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Title Page
About the Author
The Complete Poems
Over the Brazier (1916)
The Poet in the Nursery
Part I. – Poems Mostly Written At Charterhouse – 1910–1914
The Dying Knight and the Fauns
The Face of the Heavens
Jolly Yellow Moon
Youth and Folly
Ghost Music
In Spite [Free Verse]
In the Wilderness
Oh, and Oh!
Part II. – POems Written Before La BassÉe –1915
On Finding Myself a Soldier
The Shadow of Death
A Renascence
The Morning Before the Battle
The Trenches
Nursery Memories
I The First Funeral
II The Adventure
III I Hate the Moon
Big Words
The Dead Fox Hunter
It’s a Queer Time
Over the Brazier
Goliath and David (1916)
The Bough of Nonsense
Goliath and David
A Pinch of Salt
The Lady Visitor in the Pauper Ward
The Last Post
A Dead Boche
Not Dead
From Fairies and Fusiliers (1917)
To an Ungentle Critic
The Legion
To Lucasta on Going to the Wars – for the Fourth Time
Two Fusiliers
To R.N. [To Robert Nichols]
Dead Cow Farm
Mr. Philosopher
The Cruel Moon
The Caterpillar
Sorley’s Weather
The Cottage
When I’m Killed
Familiar Letter to Siegfried Sassoon [Letter to S.S. from Mametz Wood]
The Spoilsport
The Shivering Beggar
John Skelton
I Wonder What It Feels Like to be Drowned?
Double Red Daisies
I’d Love to Be a Fairy’s Child
The Next War
Strong Beer
Love and Black Magic
A Child’s Nightmare
A Boy in Church
Corporal Stare
‘The Assault Heroic’
From Treasure Box (1919)
Song: A Phoenix Flame [Morning Phoenix]
Catherine Drury
The Treasure Box
The Kiss
Lost Love
Fox’s Dingle
Mirror, Mirror!
Country Sentiment (1920)
A Frosty Night
A Song for Two Children
The Three Drinkers
The Boy out of Church
After the Play [The Forbidden Play]
One Hard Look
True Johnny
The Voice of Beauty Drowned
The God Called Poetry
Rocky Acres
Advice to Lovers
Nebuchadnezzar’s Fall
Give Us Rain
Loving Henry
Brittle Bones
Apples and Water
Manticor in Arabia
Baloo Loo for Jenny
Hawk and Buckle
The Alice Jean
The Cupboard
The Beacon
Pot and Kettle
The Haunted House [Ghost Raddled]
Neglectful Edward
The Well-Dressed Children
Thunder at Night
Wild Strawberries [To E.M. – A Ballad of Nursery Rhyme]
Vain and Careless
Nine o’Clock
The Picture Book
The Promised Lullaby
Retrospect: The Jests of the Clock
Here They Lie
Tom Taylor
Country at War
Sospan Fach
The Leveller
Hate Not, Fear Not
A Rhyme of Friends
A First Review
From The Pier-Glass (1921)
The Stake
The Troll’s Nosegay
The Pier-Glass
The Finding of Love
The Magical Picture
Distant Smoke
Raising the Stone
The Gnat
The Patchwork Bonnet
Kit Logan and Lady Helen
Saul of Tarsus
Storm: At the Farm Window
Black Horse Lane
The Hills of May
The Coronation Murder
Whipperginny (1923)
The Bedpost
A Lover Since Childhood
Song of Contrariety
Love in Barrenness [The Ridge-Top]
Song in Winter
Unicorn and the White Doe
Song: Sullen Moods
Angry Samson [A False Report]
Children of Darkness
Richard Roe and John Doe
The Dialecticians [The Philosophers]
The Land of Whipperginny
‘The General Eliott’
A Fight to the Death
Mermaid, Dragon, Fiend [Old Wives’ Tales]
Christmas Eve
The Snake and the Bull
The Red Ribbon Dream
In Procession
Henry and Mary
An English Wood
What Did I Dream? [The Dream]
Interlude: On Preserving a Poetical Formula
Epitaph on an Unfortunate Artist
A History of Peace
The Rock Below
An Idyll of Old Age
The Lord Chamberlain Tells of a Famous Meeting
The Sewing Basket
Against Clock and Compasses
The Avengers
The Poet’s Birth
The Technique of Perfection
The Sibyl
A Crusader
A New Portrait of Judith of Bethulia
A Reversal
The Martyred Decadents: A Sympathetic Satire
On Christopher Marlowe
A Village Feud [A Village Conflict]
To R. Graves, Senior
‘A Vehicle, to Wit, A Bicycle’
Motto to a Book of Emblems
The Bowl and Rim
A Forced Music
The Turn of a Page
The Manifestation in the Temple
To Any Saint
A Dewdrop
A Valentine
The Feather Bed (1923)
The Witches’ Cauldron [Prologue]
The Feather Bed
I Am the Star of Morning [Epilogue]
Mock Beggar Hall (1924)
Diplomatic Relations [George II and the Chinese Emperor]
Full Moon
Twin Souls
The North Window
Attercop: The All-Wise Spider
Northward from Oxford
Antigonus: An Eclogue
Essay on Continuity
Knowledge of God
Mock Beggar Hall: A Progression
The Rainbow and the Sceptic
Welchman’s Hose (1925)
Burrs and Brambles
From Our Ghostly Enemy
Death of the Farmer [The Figure-Head]
Ovid in Defeat
To an Editor
The Kingfisher’s Return
Love Without Hope
Traveller’s Curse After Misdirection
Tilly Kettle
The College Debate
Sergeant-Major Money
A Letter from Wales
The Presence
The Clipped Stater
The Poetic State
Vanity [Essay on Knowledge]
At the Games
The Marmosite’s Miscellany (1925)
To M. in India
The Marmosite’s Miscellany
The Moment of Weakness
From Poems (1914–26) (1927)
The Country Dance
The Rose and the Lily
An Occasion
A Dedication of Three Hats
The Corner Knot
Virgil the Sorcerer
Recent Poems: 1925–26
Pygmalion to Galatea
In Committee
A Letter to a Friend
In Single Syllables [This Is Noon]
The Time of Day
Blonde or Dark?
Boots and Bed
The Taint
Dumplings’ Address to Gourmets
The Nape of the Neck
A Visit to Stratford
Pure Death
The Cool Web
From Poems (1914–27) (1927)
The Progress
The Furious Voyage [The Dead Ship; Ship Master]
O Jorrocks, I Have Promised
Lost Acres
Gardener [The Awkward Gardener]
To a Charge of Didacticism
The Philatelist-Royal
Song: To Be Less Philosophical
Poems 1929 (1929)
Sick Love [Between Dark and Dark; O Love in Me]
In No Direction
In Broken Images
Thief [To the Galleys]
Warning to Children
Guessing Black or White
Against Kind
Cabbage Patch [Green Cabbage Wit]
The Castle
Welsh Incident [Railway Carriage]
Back Door
Front Door Soliloquy [Front Door]
Anagrammagic [The Tow-Path]
Vision in the Repair-Shop [Repair Shop]
Nature’s Lineaments [Landscape]
Sea Side [Sandhills]
Wm. Brazier [Pavement]
A Former Attachment [Quayside]
Return Fare
Single Fare
It Was All Very Tidy
A Sheet of Paper
Ten Poems More (1930)
The Reader Over My Shoulder
History of the Word
Survival of Love
New Legends [The Age of Certainty]
Saint [The Beast]
Tap Room [Cracking the Nut Against the Hammer]
The Terraced Valley
Oak, Poplar, Pine
Act V, Scene 5
Song: Lift-Boy [Tail Piece: A Song to Make You and Me Laugh]
From Poems 1926–1930 (1931)
Bay of Naples
Flying Crooked
Reassurance to the Satyr
Synthetic Such
The Next Time
To Whom Else? (1931)
Largesse to the Poor
The Felloe’d Year
On Rising Early
On Dwelling
On Necessity
The Foolish Senses
Devilishly Provoked [Devilishly Disturbed]
The Legs
Ogres and Pygmies
To Whom Else?
As It Were Poems, i, ii, iii
On Portents
From Poems 1930–1933 (1933)
The Bards [Lust in Song]
Down, Wanton, Down!
The Philosopher [The Cell]
The Succubus
Trudge, Body!
Music at Night
Without Pause
The Clock Man [The Clock Men]
The Commons of Sleep
What Times Are These?
From Collected Poems (1938)
The Christmas Robin [Wanderings of Christmas]
Certain Mercies
The Cuirassiers of the Frontier
Callow Captain
The Stranger
The Smoky House
Variables of Green [Green Loving]
The Goblet
Fiend, Dragon, Mermaid
Fragment of a Lost Poem
Galatea and Pygmalion
The Devil’s Advice to Story-Tellers
Lunch-Hour Blues
Hotel Bed at Lugano [Hotel Bed]
Progressive Housing
The Florist Rose
Being Tall
At First Sight
Recalling War
Parent to Children
To Challenge Delight
To Walk on Hills
To Bring the Dead to Life
To Evoke Posterity
Any Honest Housewife [The Poets]
Defeat of the Rebels
The Grudge
Never Such Love
The Halfpenny
The Fallen Signpost
The China Plate
Idle Hands
The Laureate
A Jealous Man
The Cloak
The Halls of Bedlam
Or to Perish Before Day
A Country Mansion
The Eremites
The Challenge
To the Sovereign Muse
The Ages of Oath
Like Snow
The Climate of Thought
End of Play
The Fallen Tower of Siloam
The Great-Grandmother
No More Ghosts
Leaving the Rest Unsaid
From No More Ghosts (1940)
The Glutton [The Beast]
A Love Story
The Thieves
To Sleep
From Work In Hand (1942)
Dawn Bombardment
The Worms of History
A Withering Herb
The Shot
Dream of a Climber
Despite and Still
The Suicide in the Copse
Frightened Men
A Stranger at the Party
The Oath
Language of the Seasons
Mid-Winter Waking
The Rock at the Corner
From Poems 1938–1945 (1945)
The Beach
The Villagers and Death
The Door
Under the Pot
Through Nightmare
To Lucia at Birth
Death by Drums
She Tells Her Love While Half Asleep
Instructions to the Orphic Adept
Theseus and Ariadne
Lament for Pasiphaë
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Cold Weather Proverb
To Juan at the Winter Solstice
Satires and Grotesques
The Persian Version
The Weather of Olympus
Apollo of the Physiologists
The Oldest Soldier
Grotesques, i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi
The Eugenist
At the Savoy Chapel
From Collected Poems (1914–1947) (1948)
To Poets Under Pisces
The Last Day of Leave
To Be Called a Bear [To Be Named a Bear]
A Civil Servant
Gulls and Men
Magical Poems
The Allansford Pursuit
Amergin’s Charm [The Alphabet Calendar of Amergin]
The Sirens’ Welcome to Cronos
Dichetal do Chennaib
The Battle of the Trees
The Song of Blodeuwedd
Intercession in Late October
The Tetragrammaton
Nuns and Fish
The Destroyer
Return of the Goddess
From Poems and Satires 1951 (1951)
The White Goddess
The Chink
Counting the Beats
The Jackals’ Address to Isis
The Death Room
The Young Cordwainer
Your Private Way
My Name and I
Conversation Piece
The Ghost and the Clock
Advice on May Day
For the Rain It Raineth Every Day
Questions in a Wood
The Portrait
The Survivor
Queen-Mother to New Queen
Secession of the Drones
Homage to Texas
The Dilemma
General Bloodstock’s Lament for England
‘¡Wellcome, to the Caves of Artá!’
To a Poet in Trouble
From Poems 1953 (1953)
To Calliope
The Straw
The Foreboding
Cry Faugh!
Hercules at Nemea
Dialogue on the Headland
Lovers in Winter
Esau and Judith
The Mark
With the Gift of a Ring
Liadan and Curithir
The Sea Horse
The Devil at Berry Pomeroy
Reproach to Julia
The Blue-Fly
The Hero
Marginal Warning
The Encounter
I’m Through with You For Ever
With Her Lips Only
The Blotted Copy-Book
The Sacred Mission
From the Embassy
Sirocco at Deyá
From Collected Poems 1955 (1955)
Poets’ Corner
Coronation Address
Beauty in Trouble
A Lost Jewel
The Window Sill
From the Crowning Privilege (1955)
The Clearing
The Three Pebbles
Possibly [The Question]
End of the World
To a Pebble in My Shoe
The Tenants
My Moral Forces
From 5 Pens in Hand (1958)
The Face in the Mirror
Forbidden Words
Song for New Year’s Eve
Alexander and Queen Janet [A Ballad of Alexander and Queen Janet]
The Coral Pool
Gratitude for a Nightmare
Friday Night
The Naked and the Nude
Woman and Tree
Destruction of Evidence
The Second-Fated
A Slice of Wedding Cake [Bitter Thoughts on Receiving a Slice of Cordelia’s Wedding Cake]
A Plea to Boys and Girls
A Bouquet from a Fellow Roseman
The Outsider
From Steps (1958)
The Enlisted Man
Mike and Mandy [Caroline and Charles]
Call It a Good Marriage
Read Me, Please!
The Twin of Sleep
Around the Mountain
From Food for Centaurs (1960)
Twice of the Same Fever
Established Lovers
The Quiet Glades of Eden
Heroes in Their Prime
Two Children [The Young Goddess]
Here Live Your Life Out!
Joan and Darby
Superman on the Riviera
The Picture Nail
Old World Dialogue
The Were-Man
The Person from Porlock
From The Penny Fiddle (1960)
The Penny Fiddle
Robinson Crusoe
The Six Badgers
Jock o’Binnorie
From More Poems (1961)
Symptoms of Love
The Sharp Ridge
Under the Olives
The Visitation
Apple Island
The Falcon Woman
Troughs of Sea
The Laugh
The Death Grapple
The Starred Coverlet
The Intrusion
The Cure
Turn of the Moon
The Secret Land
Seldom Yet Now
To Myrto of Myrtles
Anchises to Aphrodite
A Lost World
The Dangerous Gift
Surgical Ward: Men
Nightfall at Twenty Thousand Feet
The Simpleton
Two Rhymes About Fate and Money
The Two Witches
Burn It!
Song: Come, Enjoy Your Sunday!
From Collected Poems 1961 (1961)
Ruby and Amethyst
From The More Deserving Cases (1962)
The Miller’s Man
July 24th
Safe Receipt of a Censored Letter
From New Poems 1962 (1962)
The Watch
Name Day
Uncalendared Love
The Meeting
Not at Home
Golden Anchor
Lion Lover
Ibycus in Samos
The Winged Heart
In Trance at a Distance
The Wreath
In Her Praise
The Alabaster Throne
A Restless Ghost
Between Moon and Moon
Beware, Madam!
The Cliff Edge
Ouzo Unclouded
The Broken Girth
Inkidoo and the Queen of Babel
Three Songs for the Lute
I Truth Is Poor Physic
II In Her Only Way
III Hedges Freaked with Snow
The Ambrosia of Dionysus and Semele
The Unnamed Spell
From Man Does, Woman Is (1964)
A Time of Waiting
Expect Nothing
No Letter
The Why of the Weather
In Time
Fire Walker
Deed of Gift
At Best, Poets
She Is No Liar
A Last Poem
The Pearl
The Leap
Bank Account
Judgement of Paris
Man Does, Woman Is
The Ample Garden
To Myrto About Herself
The Three-Faced
Dazzle of Darkness
Food of the Dead
To Beguile and Betray
I Will Write
Bird of Paradise
The Metaphor
Joseph and Mary
An East Wind
Dance of Words
A Blind Arrow
The Oleaster
The Septuagenarian
Non Cogunt Astra
Song: Sword and Rose
Endless Pavement
In Disguise
A Measure of Casualness
In Time of Absence
The Green Castle
Not to Sleep
The Hearth
That Other World
The Beds of Grainne and Diarmuid
Rain of Brimstone
Consortium of Stones
The Black Goddess
Broken Neck
Woman of Greece
The Colours of Night
Between Trains
To the Teumessian Vixen
The Hung Wu Vase
La Mejicana
Lamia In Love
After the Flood
A Late Arrival
Song: With No Return
All I Tell You From My Heart
The Undead
From Ann at Highwood Hall (1964)
Ann at Highwood Hall
St Valentine’s Day
I Have a Little Cough, Sir
Joseph and Jesus
Love Respelt (1915)
The Red Shower
Above the Edge of Doom
Wild Cyclamen
Gift of Sight
The Snap-Comb Wilderness
A Court of Love
Between Hyssop and Axe
Gold and Malachite
The Vow
The Frog and the Golden Ball
Those Who Came Short
Whole Love
This Holy Month
The Blow
The Impossible
The Fetter
Iron Palace
True Joy
Tomorrow’s Envy of Today
The Hidden Garden
The Wedding
What Will Be, Is
Son Altesse
Everywhere Is Here
Song: The Far Side of Your Moon
Nothing Now Astonishes
I’d Die for You [Postscript]
From Collected Poems 1965 (1965)
Grace Notes
Good Night to the Old Gods
The Sweet-Shop Round the Corner
Double Bass
Descent into Hell
The Pardon
Point of No Return
A Shift of Scene
From Seventeen Poems Missing From ‘LOVE RESPELT’ (1966)
Cock in Pullet’s Feathers
Dead Hand
Arrears of Moonlight
What Did You Say?
Lure of Murder
The Gorge
Ecstasy of Chaos
Stolen Jewel
The Eagre
The Snapped Thread [The Tangled Thread]
Fortunate Child
Loving True, Flying Blind
The Near Eclipse
Dancing Flame
Birth of Angels
On Giving
From Colophon To ‘Love Respelt’ (1967)
The P’eng that was a K’un
Like Owls
In Perspective
The Utter Rim
The Word
Prison Walls
A Dream of Hell
Our Self
Bites and Kisses
Sun-Face and Moon-Face
The Necklace
A Bracelet
Blackening Sky
Blessed Sun
Song: The Palm Tree
Spite of Mirrors
Pride of Love
Hooded Flame
Her Brief Withdrawal
The Crane
From The Poor Boy Who Followed His Star (1968)
Hide and Seek
The Hero
At Seventy-Two
From Poems 1965–1968 (1968)
Song: How Can I Care?
Song: Though Once True Lovers
Song: Cherries or Lilies
Song: Crown of Stars
Song: Fig Tree in Leaf
Song: Dew-drop and Diamond
Song: Just Friends
Song: Of Course
Song: Three Rings for Her
Dans un Seul Lit
Is Now the Time?
Sail and Oar
Gooseflesh Abbey
The Home-Coining
With the Gift of a Lion’s Claw
Wigs and Beards
Personal Packaging, Inc.
Work Room
The Ark
All Except Hannibal
The Beggar Maid and King Cophetua
For Ever
Jugum Improbum
De Arte Poetica
Sit Mihi Terra Levis
Tousled Pillow
To Be In Love
Fact of the Act
To Ogmian Hercules
Arrow Shots
She to Him
Within Reason
The Yet Unsayable
None the Wiser
The Narrow Sea
The Olive-Yard
Beyond Giving (1969)
Part I
Song: To a Rose
Song: Dream Warning
Song: Beyond Giving
Trial of Innocence
Poisoned Day
Superstition [Leave-Taking]
In the Name of Virtue
What We Did Next
Song: New Year Kisses
Song: The Clocks of Time
Gold Cloud
Song: Basket of Blossom
Song: Wherever We May Be
What Is Love?
Song: The Promise
Song: Yesterday Only
Part II
Against Witchcraft
Troublesome Fame
Tolling Bell
Blanket Charge
The Strayed Message
Song: The Sundial’s Lament
Poem: A Reminder
Antorcha y Corona, 1968; Torch and Crown, 1968
Armistice Day, 1918
The Motes
From Poems About Love (1969)
If and When
From Poems 1968–1970 (1970)
Song: The Sigil
Song: Twinned Heart
Song: Olive Tree
Song: Once More
Song: Victims of Calumny
Love Gifts
Mankind and Ocean
Virgin Mirror
Secret Theatre
How It Started
Brief Reunion
The Judges
Love and Night
Child with Veteran
Powers Unconfessed
Solomon’s Seal
To Put It Simply
To Tell and Be Told
The Theme of Death
At the Well
Robbers’ Den
The Accomplice
First Love
Through a Dark Wood
In the Vestry
When Love Is Not
The Reiteration
Man of Evil
The Raft
The Uncut Diamond
My Ghost [The Co-Walker]
The Risk
Something to Say
Research and Development: Classified
The Imminent Seventies
Carol of Patience
Invitation to Bristol
The Primrose Bed
The Strangling in Merrion Square
The Awakening
From The Green-Sailed Vessel (1971)
The Hoopoe Tells Us How [Dedicatory]
Part I: Love Poems
The Wand
Five; Quinque
Arrow on the Vane
Gorgon Mask
To Be Poets
With a Gift of Rings
The Garden
The Green-Sailed Vessel
Dreaming Children
The Prohibition
Serpent’s Tail
Until We Both…
The Miracle
The Rose
The Crab-Tree
Three Locked Hoops
Cliff and Wave
Part II: Mainly Satires
Those Blind from Birth
The Gateway
Advice from a Mother
A Reduced Sentence
The Gentleman
Complaint and Reply
Song: Reconciliation
Knobs and Levers
The Virus
Druid Love
Problems of Gender
Confess, Marpessa
Jus Primae Noctis
Work Drafts
From Poems 1970–1972 (1972)
Her Beauty
Desert Fringe
The Title of Poet
Depth of Love
Breakfast Table
The Half-Finished Letter
The Hazel Grove
Silent Visit
Coronet of Moonlight
Song: To Become Each Other
Growing Pains
Friday Night
The Pact
Poor Others
A Toast to Death
The Young Sibyl
The Flowering Aloe
Circus Ring
Ageless Reason
As When the Mystic
Unposted Letter (1963)
Birth of a Goddess
Beatrice and Dante
The Dilemma
The Wall
Women and Masks (translation)
The Last Fistful
The Traditionalist
The Prepared Statement
St Antony of Padua
Broken Compact
A Dream of Frances Speedwell
The Encounter
Age Gap
Nightmare of Senility
Absent Crusader
Dream Recalled on Waking
From Timeless Meeting (1973)
The Promised Ballad
The Impossible Day
The Poet’s Curse
Seven Years [Where Is the Truth?]
Love as Lovelessness
The Scared Child
As All Must End
Touch My Shut Lips
The Moon’s Last Quarter
True Evil
When and Why
The Window Pane
Pride of Progeny
That Was the Night
Song: The Queen of Time
Should I Care?
Timeless Meeting
At The Gate (1974)
Ours Is No Wedlock
The Discarded Love Poem
Earlier Lovers
Fast Bound Together
£. s. d.
Three Words Only
True Magic
The Tower of Love
The Love Letter
Song: Seven Fresh Years
As a Less Than Robber
Singleness in Love
Love Charms
At the Gate
The Moon’s Tear
Song: From Otherwhere or Nowhere
Two Disciplines
The Ugly Secret
Three Years Waiting
From Collected Poems 1975 (1975)
The Crystal
A Charm for Sound Sleeping
The New Eternity
History of the Fall
What Can We Not Ask?
Two Crucial Generations
To Come of Age
September Landscape
Crucibles of Love
Woman Poet and Man Poet
The Field-Postcard
If No Cuckoo Sings
Mountain Lovers
Three Times In Love
The Sentence
Spring 1974
Advent of Summer
The Unpenned Poem
The Green Woods of Unrest
Uncollected Poems
Juvenilia: 1910–1914
A Pot of White Heather
The Mountain Side at Evening
The Will o’ the Wisp
The King’s Son
The Miser of Shenham Heath
’Am and Advance: A Cockney Study
Peeping Tom
The Ballad of the White Monster
The Future
Alcaics Addressed to My Study Fauna
The Cyclone
The Ape God
Lament in December
Merlin and the Child
A Day in February
The Wasp
Five Rhymes
My Hazel-Twig
After the Rain
The King’s Highway
The Glorious Harshness of the Parrot’s Voice
Two Moods
The Briar Burners
The Tyranny of Books
The Exhaust-Pipe
The Organ Grinder
The Two Brothers
Bazentin, 1916
The Dancing Green
The Personal Touch
Song: The Ring and Chain
The Oxford English School
The Stepmother and the Princess
Cynics and Romantics
Records for Wonder
Old Lob-Lie-by-the-Fire
Misgivings, on Reading a Popular ‘Outline of Science’
The Toads
A History
Four Children
The Bargain
In the Beginning Was a Word
The Bait
An Independent
[The Untidy Man]
Midsummer Duet
Majorcan Letter, 1935
Assumption Day
The Moon Ends in Nightmare
The Housing Project
Advice to Colonel Valentine
Hippopotamus’s Address to the Freudians
Twin to Twin
The Juggler
The Young Witch
Birth of a Great Man
To Magdalena Mulet, Margita Mora & Lucia Graves
The Pumpkin
Max Beerbohm at Rapallo
The Grandfather’s Complaint
Song: A Beach in Spain
Bathunts at Bathurst
To a Caricaturist, Who Got Me Wrong
In Jorrocks’s Warehouse
A Fever
Augeias and I
Is It Peace?
Fingers in the Nesting Box
Barabbas’s Summer List
Stable Door
Flight Report
School Hymn for St Trinian’s
A Piebald’s Tail
The Intruders
Song: The Smile of Eve
[Verse Composed over the Telephone]
[Fir and Yew]
Song: Gardens Close at Dusk
Matador Gored
ConfiteorUt Fas
New Moon Through Glass
Dynamite Barbee
When a Necklace Breaks
A Queen
If Love Becomes a Game
Queen Silver and King Gold
Learn That By Heart
Song: One in Many
A Late Daffodil for the Prince of Gwynedd
Angry Gardener
Song: Weather
Fiery Orchard
Defeat of Time
Six Blankets
The Note
The Hedgepig
When He Sat Writing
Four Poems from Deya A: Portfolio (1972)
[Ours has no bearing on quotidian love]
[Love makes poor sense in either speech or letters]
[Is there another man?]
[Confess, sweetheart, confess]
The Noose
The Moral Law
Bodies Entranced
Who Must It Be?
This Is the Season
Unpublished and Posthumously Published Poems Juvenilia: 1910–1914
The First Poem
The Dragon-Fly
The Coracle 1915–1919
The Last Drop
Trench Life
Through the Periscope
Machine Gun Fire: Cambrin
The Fusilier
To My Unborn Son
The Savage Story of Cardonette
Died of Wounds
Six Poems from ‘The Patchwork Flag’ (1918)
Letter to S.S. from Bryn-y-pin
Night March
Poetic Injustice
The Survivor Comes Home
The Pudding
Mother’s Song in Winter
To Jean and John 1920s–1930s
From an Upper Window
Drink and Fever
The End
The Sand Glass
This What-I-Mean
The Fingerhold
Then What?
Historical Particulars
Address to Self
Prosperity of Poets 1940s–1950s
Diotima Dead
The Hearth
In the Lion House
An Appeal
A Ghost from Arakan 1960s–1970s
Robin and Marian
Never Yet
House on Fire
The Lilac Frock
North Side
Song: John Truelove
Requirements for a Poem
The Atom
The Cupid
Olives of March
The Undying Worm
Song: Though Time Conceals Much
Always and For Ever
Across the Gulf (1992)
The Snapped Rope
The Goldsmiths
Adam in Hell
The Cards Are Wild
The Poised Pen
[How Is It a Man Dies?]
Green Flash
Across the Gulf
To His Temperate Mistress
The Pressure Gauge
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Beyond Giving
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