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1. Write a program to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
2. How to add two numbers without using the plus operator?
3. How to subtract two numbers without using the subtraction operator ?
4. Write a program for swapping of two numbers.
5. Write a program to add digits of a number or calculate sum of digits.
6. Write a program to print complex number.
7. Write a program to check whether input alphabet is a vowel or not.
8. Write a program to check if given integer is positive or negative.
9. Write a program to find the area of a trapezium.
10. Write a program for swapping of two numbers using function (call by value).
11. Write a program to find greatest number between three numbers.
12. Write a program to find greatest number among four numbers by ternary operator.
13. Write a program to find smallest number among four numbers by using ternary operator.
14. Write a program to find largest element using dynamic memory allocation.
15. Write a program to print perfect numbers from 1 to 100.
16. Write a program to reverse a given number.
17. Write a program to find generic root of number or sum of digits of a number unit we don't get a single digit.
18. Write a Program to print numbers from 1 to n numbers without using loop.
19. Write a program to find the sum of first n natural numbers using For loop.
20. Write a program to check whether a number is even or odd.
21. Write a program to calculate the sum of odd & even numbers upto n numbers.
22. Write a program to check whether a number is strong or not.
23. Write a program of simple bubble sort implementation using array ascending order.
24. How to calculate power of a number in C.
25. Write a program to check whether a year is leap year or not.
26. Write a program to find HCF and LCM of numbers.
27. Write a program to print multiplication table.
28. Write a program to print prime numbers between 1-200 using break and continue.
29. Write a program to check whether a number is prime number or not.
30. Write a program to find prime factor of number.
31. Write a program to find factorial of a number.
32. Write a program to print Fibonacci series.
33. Write a program to print Armstrong numbers from 1 to 500.
34. Write a program to check whether a number is Armstrong number or not.
35. Write a program to check whether a number is Prime or Armstrong number using user-defined function.
36. Write a program to check whether a number can be express as sum of two prime numbers.
37. Write a program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.
38. Write a program to reverse a number and check if it is a palindrome.
39. Write a program to find out the sum of in A.P. series.
40. Write a program to find out the sum of G.P series.
41. Write a program to find out the sum of infinite G.P. series.
42. Write a program to find out the sum of series 1 + 2 + …. + n.
43. Write a program to find out the sum of series 1^3 + 2^3 + …. + n^3.
44. Write a program to find roots of a quadratic equation.
45. Write a program to print rectangle pyramid of numbers.
46. Write a program to print numerical as Pascal’s triangle pattern.
47. Write a program to print “*” as inverted Pascal’s triangle pattern.
48. Write a program to print numerical as Floyd’s triangle pattern.
49. Write a program to print character as Floyd’s triangle pattern.
50. Write a program to print “*” as inverted Floyd’s triangle pattern.
51. Write a program to print diamond pattern.
52. Write a program to search an element in an array using binary search.
53. Write a program for binary to decimal conversion.
54. Write a program for decimal to octal converter.
55. How to convert large binary number to hexadecimal.
56. Write a program for hexadecimal to binary conversion.
57. Write a program to convert octal number to decimal number.
58. Write a program to covert each digits of a number in English word.
59. Write a program for multiplication of two binary numbers.
60. Write a program which prints initial of any name.
61. Write a program for addition of matrices.
62. Write a program to find sum of diagonal elements of a matrix.
63. Write a program to check whether two matrices are equal or not.
64. Write a program to check whether a given matrix is identity matrix or not.
65. Write a program to check whether a given matrix is a sparse matrix or dense matrix.
66. Write a program to calculate sum of the elements of each row and column.
67. Write a program to find the frequency of Odd and Even numbers in the given matrix.
68. Write a program for swapping of two arrays.
69. Write a program to print lower triangular matrix.
70. Write a program to print upper triangular matrix.
71. Write a program for multiplication of two matrices.
72. Write a program to find inverse of a matrix.
73. Write a program to find transpose of matrix.
74. Write a program to find determinant of a matrix.
75. Write a program to find the largest element in an array.
76. Write a program to find the second largest element in an array.
77. Write a program to find the second smallest element in an array.
78. Write a program to insert an element in an array at desired position.
79. Write a program to remove duplicate elements in an array.
80. Write a program to delete an element at desired position from an array.
81. Write a program to compare two strings using “strcmp” functions.
82. Write a program to compare two strings without using string functions.
83. Write a program to find length of string using “strlen” function.
84. Write a program to find length of string without using library function.
85. Write a program to copy string using “strcpy” library function.
86. Write a program to copy string without using strcpy library function.
87. Write a program to reverse a string using “strrev” library function.
88. Write a program to reverse a string without using strrev library function.
89. Write a program for Swapping of strings.
90. Write a Program to sort a string in alphabetic order.
91. Write a program to find palindrome of string.
92. Write a program to find palindrome of string without using string function.
93. Write a program for String concatenation using “strcat” string functions.
94. Write a program for String concatenation without using string functions.
95. Write a program to check whether entered character is uppercase letter or not without using library function.
96. Write a program for Conversion from uppercase to lower case.
97. Write a program to delete vowels from string.
98. Write a program to count number of capital letters, small letter, digits, special symbol at given string.
99. Write a program to find number of vowels, consonants, digits and white space.
100. Write a program to check whether two strings are anagrams or not.
101. Write a program to remove all characters in second string which are present in first string.
102. Write a program to reverse a string using both recursion and iteration.
103. Write a program will accept Year, Month and Date from the user and will display the day of the month.
104. Write a program to convert string into ASCII values.
105. Write a program to convert from roman numbers to english numbers.
106. Write a program to convert any number to english word.
107. Write a program to add two numbers using pointer.
108. Write a program to add two numbers using call by reference.
109. Write a program for swapping to variables using pointer (call by reference).
110. Write a program to compute sum of the array elements using pointers.
111. Write a program to find size of structure data type without using size of operator.
112. Write a program to store and display information of single student using structure.
113. Write a program to read and print details of 50 students using structure.
114. Write a program to store information using structure with dynamically memory allocation.
115. Write a program to print sum of two complex numbers by passing structure to a function.
116. Write a program to see difference between union and structure.
117. Write a program to read or open a file.
118. Write a program to copy files.
119. Write a program to merge two files.
120. Write a program to delete a file.
121. Write a C program to write all the members of an array of structure to a file using fwrite(). Read the array from the file and display on the screen.
122. Write a program to write on data file and read from data file.
123. Write a program to concatenate many files and store them in a file.
124. Write a program to find number of lines in text file.
125. Write a program to replace specified line in a text file.
126. Write a program to delete specific line from a text file.
127. Write a program to implement stooge sort.
128. Write a program to get LCM of two numbers using recursion.
129. Write a program to find GCD of numbers using recursion.
130. Write a program to get power of a number using recursion.
131. Write a program to find factorial of number using recursion.
132. Write a program to print Fibonacci series using recursion.
133. Write a program to convert decimal number to binary number using recursion.
134. Write a program to find the largest number in array using recursion.
135. Write a program to find reverse of number using recursion.
136. Write a program to display ATM transaction.
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