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Title Page
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Editor’s Preface
Author’s Preface
I. The Structure of Matthew
II. Galilee and Jerusalem
III. The Matthean Discourses
IV. Fulfillment—The “Formula Quotations”
V. Who? Where? When? How? Some Broad Proposals on the Provenance of the “Gospel of Matthew”
A. Author
B. Provenance and Setting
C. Date
D. Relation to Mark and Luke
I. Introducing the Messiah (1:1–4:11)
A. The “Book of Origin” of the Messiah (1:1–17)
B. A Demonstration That Jesus of Nazareth Is the Messiah: Five Scriptural Proofs (1:18–2:23)
1. Joseph, Son of David, Accepts Jesus as His Son (1:18–25)
2. The King of the Jews Born in the City of David (2:1–12)
3. God’s Son Brought out of Egypt (2:13–15)
4. The King Tries to Thwart God’s Purpose (2:16–18)
5. A Galilean Messiah (2:19–23)
C. The Messiah’s Herald (3:1–12)
D. The Messiah Revealed as the Son of God (3:13–17)
E. The Testing of the Son of God: The Messiah as the True Israel (4:1–11)
II. Galilee: The Messiah Revealed in Word and Deed (4:12–16:20)
A. The Light Dawns in Galilee (4:12–17)
B. The Founding of the Messianic Community (4:18–22)
C. An Overview of the Messiah’s Revelation in Galilee (4:23–25)
D. The Messiah’s Authority Revealed in His Teaching: The Discourse on Discipleship (5:1–7:29)
1. Teaching in the Hills (5:1–2)
2. The Good Life: The Paradoxical Values of the Kingdom of Heaven (5:3–10)
a. The “Beatitude” Form
b. The Meaning of Makarios
c. The Structure of Matthew’s Beatitudes
d. Matthew’s Beatitudes Compared with Luke 6:20–26
e. The OT Background of Matthew’s Beatitudes
f. The Eschatological Character of the Promises
3. The Distinctiveness of the Disciples (5:11–16)
4. Fulfilling the Law (5:17–48)
a. Fulfilling the Law: General Principles (5:17–20)
b. Fulfilling the Law: Six Examples (5:21–47)
(1) Murder (5:21–26)
(2) Adultery (5:27–30)
(3) Divorce (5:31–32)
(4) Swearing (5:33–37)
(5) Retribution (5:38–42)
(6) Love (5:43–47)
c. Fulfilling the Law: Summary (5:48)
5. Piety: True and False Three Contrasts (6:1–18)
a. The General Principle: Avoiding Ostentation in Religion (6:1)
b. Secret Almsgiving (6:2–4)
c. Secret Prayer (6:5–6)
d. Further Teaching on Prayer (6:6–8)
e. The Pattern Prayer (6:9–13)
f. Comment on the Lord’s Prayer (6:14–15)
g. Secret Fasting (6:16–18)
6. Treasure in Heaven (6:19–24)
7. Trusting Your Heavenly Father (6:25–34)
8. Criticism (7:1–6)
9. Expect Good Things from God (7:7–11)
10. Fulfilling the Law and the Prophets (7:12)
11. Responding to Jesus’ Words: Four Warnings (7:13–27)
a. Scene 1: The Broad and Narrow Roads (7:13–14)
b. Scene 2: False Prophets: Good and Bad Fruit (7:15–20)
c. Scene 3: Insiders and Outsiders: Things May Not Be as They Seem (7:21–23)
d. Scene 4: Two House Builders Hearing and Doing (7:24–27)
12. The Authority of the Teachers Recognized (7:28–29)
E. The Messiah’s Authority Revealed in His Action: An Anthology of Works of Power (8:1–9:34)
1. Three Miracles of Healing and Restoration (8:1–17)
a. The Leper (8:1–4)
b. The Centurion’s Servant (8:5–13)
c. Peter’s Mother-in-Law (8:14–15)
d. Conclusion of the First Group of Miracles (8:16–17)
2. Following Jesus: Two Contrasting Case Studies (8:18–22)
3. Three Further Demonstrations of Authority (8:23–9:8)
a. The Storm on the Lake (8:23–27)
b. The Gadarene Demoniacs (8:28–34)
c. The Paralyzed Man (9:1–8)
4. Following Jesus: Tax Collectors and Sinners (8:9–17)
5. Three Further Stories of Deliverance (9:18–34)
a. Two Women Restored (9:18–26)
b. Two Blind Men Healed (9:27–30)
c. Conflicting Responses to an Exorcism (9:32–34)
F. The Messiah’s Authority Shared with His Disciples: The Discourse on Mission (9:35–11:1)
1. The Context of Mission (9:35–38)
2. The Mission of the Twelve (10:1–4)
3. Instructions for the Mission (10:5–15)
4. The Expectation of Persecution (10:16–23)
5. How to Respond to Persecution (10:24–33)
6. The Radical Effects of Jesus’ Mission (10:34–39)
7. Supporters (10:42–44)
8. Jesus Resumes His Mission (11:1)
G. Varying Responses to the Messiah (11:2–30)
1. John the Baptist (11:2–19)
a. John’s Estimate of Jesus (11:2–6)
b. Jesus’ Estimate of John (11:7–15)
c. The People’s Estimate of Both John and Jesus (11:16–19)
2. Unresponsive Towns in Galilee (11:20–24)
3. Revelation to the Little Ones (11:25–30)
H. Jesus’ Authority Challenged (12:1–45)
1. Conflicts over Keeping the Sabbath (12:1–14)
2. Jesus Withdraws from Confrontation (12:15–21)
3. The Accusation of Using Demonic Power (12:22–37)
4. The Demand for a Sign (12:38–45)
I. Jesus’ True Family (12:46–50)
J. The Kingdom of Heaven—Proclamation and Response: The Parable Discourse (13:1–53)
1. Fishing by the Lake (13:1–3a)
2. Introductory Parable: The Sower (13:3b-8)
3. About Teaching in Parables (13:10–17)
4. Explanation of the Parable of the Sower (13:18–23)
5. Three Further Parables of Growth (13:24–33)
a. The Parable of the Weeds (13:24–30)
b. The Parable of the Mustard Seed and of the Leaven (13:31–33)
6. About Teaching in Parables (13:34–35)
7. Explanation of the Parable of the Weeds (13:36–43)
8. Three Further Short Parables (13:44–50)
a. The Parables of the Treasure and of the Pearl (13:44–46)
b. The Parable of the Net and Its Explanation (13:47–50)
9. Concluding Parable: The Householder (13:51–52)
10. Moving On (13:53)
K. Further Hostile Responses (13:54–14:12)
1. Nazareth (13:54–58)
2. Herod Antipas (14:1–12)
L. Miracles around the Lake (14:13–36)
1. Feeding the Crowd (14:13–21)
2. Walking on the Water (14:22–33)
3. Many Healings (14:33–36)
M. A Further Challenge: The Question of Purity (15:1–20)
N. The Messiah’s Mission Extended beyond Israel (15:21–39)
1. The Faith of a Canaanite Woman (15:21–28)
2. Many Healings (15:29–31)
3. Feeding the Crowd (15:32–39)
O. The End of the Galilean Mission (16:1–12)
1. Jesus Dismisses His Critics (16:1–4)
2. The Disciples Begin to Understand (16:5–12)
P. The Messiah Recognized by His Disciples (16:13–20)
III. From Galilee to Jerusalem: the Messiah and His Followers Prepare for the Confrontation (16:21–20:34)
A. A Glimpse into the Future: Messianic Suffering and Glory (16:21–17:13)
1. Messianic Suffering Asserted and Challenged (16:21–23)
2. The Disciples’ Loyalty and its Consequences (16:24–28)
3. Glory Revealed on the Mountain (17:1–8)
4. Glory and Suffering: Elijah, John, and Jesus (17:9–13)
B. Back to the Present: Frustration and Accommodation (17:14–27)
1. The Disciples’ Failure in Exorcism (17:14–20)
2. Second Prediction of the Passion (17:22–23)
3. Paying the Temple Tax (17:24–27)
C. Living Together as Disciples: The Discourse on Relationships (18:1–19:2)
1. The Disciples’ Question about Status (18:1)
2. The Example of the Child (18:2–5)
3. Care for the Little Ones: The Danger of Stumbling Blocks (18:6–9)
4. Care for the Little Ones: The Parable of the Sheep (18:10–14)
5. Dealing with a Brother’s Sin (18:15–17)
6. The Authority of the Disciple Community (18:18–30)
7. Peter’s Question about Forgiveness (18:21)
8. Unlimited Forgiveness: The Parable of the Debtors (18:22–35)
9. Moving On to Jerusalem (19:1–2)
D. The Revolutionary Values of the Kingdom of Heaven: Reeducation for the Disciples (19:3–20:28)
1. Marriage, Divorce, and Celibacy (19:3–12)
2. Children (19:13–15)
3. Wealth (19:16–26)
4. Rewards (19:27–30)
5. The Parable of Unequal Wages for Equal Work (20:1–16)
6. Third Prediction of the Passion (20:17–19)
7. Status in the Kingdom of Heaven: James and John (20:28)
E. Sight Restored (20:29–34)
IV. Jerusalem: The Messiah in Confrontation with the Religious Authorities (21:1–25:46)
A. The Confrontation Begins: Three Symbolic Actions (21:1–27)
1. The King Comes to Jerusalem (21:1–11)
2. The Messiah Asserts His Authority in the Temple Court (21:12–17)
3. A Fruitless Tree Destroyed (21:18–22)
4. Jesus’ Authority Is Challenged (21:23–27)
B. Three Polemical Parables (21:28–22:14)
1. The Two Sons (21:28–32)
2. The Vineyard (21:33–44)
3. Reaction to Jesus’ Parables (21:45–46)
4. The Wedding Feast (22:1–14)
C. Three Challenges and a Counter-Challenge (22:15–46)
1. The Question about the Poll Tax (22:15–22)
2. The Question about Resurrection and Marriage (22:23–33)
3. The Question about the Greatest Commandment (22:34–40)
4. Jesus’ Question about the Messiah (22:41–46)
D. Jesus’ Verdict on Jerusalem and Its Leadership (23:1–24:2)
1. Warning against the Scribes and Pharisees (23:1–12)
2. Seven Woes on the Scribes and Pharisees (23:13–36)
3. Judgment on Jerusalem (23:37–39)
4. Jesus Leaves the Temple and Predicts Its Destruction (24:1–2)
E. The End of the Old Order and the Reign of the Son of Man: The Discourse on the Future (24:3–25:46)
1. The Disciples’ Double Question (24:3)
2. Jesus Answers the Question about the Destruction of the Temple (24:4–35)
a. The End Is Not Yet (24:4–8)
b. Standing Firm in Difficult Times (24:9–14)
c. The Beginning of the End for Jerusalem (24:15–28)
d. The End of the Temple and the Triumph of the Son of Man (24:29–31)
e. Summary of the Answer to the Disciples’ First Question (24:32–35)
3. Jesus Answers the Question about the parousia and the End of the Age (24:36–25:46)
a. The Unknown Time of the parousia (24:36–44)
b. The Parable of the Slave Left in Charge (24:45–51)
c. The Parable of the Girls Waiting for the Bridegroom (25:1–13)
d. The Parable of the Slaves Entrusted with a Lot of Money (25:14–30)
e. The Final Judgment by the Son of Man (25:31–46)
V. Jerusalem: The Messiah Rejected, Killed, and Vindicated (26:1–28:15)
A. Setting the Scene (26:1–16)
1. The Passover (26:1–2)
2. The Priests’ Plot to Kill Jesus (26:3–5)
3. A Woman Anoints Jesus (26:6–13)
4. Judas Offers to Help the Priests (26:14–16)
B. Jesus’ Last Hours with the Disciples (26:17–46)
1. Preparing the Passover Meal (26:17–19)
2. Jesus’ Last Meal with His Disciples (26:20–30)
3. Jesus Predicts the Disciples’ Failure (26:31–35)
4. Jesus Prays in Gethsemane While the Disciples Sleep (26:36–46)
C. The Arrest and Trials of Jesus (26:47–27:26)
1. The Arrest of Jesus (26:47–56)
2. The Hearing before the Sanhedrin (26:57–68)
3. Peter’s Failure (26:69–75)
4. Jesus Brought to the Roman Prefect for Trial (27:1–2)
5. The Remorse and Suicide of Judas (27:3–10)
6. The Roman Trial (27:11–26)
D. The Death and Burial of Jesus (27:27–66)
1. Jesus Mocked by the Roman Soldiers (27:27–31)
2. The Crucifixion (27:32–38)
3. Jesus Mocked by Fellow Jews (27:39–44)
4. The Death of Jesus (27:45–54)
5. Women Who Witnessed Jesus’ Death and Burial (27:55–56)
6. The Burial of Jesus (27:57–61)
7. The Guard at the Tomb (27:62–66)
E. The Empty Tomb and the Risen Jesus (28:1–10)
F. Last Glimpse of Jerusalem: The Priests Cover Up (28:11–15)
VI. Galilee: The Messianic Mission is Launched (28:16–20)
I. Modern Authors
II. Subjects
III. Biblical and Other Ancient References
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