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Imperial Library
Section I: Rothbard: Man, Economist, Anti-statist
1. Murray Rothbard (Penthouse)
2. A Conversation with Murray N. Rothbard (Austrian Economics Newsletter)
3. Murray Rothbard in The New Banner
Section II: Foundations of Social Science and the Free Society
4. The Discipline of Liberty
5. Value Implications of Economic Theory
6. Statistics: Achilles’ Heel of Government
7. Ludwig von Mises and the Paradigm for Our Age
Section III: Principles of Economics and Government Intervention
8. Fundamentals of Value and Price
9. Exchange and the Division of Labor
10. The Division of Labor Clarified
11. Monopoly and Competition
12. Are Diamonds Really Forever?
13. The Infant-Industry Argument
14. Airport Congestion: A Case of Market Failure?
15. The Union Problem
16. Outlawing Jobs: The Minimum Wage, Once More
17. The Myth of Tax “Reform”
Section IV: Money, Banking, and the Business Cycle
18. Essentials of Money and Inflation
19. On the Definition of the Money Supply
20. Deflation Reconsidered
21. Anatomy of a Bank Run
22. Lessons of the Recession
Section V: History of Economic Thought
23. Mercantilism
24. Frédéric Bastiat: Champion of Laissez-faire
25. Keynes’s Political Economy
26. The Chicago School
27. Israel Kirzner and the Economic Man
Section VI: Economic History
28. Economic Determinism, Ideology, and the American Revolution
29. The Progressive Movement
30. Unhappiness with the National Banking System
Section VII: Political Philosophy and the Libertarian Movement
31. Property and Exchange
32. War, Peace, and the State
33. Notes on the Nintendo War
34. Society Without A State
35. Why Be Libertarian?
36. In Praise of Demagogues
Section VIII: Movie Reviews
37. The Godfather
38. The Godfather, Part II
39. Blaxploitation
40. The Tough Cop
41. Death Wish
42. Cinema Paradiso
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