Zimri and Tibni (16:15–22)
2. The Reign of Omri in the Northern Kingdom (16:23–28)
3. The Reign of Ahab in the Northern Kingdom (16:29–22:40)
a. Ahab’s accession (16:29–34)
b. The prophetic ministry of Elijah (17:1–19:21)
i. Prologue: Elijah’s call (17:1–6)
ii. Development: Elijah’s ministry at Zarephath (17:7–24)
iii. Resolution: Elijah’s contest on Mount Carmel (18:1–46)
(a) Initiation: Elijah and Obadiah (18:1–15)
(b) Climax: Elijah and the prophets of Baal (18:16–46)
iv. Denouement: Elijah’s retreat to Horeb (19:1–18)
v. Epilogue: Elijah and the call of Elisha (19:19–21)
c. Ahab and the Syro-Israelite campaigns (20:1–43)
i. The Aramean crisis (20:1–12)
ii. The Israelite triumph (20:13–34)
iii. The prophet’s rebuke (20:35–43)
d. Ahab and the conscription of Naboth’s vineyard (21:1–29)
e. Ahab and the campaign for Ramoth Gilead (22:1–40)
i. Preparations for Ramoth Gilead (22:1–28)
ii. Closing details concerning Ahab (22:29–40)
4. The Reign of Jehoshaphat in the Southern Kingdom (22:41–50)
5. The Reign of Ahaziah in the Northern Kingdom (1Ki 22:51-2Ki 1:18)
6. The Prophetic Ministry of Elisha in the Era of Jehoram of the Northern Kingdom (2:1–9:37)
a. Prelude: prophetic transition (2:1–25)
b. Theme: The ministry of Elisha (3:1–8:15)
i. The Moabite campaign (3:1–27)
ii. Various miracles in the northern kingdom (4:1–44)
(a) Elisha and the widow’s oil (4:1–7)
(b) Elisha and the lady of Shunem (4:8–37)
(c) Elisha and the supplying of food (4:38–44)
iii. The Aramean crisis (5:1–8:6)
(a) Elisha, Naaman, and Gehazi (5:1–27)
(b) Elisha’s further miracle at the Jordan (6:1–7)
(c) The campaign for Samaria (6:8–7:20)
(d) A further note concerning Gehazi (8:1–6)
iv. The anointing of Hazael (8:7–15)
c. Interlude: The reigns of Jehoram and Ahaziah of the southern kingdom (8:16–29)
d. Postlude: the anointing of Jehu and the death of Joram of the northern kingdom (9:1–37)
i. Elisha’s anointing of Jehu (9:1–10)
ii. Jehu’s coup d’état (9:11–37)
E. The Era of the Fourth Dynasty (10:1–15:12)
1. The Reign of Jehu in the Northern Kingdom (10:1–36)
2. The Reign of Athaliah in the Southern Kingdom (11:1–20)
3. The Reign of Joash in the Southern Kingdom (11:21–12:21 [12:1–22])
4. The Reign of Jehoahaz in the Northern Kingdom (13:1–9)
5. The Reign of Jehoash in the Northern Kingdom (13:10–25)
6. The Reign of Amaziah in the Southern Kingdom (14:1–22)
7. The Reign of Jeroboam II in the Northern Kingdom (14:23–29)
8. The Reign of Uzziah in the Southern Kingdom (15:1–7)
9. The Reign of Zechariah in the Northern Kingdom (15:8–12)
F. The Era of the Decline and Fall of the Northern Kingdom (15:13–17:41)
1. The Reign of Shallum in the Northern Kingdom (15:13–15)
2. The Reign of Menahem in the Northern Kingdom (15:16–22)
3. The Reign of Pekahiah in the Northern Kingdom (15:23–26)
4. The Reign of Pekah in the Northern Kingdom (15:27–31)
5. The Reign of Jotham in the Southern Kingdom (15:32–38)
6. The Reign of Ahaz in the Southern Kingdom (16:1–20)
7. The Reign of Hoshea in the Northern Kingdom (17:1–23)
8. The Repopulation of Samaria (17:24–41)
A. The Reign of Hezekiah (18:1–20:21)
1. Hezekiah’s Accession and Early Deeds (18:1–12)
2. The Assyrian Invasion and Siege of Jerusalem (18:13–37)
3. Prophetic Encouragement amid the Continued Siege (19:1–13)
4. Hezekiah’s Prayer and Isaiah’s Prophecy (19:14–37)
5. Hezekiah’s Sickness and Miraculous Recovery (20:1–11)
6. Hezekiah and Merodach-Baladan’s Embassy (20:12–21)
B. The Reign of Manasseh (21:1–18)
C. The Reign of Amon (21:19–26)
D. The Reign of Josiah (22:1–23:30)
1. Josiah’s Accession and Repair of the Temple (22:1–7)
2. Josiah and the Book of the Law (22:8–20)
3. Josiah’s Further Reforms (23:1–23)
4. Josiah’s Latter Days (23:24–30)
E. The Last Days of Judah (23:31–25:21)
1. The Reigns of Jehoahaz and Jehoiakim (23:31–24:7)
2. The Reigns of Jehoiachin and Zedekiah (24:8–25:21)
F. Historical Appendices (25:22–30)
1. Judah in Exile (25:22–26)
2. The Later History of Jehoiachin (25:27–30)
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