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Title Page
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How to Use This eBook
List of Sidebars
List of Charts
Index of Photos and Maps
The Geneaology of Jesus Messiah (1:1–17)
The Angelic Announcement of the Conception of Jesus Messiah (1:18–25)
The Magi Visit the Infant Jesus (2:1–12)
The Escape to Egypt and the Bethlehem Massacre (2:13–18)
The Return to Nazareth (2:19–23)
John the Baptist Prepares the Way (3:1–6)
The Impact of the Kingdom of Heaven (3:7–12)
John Baptizes Jesus (3:13–17)
Temptations of the Messiah (4:1–11)
Jesus Messiah Begins His Galilean Ministry (4:12–17)
Jesus Calls Fishers of Men (4:18–22)
Jesus Unfolds the Gospel of the Kingdom (4:23–25)
The Beatitudes of the Kingdom of Heaven (5:1–12)
Salt and Light: True Disciples Witness to the Kingdom of Heaven (5:13–16)
Jesus and the Kingdom as Fulfillment of the Law (5:17–20)
Jesus Fulfills the Law (5:21–48)
The Giving of Alms (6:1–4)
Model Prayer: “The Lord’s Prayer” (6:5–13)
Fasting (6:16–18)
Choose Your Master: God or Wealth (6:19–24)
Provider of the Disciples’ Needs (6:25–34)
The Kingdom Life in Relation to Others (7:1–6)
Prayer and the Disciples’ Kingdom Life (7:7–12)
True Discipleship: With Jesus or Against Him? (7:13–29)
Cleansing the Leper (8:1–4)
Healing the Centurion’s Servant (8:5–13)
Healing Peter’s Mother-In-Law (8:14–17)
Expected Discipleship Disappointed (8:18–22)
Calming a Storm (8:23–27)
Exorcising the Demoniacs (8:28–34)
Healing the Paralytic (9:1–8)
Matthew Called (9:9–13)
Discipleship and Religious Traditions (9:14–17)
Healing the Ruler’s Daughter and the Hemorrhaging Woman (9:18–26)
The Messiah at Work (9:27–38)
Instructions for the Short Term Mission to Israel (10:1–15)
Instructions for the Long-Term Mission to the World (10:16–23)
Characteristics of Missionary Disciples (10:24–42)
John the Baptist Questions Jesus (11:1–6)
Jesus’ Tribute to John (11:7–19)
The Privileged Unrepentant Cities (11:20–24)
The Invitation to an Easy Yoke (11:25–30)
Lord of the Sabbath (12:1–21)
Beelzebul and the Blasphemy Against the Spirit (12:22–37)
The Sign of Jonah (12:38–42)
The Return of the Unclean Spirit (12:43–45)
Jesus’ Disciples Are His True Family (12:46–50)
The Parable of the Soils (13:1–23)
Further Parables (13:24–58)
John the Baptist Beheaded by Herod (14:1–12)
Feeding the Five Thousand (14:13–21)
The Son of God Walks on the Water (14:22–36)
Jesus and the Tradition of the Elders (15:1–20)
Gentiles Acknowledge Jesus as the Son of David (15:21–31)
Feeding the Four Thousand (15:32–39)
Another Request for a Sign Denied (16:1–4)
Spiritual Leaven (16:5–12)
The Christ, the Son of the Living God (16:13–20)
The Suffering Sacrifice (16:21–28)
The Transfiguration of Jesus (17:1–8)
Elijah Has Come (17:9–13)
The Healing and Exorcism of an Epileptic Boy (17:14–23)
Paying the Temple Tax (17:24–27)
The Greatest in the Kingdom (18:1–9)
The Parable of the Lost Sheep (18:10–14)
Discipline of a Sinning Brother (18:15–20)
Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (18:21–35)
Marriage and Divorce (19:1–15)
Valuing the Kingdom: The Tragedy of the Rich Young Man (19:16–22)
Grace and Reward in the Kingdom for Those Who Follow Jesus (19:23–30)
The Parable of the Workers (20:1–16)
Suffering and Service (20:17–28)
Healing Two Blind Men (20:29–34)
The Climactic Entry into Jerusalem (21:1–11)
Jesus Challenges the Temple Establishment (21:12–17)
Cursing the Fig Tree: Judgment of the Nation (21:18–22)
Controversies in the Temple Court over Jesus’ “Authority” (21:23–27)
The Parable of the Two Sons (21:28–32)
The Parable of the Wicked Tenants (21:33–46)
The Parable of the Wedding Banquet (22:1–14)
Tribute in the Kingdom: Paying Taxes to Caesar (22:15–22)
Marriage at the Resurrection (22:23–33)
The Greatest Commandment (22:34–40)
The Son of David (22:41–46)
Judgment on the Teachers of the Law and Pharisees (23:1–12)
The Seven Woes (23:13–36)
Final Invective and Lament Over Jerusalem (23:33–36)
The Setting of the Olivet Discourse (24:1–3)
The Birth Pains (24:4–14)
The Abomination that Causes Desolation (24:15–28)
Description of the Coming of the Son of Man (24:29–31)
The Lesson of the Fig Tree (24:32–35)
The “Time” of Jesus’ Coming (24:36–41)
The Homeowner and the Thief (24:42–44)
The Two Servants (24:45–51)
The Ten Virgins (25:1–13)
The Talents (25:14–30)
Judgment at the End (25:31–46)
Jesus’ Prediction and The Plot of the Religious Leaders (26:1–5)
Jesus Anointed at Bethany (26:6–13)
Judas Arranges the Betrayal (26:14–16)
The Lord’s Supper (26:17–30)
The Institution of the Lord’s Supper (26:26–30)
Prediction of the Falling Away and Denial (26:31–35)
Gethsemane: Jesus’ Agonizing Prayers (26:36–46)
The Arrest (26:47–56)
Jesus Before the Sanhedrin (26:57–68)
Peter’s Denial of Jesus (26:69–75)
Judas’s Remorse and Death (27:1–10)
The Roman Trial of Jesus (27:11–26)
The Soldiers’ Treatment of Jesus (27:27–31)
The Journey to Golgotha and the Mocking (27:32–44)
The Crucifixion (27:35–44)
The Death of Jesus (27:45–46)
The Bystanders Think of Elijah (27:47–50)
The Immediate Impact of the Death (27:51–56)
The Burial of Jesus by Faithful Followers (27:57–61)
Arrangements for a Guard at the Tomb (27:62–66)
The Women Followers Discover an Empty Tomb (28:1–7)
The Risen Jesus Appears to the Women (28:8–10)
The Conspiracy to Deny Jesus’ Resurrection (28:11–15)
The Galilean Appearance and Great Commission (28:16–20)
Credits for Photos and Maps
The New International Version Appendix
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