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Imperial Library
Also by Walter Isaacson
Title Page
Key Characters
Part 1: The Young Apprentice
Silence Dogood Introduces Herself
Silence Dogood on Courtship
Silence Dogood Attacks Harvard
Silence Dogood’s Recipe for Poetry
Silence Dogood Attacks the Puritan Theocracy
Silence Dogood Proposes Civic Improvements
A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity
Plan of Conduct
Advice to His Sister on Her Marriage
A New Creed and Liturgy
Part 2: The Philadelphia Printer
The First Abortion Controversy
The Busy-Body
Franklin the Editor
The Lessons of Misprints
Rules for Marriage
A Scolding Wife
A Witch Trial at Mount Holly
A Printer’s Creed
Sex Sells
Anthony Afterwit on Marriage
Celia Single Responds
In Praise of Gossip
The Discussion Club
How to Please in Conversation
Part 3: Poor Richard and Friends
Introducing Poor Richard
Poor Richard vs. Mr. Leeds
On the Death of Infants
Poor Richard Denies He Is Franklin
Faith Versus Good Works
Poor Richard Blames His Printer
The Drinker’s Dictionary
How to Write an Almanac
Poor Richard’s Wife Takes Her Turn
Poor Richard Defends Astrology and Wit
A Defense of Religious Tolerance
A Ballad for Deborah
Reasons to Choose an Older Mistress
Polly Baker’s Trial
Part 4: The Public Citizen
A Call to Arms for the Middling People
The University of Pennsylvania
How to Be a Good Tradesman
Rattlesnakes for Felons
Magical Squares
On Welfare Dependency
The Albany Plan for an American Union
Catherine Ray
A Parable on Intolerance
The Way to Wealth: The Sayings of Poor Richard
Part 5: Lobbyist in London
Reasons for Restoring Canada to France
Mary Stevenson
David Hume
On Observing the Sabbath
When Oil Does Not Calm Troubled Waters
Race and Slavery
Propaganda Agent
A Paean to Deborah
The Grumpy Boarder
More on Welfare Dependency
Cold Air Baths
The Fable of the Lion and the Dog
Polly Gets Married
The Cravenstreet Gazette
A Showdown with Lord Hillsborough
The Seeds of a Total Disunion
How to Weigh a Decision
Ode to a Squirrel
The Cause of Colds
Parody Rules and an Edict Directed at Britain
Part 6: American Rebel
You Are My Enemy
Proposed Articles of Confederation
The Rattlesnake as America’s Symbol
Part 7: Ambassador in Paris
An Appeal to France’s Interests
The Sale of the Hessians
A Form Letter of Recommendation
The Twelve Commandments, to Madame Brillon
A Proposed Treaty with Madame Brillon
Bagatelle of the Ephemera
Madame Helvétius and Elysian Fields
John Paul Jones
To His Daughter on Fame, Frugality, and Grandchildren
The Morals of Chess
Bagatelle on St. Peter’s Tolerance
On Wine and the Elbow
To George Washington on Reputation
John Adams
Dialogue Between the Gout and Mr. Franklin
The Science of Farts
A Fable About Misguided Loyalists
Seducing the French
To Polly on Her Mother and the Futility of War
A Critique of Excess Wealth
On Hereditary Honors and the Turkey
A Vision of America
No Longer His Enemy
Daylight Savings Time
The Prodigal William
On Wishes, Age, and Bifocals
Part 8: Constitutional Sage
The Constitutional Convention
Motion for Prayers
Franklin’s Closing Speech
A Miffy Family
Webster’s Dictionary
On the Abolition of Slavery
The Final Parody, on Slavery
On Jesus Christ
To Thomas Jefferson
Last Will and Codicil
Part 9: The Autobiography
About the Author
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