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Ānāpāna Sati Samadhi
The Background to the Girimānanda discourse
The Most Popular Meditation Technique
It can be practiced by anybody
Importance of in and out breathing
You become deeply silent
All the qualities required for Buddhahood will be developed eventually
Noble living of Lord Buddha
Direct path
Your closest friend
Penetration into Ānāpāna Sati Samādhi
Right environment
Right Posture
Aches and pains
Benefits of maintaining the upper body straight
External sounds
Establish a comfortable posture
Identify the external sensations
Preparation of the Mind
The Rat-race
The Meaning of life
Experience the impermanence
Things owned will perish
Our attitudes should change
Realize the uselessness of thoughts
No end to joyful moments
The Five Hindrances
Do not disturb
Dialogues within the mind
Vyāpāda” (Aversion)
Thῑna Middha” (Sleepiness and drowsiness)
Uddhacca kukkucca”( Sloth and Torpor )
Vicikicchā” (Doubtfulness)
Training in Meditation
Establish mindfulness
What is happening in this moment?
Nothing to ponder about
Bombarded by “Ego”
Being aware of the body
Breathing is an action
Developing Mindfulness
Tiredness in meditation
Phases of breath
Mindfulness becomes sharp
The interval between inhalation and exhalation
Three properties of the breath
The entire body breathes
Tranquilizing the Body
Breath makes us alive
Main junctions on the road map
Not feeling the breath
Training to tranquilize bodily actions
Training to experience joy and happiness
An Unprecedented Discovery
Evolution due to meditation
Train to be sensitive to the inner joy
Real Comfort Experienced in a Composed Mind
The two sides of the coin
Train to experience the reactions of mind
Give a rest to the mind
The Illuminated mind
A Voyage with No Return
Train to liberate the mind
Train to experience nothing is permanent
Train not to be attached to anything
Train to stop the wandering mind
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