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Imperial Library
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Table of Contents
1. The Making of Market Conventions
1.1 The Fujian Trade Diaspora
1.2 The Chinese Tribute System
1.3 Funny Money, Real Growth
1.4 When Asia Was the World Economy
1.5 Treating Good News as No News
1.6 Pearls in the Rubble: Rediscovering the Golden Age of Quanzhou, ca. 1000-1400
1.7 Aztec Traders
1.8 Primitive Accumulation: Brazilwood
1.9 A British Merchant in the Tropics
1.10 How the Other Half Traded
1.11 Deals and Ordeals: World Trade and Early Modern Legal Culture
1.12 Traveling Salesmen, Traveling Taxmen
1.13 Going Nonnative: Expense Accounts and the End of the Age of Merchant Courtiers
1.14 Empire on a Shoestring: British Adventurers and Indian Financiers in Calcutta, 1750-1850
2. The Tactics of Transport
2.1 Woods, Winds, Shipbuilding, and Shipping: Why China Didn't Rule the Waves
2.2 Better to Be Lucky Than Smart
2.3 Seats of Government and Their Stomachs: An Eighteenth-Century Tour
2.4 Pioneers of Dusty Rooms: Warehouses, Transatlantic Trade, and the Opening of the North American Frontier
2.5 People Patterns: Was the Real America Sichuan?
2.6 Winning Raffles
2.7 Trade, Disorder, and Progress: Creating Shanghai, 1840-1930
2.8 Out of One—Many
2.9 Guaranteed Profits and Half-Fulfilled Hopes: Railroad Building in British India
2.10 A Brief Trip Across the Centuries
3. The Economic Culture of Drugs
3.1 Chocolate: From Coin to Commodity
3.2 Brewing Up a Storm
3.3 Mocha Is Not Chocolate
3.4 The Brew of Business: Coffee's Life Story
3.5 America and the Coffee Bean
3.6 Sweet Revolutions
3.7 How Opium Made the World Go 'Round
3.8 Chewing Is Good, Snorting Isn't: How Chemistry Turned a Good Thing Bad
4. Transplanting: Commodities in World Trade
4.1 Unnatural Resources
4.2 Bouncing Around
4.3 Golden Misfortune: John Sutter in the Wilds of California
4.4 California Gold and the World
4.5 Beautiful Bugs
4.6 How to Turn Nothing into Something: Guano's Ephemeral Fortunes
4.7 As American as Sugar and Pineapples
4.8 How the Cows Ate the Cowboys
4.9 The Tie That Bound
4.10 The Good Earth?
4.11 One Potato, Two Potato
4.12. Cocoa and Coercion: Advances and Retreats for Free Labor in West African Agriculture
4.13 Trying to Get a Grip: Natural Rubber's Century of Ups and Downs
5. The Economics of Violence
5.1 The Logic of an Immoral Trade
5.2 As Rich as Potosí
5.3 The Freebooting Founders of England's Free Seas
5.4 The Luxurious Life of Robinson Crusoe
5.5 No Islands in the Storm: Or, How the Sino-British Tea Trade Deluged the Worlds of Pacific Islanders
5.6 The Violent Birth of Corporations
5.7 Buccaneers as Corporate Raiders
5.8 Looking for the Next Worst Thing: Emancipation, Indentures, and Colonial Plantations After Slavery
5.9 Bloody Ivory Tower
5.10 How Africa Resisted Imperialism: Ethiopia and the World Economy
5.11 Never Again: The Saga of the Rosenfelders
6. Making Modern Markets
6.1 Silver and Gold in Mexico and Brazil
6.2 Weighing the World: The Metric Revolution
6.3 From Court Bankers to Architects of the Modern World Market: The Rothschilds
6.4 Growing Global: International Grain Markets
6.5 How Time Got That Way
6.6 How the United States Joined the Big Leagues
6.7 Clubs, Casinos and Collapses: Sovereign Debt and Risk Management Since 1820
6.8 Fresher Is Not Better
6. 9 Packaging
6.10 Trademarks: What's in a Name?
6.11 Learning to Feel Unclean: A Global Marketing Tale
6.12 Things Go Better with Red, White, and Blue: How Coca-Cola Conquered Europe
6.13 Survival of the First
6.14 It Ain't Necessarily So
6.15 Location, Location, Location: How History Trumped Geography in Andorra and Panama
7. World Trade, Industrialization, and Deindustrialization
7.1 Sweet Industry: The First Factories
7.2 Fiber of Fortune: How Cotton Became the Fabric of the Industrial Age
7.3 Combing the World for Cotton
7.4 Killing the Golden Goose
7.5 Sweet Success
7.6 No Mill Is an Island
7.7 Feeding Silkworms, Spitting Out Growth
7.8 From Rocks—and Restrictions—to Riches: How Disadvantages Helped New England Industrialize Early
7.9 Sideways Breakthroughs and Stalled Transitions: Crooked Paths from Coal to Oil, 1859-2012
7.10 American Oil
7.11 Running on Oil, Building on Sand
7.12 Minding the Store and Forgetting the Factory: U.S. "Fair Trade" Laws and the Rise of Offshore Manufacturing Since World War II
Epilogue: The World Economy in the Twenty-First Century
Selected Bibliography
About the Authors
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