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Cover Page
Title Page
Welcome to Ancient-Future Bible Study
The Movements of Lectio Divina
The Essence of Lectio Divina
Your Personal Practice of Ancient-Future Bible Study
Collatio—The Communal Practice of Lectio Divina
Further Help for Groups
Introduction to Abraham: Father of All Believers
1. Abram Goes Forth at the Call of God (Genesis 12:1–9)
2. Abram and Sarai in Egypt (Genesis 12:10–20)
3. The Families of Abram and Lot Separate (Genesis 13:1–18)
4. Abram Blessed by Melchizedek (Genesis 14:17–24)
5. God Seals the Covenant with Abram (Genesis 15:1–21)
6. Hagar Gives Birth to Ishmael (Genesis 16:1–16)
7. Ancestor of a Multitude of Nations (Genesis 17:1–14)
8. Falling Down Laughing (Genesis 17:15–27)
9. Abraham Hosts the Strangers (Genesis 18:1–15)
10. Abraham Intercedes for Sodom (Genesis 18:16–33)
11. Abraham and Sarah at Gerar (Genesis 20:1–18)
12. Laughing with Sarah at Isaac’s Birth (Genesis 21:1–7)
13. Banishment of Hagar and Ishmael (Genesis 21:8–21)
14. Abraham’s Well at Beer-sheba (Genesis 21:22–34)
15. Abraham’s Supreme Test (Genesis 22:1–8)
16. The Binding of Isaac (Genesis 22:9–19)
17. Abraham Purchases the Burial Cave at Hebron (Genesis 23:1–16)
18. Burial of Sarah and Abraham (Genesis 23:17–20; 25:7–11)
19. The Promises God Made to Abraham (Exodus 3:1–6, 13–16; 6:2–9)
20. Song of Abraham’s Offspring (Psalm 105:1–11)
21. The Rock from Which We Were Hewn (Isaiah 51:1–2; Sirach 44:19–21)
22. Descendants of Abraham through Faith (Galatians 3:6–9, 15–18)
23. Our Example of Faith (Romans 4:1–12)
24. God’s Promises Inherited through Faith (Romans 4:13–25)
25. Remembering the Covenant of Old (Luke 1:57–75)
26. Father Abraham Have Mercy on Me (Luke 16:19–31)
27. Doing What Abraham Did (John 8:31–42)
28. Greater than Our Father Abraham (John 8:48–59)
29. The Line of Abraham’s Descendants (Acts 7:1–8)
30. The Example of Abraham’s Faith (Hebrews 11:8–19)
Ancient-Future Bible Study for Small Groups
Suggestions for Participating in the Group
Group Study in Six Sessions
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