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Imperial Library
Chapter 1: Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
What Socialism Is, and What Socialism Isn’t
The Plan: The Alpha and Omega of Socialism
Chapter 2: Yes, “Real Socialism” has been Tried—And It has Failed
Karl Marx, Lady Gaga, and the Labor Theory of Value
Chapter 3: The Price of Being Wrong: Socialism and the Great Calculation Debate
Milk: It Does an Economy Good
We Will Bury You . . . Unless We’re Wrong about That Planning Thing
Hayek’s Revenge
Chapter 4: India: A Case Study in Socialist Failure
Socialisms in Theory, Socialisms in Practice
What Gandhi Has Wrought
Socialist India: Spreading the Poverty Around
Where It All Went Wrong
Chapter 5: The Prussian Roots of American Socialism
Public Schools: American Socialism in Action
Equal Opportunity Failure
Chapter 6: Other People’s Money: Socialist Education and the Problem of Incentives
Who Reaps the Profits of Socialism?
Calling Gordon Gekko
Chapter 7: Why Sweden Stinks
The Dark Side of a Socialist Paradise
Chapter 8: North Korea: Fighting for a Failed System
“Madman” Kim Jong Il: An Insult to Madmen
And the Ape Stood and Became . . . A Socialist
Chapter 9: Socialism Is Dirty
Planning Ecocide
Big (Socialist) Oil
It’s All about the Plan
Chapter 10: Venezuela: Anatomy of a Crackdown
Chávez Seizes the Oil . . . And Everything Else, Too
All Socialism Is National Socialism
The Worst of Both Worlds
Lights Out
Chapter 11: Socialism and Nationalism: Allies, Not Rivals
Workers of the World, Attack Each Other!
Resource Nationalism: Another Socialist Specialty
Chapter 12: U.S. “Energy Independence” and Central Planning
A Plan for American Energy Socialism
Energy Autarky: A Boon for Supplicants of Government
Chapter 13: Eugene V. Debs and Woodrow Wilson: Socialist Words, Socialist Actions
Woodrow Wilson’s Socialist Coup
The Rotten Fruits of War Socialism
Chapter 14: Socialist Internationalism and the United States
Opening the Window to Socialism
The Dream That Never Dies
Chapter 15: Yes, ObamaCare Is Socialism
ObamaCare: It Looks Like Socialism Because It Is Socialism
“An Example for the Whole World”
Evolution of a Tragedy
Epilogue: The Price Is Metaphysically Right
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