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Imperial Library
Title Page
About This Book
c. 500,000 BCE: Crystals
c. 3300 BCE: Bronze
c. 2800 BCE: Soap
c. 1300 BCE: Iron Smelting
c. 1200 BCE: Purification
c. 550 BCE: Gold Refining
c. 450 BCE: The Four Elements
c. 400 BCE: Atomism
210 BCE: Mercury
c. 60 CE: Natural Products
c. 126: Roman Concrete
c. 200: Porcelain
c. 672: Greek Fire
c. 800: The Philosopher’s Stone
c. 800: Viking Steel
c. 850: Gunpowder
c. 900: Alchemy
c. 1280: Aqua Regia
c. 1280: Fractional Distillation
1538: Toxicology
1540: Diethyl Ether
1556: De Re Metallica
1605: The Advancement of Learning
1607: Yorkshire Alum
1631: Quinine
1661: The Sceptical Chymist
1667: Phlogiston
1669: Phosphorus
1700: Hydrogen Sulfide
c. 1706: Prussian Blue
1746: Sulfuric Acid
1752: Hydrogen Cyanide
1754: Carbon Dioxide
1758: Cadet’s Fuming Liquid
1766: Hydrogen
1774: Oxygen
1789: Conservation of Mass
1791: Titanium
1792: Ytterby
1804: Morphine
1805: Electroplating
1806: Amino Acids
1807: Electrochemical Reduction
1808: Dalton’s Atomic Theory
1811: Avogadro’s Hypothesis
1813: Chemical Notation
1814: Paris Green
1815: Cholesterol
1819: Caffeine
1822: Supercritical Fluids
1828: Beryllium
1828: Wöhler’s Urea Synthesis
1832: Functional Groups
1834: Ideal Gas Law
1834: Photochemistry
1839: Polymers and Polymerization
1839: Daguerreotype
1839: Rubber
1840: Ozone
1842: Phosphate Fertilizer
1847: Nitroglycerine
1848: Chirality
1852: Fluorescence
1854: Separatory Funnel
1856: Perkin’s Mauve
1856: Mirror Silvering
1859: Flame Spectroscopy
1860: Cannizzaro at Karlsruhe
1860: Oxidation States
1861: Erlenmeyer Flask
1861: Structural Formula
1864: Solvay Process
1865: Benzene and Aromaticity
1868: Helium
1869: The Periodic Table
1874: Tetrahedral Carbon Atoms
1876: Gibbs Free Energy
1877: Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
1877: Friedel-Crafts Reaction
1878: Indigo Synthesis
1879: Soxhlet Extractor
1881: Fougère Royale
1883: Claus Process
1883: Liquid Nitrogen
1884: Fischer and Sugars
1885: Le Châtelier’s Principle
1886: Isolation of Fluorine
1886: Aluminum
1887: Cyanide Gold Extraction
1888: Liquid Crystals
1891: Thermal Cracking
1892: Chlor-Alkali Process
1892: Acetylene
1893: Thermite
1893: Borosilicate Glass
1893: Coordination Compounds
1894: The Mole
1894: Asymmetric Induction
1894: Diazomethane
1895: Liquid Air
1896: Greenhouse Effect
1897: Aspirin
1897: Zymase Fermentation
1897: Hydrogenation
1898: Neon
1900: Grignard Reaction
1900: Free Radicals
1900: Silicones
1901: Chromatography
1902: Polonium and Radium
1905: Infrared Spectroscopy
1907: Bakelite®
1907: Spider Silk
1909: pH and Indicators
1909: Haber-Bosch Process
1909: Salvarsan
1912: X-Ray Crystallography
1912: Maillard Reaction
1912: Stainless Steel
1912: Boranes and the Vacuum-Line Technique
1912: Dipole Moments
1913: Mass Spectrometry
1913: Isotopes
1915: Chemical Warfare
1917: Surface Chemistry
1918: Radithor
1920: Dean-Stark Trap
1920: Hydrogen Bonding
1921: Tetraethyl Lead
1923: Acids and Bases
1923: Radioactive Tracers
1925: Fischer-Tropsch Process
1928: Diels-Alder Reaction
1928: Reppe Chemistry
1930: Chlorofluorocarbons
1931: Sigma and Pi Bonding
1931: Deuterium
1932: Carbonic Anhydrase
1932: Vitamin C
1932: Sulfanilamide
1933: Polyethylene
1934: Superoxide
1934: The Fume Hood
1935: Transition State Theory
1935: Nylon
1936: Nerve Gas
1936: Technetium
1937: Cellular Respiration
1937: Elixir Sulfanilamide
1937: Reaction Mechanisms
1938: Catalytic Cracking
1938: Teflon®
1939: The Last Element in Nature
1939: The Nature of the Chemical Bond
1939: DDT
1940: Gaseous Diffusion
1942: Steroid Chemistry
1942: Cyanoacrylates
1943: LSD
1943: Streptomycin
1943: Bari Raid
1944: Birch Reduction
1944: Magnetic Stirring
1945: Penicillin
1945: Glove Boxes
1947: Antifolates
1947: Kinetic Isotope Effects
1947: Photosynthesis
1948: Donora Death Fog
1949: Catalytic Reforming
1949: Molecular Disease
1949: Nonclassical Ion Controversy
1950: Conformational Analysis
1950: Cortisone
1950: Rotary Evaporator
1951: Sanger Sequencing
1951: The Pill
1951: Alpha-Helix and Beta-Sheet
1951: Ferrocene
1951: Transuranic Elements
1952: Gas Chromatography
1952: Miller-Urey Experiment
1952: Zone Refining
1952: Thallium Poisoning
1953: DNA’s Structure
1953: Synthetic Diamond
1955: Electrophoresis
1956: The Hottest Flame
1957: Luciferin
1958: DNA Replication
1960: Thalidomide
1960: Resolution and Chiral Chromatography
1961: NMR
1962: Green Fluorescent Protein
1962: Noble Gas Compounds
1962: Isoamyl Acetate and Esters
1963: Ziegler-Natta Catalysis
1963: Merrifield Synthesis
1963: Dipolar Cycloadditions
1964: Kevlar®
1965: Protein Crystallography
1965: Cisplatin
1965: Lead Contamination
1965: Methane Hydrate
1965: Woodward-Hoffman Rules
1966: Polywater
1967: HPLC
1968: BZ Reaction
1969: Murchison Meteorite
1969: Gore-Tex®
1970: Carbon Dioxide Scrubbing
1970: Computational Chemistry
1970: Glyphosate
1971: Reverse-Phase Chromatography
1972: Rapamycin
1973: B12: Synthesis
1974: CFCs and the Ozone Layer
1975: Enzyme Stereochemistry
1976: PET Imaging
1977: Nozaki Coupling
1979: Tholin
1980: Iridium Impact Hypothesis
1982: Unnatural Products
1982: MPTP
1983: Polymerase Chain Reaction
1984: Electrospray LC/MS
1984: AZT and Antiretrovirals
1984: Quasicrystals
1984: Bhopal Disaster
1985: Fullerenes
1985: MALDI
1988: Modern Drug Discovery
1988: Pepcon®: Explosion
1989: Taxol®
1991: Carbon Nanotubes
1994: Palytoxin
1997: Coordination Frameworks
1998: Recrystallization and Polymorphs
2001: Click Triazoles
2004: Graphene
2005: Shikimic Acid Shortage
2005: Olefin Metathesis
2006: Flow Chemistry
2006: Isotopic Distribution
2009: Acetonitrile
2010: Engineered Enzymes
2010: Metal-Catalyzed Couplings
2013: Single-Molecule Images
2025: Hydrogen Storage
2030: Artificial Photosynthesis
Notes and Further Reading
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