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Imperial Library
Title Page
Note from Anthology Co-Chair
Anthology Editorial Committee
Poetry: Tribe
Poetry: A Collection
Poetry: White and Blue / Outta Luck
Memoir: Faux Feminist
Memoir: Dela’s Dream
Memoir: GRANDmother
Fiction: Who Is Ozzie?
Fiction: A Gen F’er Meets Her Great-Great-Grandparents
Memoir: A Gift from My Mom
Memoir: Ghost Geography
Poetry: (F)ear
Poetry: Freedom
Poetry: Dear Black Women,
Poetry: Even though I know how very far
Poetry: Soar
Poetry: Lunchtime by the Bay
Fiction: Mirror
Poetry: Ashes of Hope: A Prayer
Fiction: Because He Liked It
Fiction: Love Bite
Memoir: I Wanted to Be Cool
Memoir: SPEAK
Fiction: Mirror Image
Fiction: Refraction
Journalism: Korean Pop Highlights Are Their Own Flaws
Journalism: The Personalities Are Political
Poetry: Maryclare Yesterday vs. Maryclare Today
Fiction: Bechdel Tests
Poetry: Musings from a Lost New York Native
Poetry: From Ellis Island
Poetry: In Memory of Ma
Poetry: Poetic Forms and Dance Steps: A Sonnet
Memoir: A Letter to My Unborn Daughter
Memoir: What I Wish My Younger Self Knew
Fiction: acknowledgments . . .
Memoir: Ode to an aspiring author . . .
Memoir: 85 White Street
Memoir: 85 White Street
Memoir: silenced
Poetry: silence
Journalism: The Hijab—A Shield or a Threat?
Poetry: Moonflowers
Poetry: The Clouds That Smile
Poetry: The Place We’ve Made
Poetry: Dianthus
Poetry: Daylight Saving
Poetry: Lonely, Womanly
Memoir: Saturn Returns
Poetry: The Letter
Poetry: Ceremony
Poetry: Song of Myself
Poetry: Dear Universe (A Manifesto)
Fiction: REBIRTH
Fiction: Spring Green
Memoir: Swing Sets
Memoir: The Memories of My Mom, Hidden in Pierogi Dough
Poetry: The Colors of You
Poetry: Colored Death
Fiction: Dejar Pasmado
Memoir: Moms: A Study
Fiction: Goodbye, Father
Poetry: I Feel
Poetry: The Undocumented Wonder Woman
Poetry: A Hero Is a Heroine
Poetry: (Im)Perfect Rose
Fiction: The Proper Way to Shatter a Girl
Poetry: Identical
Memoir: Blender Night
Fiction: Darkness and Dolls
Fiction: Excerpt from book in progress
Poetry: Hear My Voice
Fiction: The Quarry
Fiction: Abnorminials
Poetry: Girls’ Trip Sestina
Memoir: What Happened to a Little Chinese Girl One Morning
Memoir: Uses for Chewing Gum
Poetry: Silent Chaos
Poetry: Metamorphosis
Journalism: Equality Begins with Changing Education
Journalism: From Kindergarten to Generation F
Poetry: Generation Futureproof
Poetry: Orbit
Poetry: We Want You!
Poetry: For that girl
Memoir: My Female Superheroes
Memoir: Ring Around Iceland’s Ring Road
Memoir: My Nani
Memoir: Foreigner’s Tax
Fiction: Dissolving the Spectrum
Fiction: Poor Virginia
Journalism: Hating on The Hate U Give
Journalism: The History of Hating on Books Like The Hate U Give
Journalism: On Being America
Journalism: Betting on Teens in the Trump Era
Poetry: A Stranger
Poetry: #MeToo, Circa 1978
Poetry: Sisters
Poetry: Blessings
Fiction: Self-Conscience
Poetry: Born
Memoir: Generation F: The FIGHT IS ON
Fiction: Time Travel
Memoir: An Everlasting Bond
Memoir: I Could Never Love Anyone as I Love My Sisters
Journalism: It All Started with . . .
Journalism: Two Sides to Every Story
Fiction: Untitled (Cheating Man)
Fiction: Flash Non/Fiction/@FlashNarratives
Memoir: 61 Years Apart
Poetry: 2018
Memoir: Tomorrow
Memoir: Only Me
Memoir: Faith
Fiction: Frustration
Fiction: 10 Years Later
Poetry: I Lie Here
Poetry: Flight Departure
Memoir: On Funerals
Poetry: Invalid Address
Memoir: Fire
Fiction: Harbinger
Fiction: A Ravenous Upturning
Memoir: Fighting for My Full Self
Memoir: My Un-Quiet Self
Poetry: Becoming Cinnamon
Poetry: We meet again
Poetry: August
Fiction: Mother
Memoir: Lockdown
Memoir: How superiority is born
Memoir: An Anxious Child of God
Memoir: Be Safe
Memoir: My Grandmother’s First Period
Memoir: memory exercise
Fiction: The Burgundy & Gold Stitched Chair
Journalism: Joy Girls in Salzburg
Poetry: The New National Anthem
Poetry: We Can Do Better
Memoir: Between Worlds
Memoir: The Middle of Nowhere
Memoir: TO honour your roots
Poetry: To the Catcaller
Memoir: Snow That Grows
Memoir: American Dreamers
Fiction: The Tale of the Wind Chimes and the Disgruntled Demoness
Poetry: Baby Walking
Memoir: Anxiety’s Wildest Dreams
Poetry: Anxiety
Memoir: A Contemplation of Love
Fiction: Red
Fiction: Fake (an excerpt)
Memoir: New Year, New Orleans (an excerpt from “The Other Guy Won”)
Poetry: Point A to Z; a map of me
Memoir: A talk with my mother
Poetry: Raindrops and Coffee
Poetry: One Two Z
Memoir: The Sky over Our Heads
Memoir: Photo Montage
Fiction: Found You
Poetry: Course
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