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Preface for instructors
Part 1 A Process for Writing
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Exploring, planning, and drafting
1a Assess your writing situation.
1b Explore your subject.
Talking and listening
Reading and annotating texts
Asking questions
Brainstorming and freewriting
Keeping a journal
1c Draft and revise a working thesis statement.
Understanding what makes an effective thesis statement
Drafting a working thesis statement
Revising a working thesis statement
How to Solve five common problems with thesis statements
1d Draft a plan.
1e Draft an introduction.
1f Draft the body.
1g Draft a conclusion.
Chapter 2 Building effective paragraphs
2a Focus on a main point.
Stating the main point in a topic sentence
Sticking to the point
2b Make paragraphs coherent.
Linking ideas clearly
Repeating key words
Providing transitions
2c Choose a suitable strategy for developing paragraphs.
Comparison and contrast
Cause and effect
Chapter 3 Revising, editing, and proofreading
3a Use peer review: Revise with comments.
3b Use peer review: Give constructive comments.
How to Write helpful peer review comments
3c Approach global revision in cycles.
3d Revise and edit sentences.
How to Improve your writing with an editing log
3e Format and proofread the final version of your writing.
3f Reflect on your writing.
Part 2 Academic Reading and Writing
Chapter 4 Reading critically; writing analytically
4a Read actively.
4b Summarize to deepen your understanding.
4c Analyze to demonstrate your critical reading.
Balancing summary with analysis
Drafting an analytical thesis statement
How to Draft an analytical thesis statement
4d Sample student writing: Analysis of an article
Writing guide: How to write an analytical essay
4e Read and write about multimodal texts.
Annotate a multimodal text to understand the message and ask questions
Analyze a multimodal text to demonstrate your critical reading
Chapter 5 Reading arguments
5a Read with an open mind and a critical eye.
5b Evaluate ethical, logical, and emotional appeals.
5c Evaluate the evidence behind an argument.
5d Evaluate how fairly a writer handles opposing views.
Chapter 6 Writing arguments
6a View your audience as a panel of jurors.
6b In your introduction, establish credibility and state your position.
6c Back up your thesis with persuasive lines of argument.
6d Support your thesis with specific evidence.
Using facts and statistics
Using examples
Using visuals
Citing expert opinion
How to Draft a thesis statement for an argument
6e Anticipate objections; counter opposing arguments.
6f Build common ground.
6g Sample student writing: Argument
Writing Guide: How to write an argument essay
Chapter 7 Writing in the disciplines
7a Recognize the questions that writers in a discipline ask.
7b Understand the kinds of evidence that writers in a discipline use.
7c Become familiar with a discipline’s preferred genres.
7d Become familiar with a discipline’s language conventions.
7e Use a discipline’s preferred citation style.
Part 3 Clear Sentences
Chapter 8 Prefer active verbs
8a Choose the active voice or the passive voice depending on your writing situation.
8b Replace be verbs that result in dull or wordy sentences.
Chapter 9 Balance parallel ideas
9a Balance parallel ideas in a series.
9b Balance parallel ideas presented as pairs.
Parallel ideas linked with coordinating conjunctions
Parallel ideas linked with correlative conjunctions
Comparisons linked with than or as
Chapter 10 Add needed words
10a Add words needed to complete compound structures.
10b Add the word that where needed for clarity.
10c Add words needed to make comparisons logical and complete.
Chapter 11 Untangle mixed constructions
11a Untangle the grammatical structure.
11b Straighten out the logical connections.
11c Avoid is when, is where, and reason . . . is because constructions.
Chapter 12 Repair misplaced and dangling modifiers
12a Put limiting modifiers in front of the words they modify.
12b Place phrases and clauses so that readers can see at a glance what they modify.
12c Avoid split infinitives when they are awkward.
12d Repair dangling modifiers.
Chapter 13 Eliminate distracting shifts
13a Make the point of view consistent in person and number.
13b Maintain consistent verb tenses.
Chapter 14 Emphasize key ideas
14a Coordinate equal ideas; subordinate minor ideas.
14b Combine choppy sentences.
14c Avoid ineffective or excessive coordination.
14d Do not subordinate major ideas.
Chapter 15 Provide some variety
15a Vary your sentence openings.
15b Use a variety of sentence structures.
15c Try inverting sentences occasionally.
Part 4 Word Choice
Chapter 16 Tighten wordy sentences
16a Eliminate redundancies.
16b Cut empty or inflated phrases.
16c Simplify the structure.
16d Reduce clauses to phrases, phrases to single words.
Chapter 17 Choose appropriate language
17a Choose an appropriate level of formality.
17b Avoid jargon, except in specialized writing situations.
17c Avoid most euphemisms and doublespeak.
17d In most contexts, avoid slang.
17e Avoid sexist language.
Recognizing sexist language
Revising sexist language
Chapter 18 Find the exact words
18a Select words with appropriate connotations.
18b Prefer specific, concrete nouns.
18c Use standard idioms.
18d Do not rely heavily on clichés.
18e Use figures of speech with care.
Chapter 19 Use the right words. (Glossary of usage)
Part 5 Grammatical Sentences
Chapter 20 Repair sentence fragments
20a Attach fragmented subordinate clauses or turn them into sentences.
20b Attach fragmented phrases or turn them into sentences.
20c Attach other fragmented word groups or turn them into sentences.
Chapter 21 Revise run-on sentences
21a Consider separating the clauses with a comma and a coordinating conjunction.
21b Consider separating the clauses with a semicolon, a colon, or a dash.
21c Consider making the clauses into separate sentences.
21d Consider restructuring the sentence, perhaps by subordinating one of the clauses.
Chapter 22 Make subjects and verbs agree
22a Learn to recognize standard subject-verb combinations.
22b Make the verb agree with its subject, not with a word that comes between.
22c Treat most subjects joined with and as plural.
22d With subjects joined with or or nor (or with either . . . or or neither . . . nor), make the verb agree with the part of the subject nearer to the verb.
22e Treat most indefinite pronouns as singular.
22f Treat collective nouns as singular unless the meaning is clearly plural.
22g Make the verb agree with its subject even when the subject follows the verb.
22h Make the verb agree with its subject, not with a subject complement.
22i With who, which, and that, use verbs that agree with their antecedents.
22j Treat titles of works, company names, and words mentioned as words as singular.
Chapter 23 Make pronouns and antecedents agree
23a Take care with indefinite pronouns (anybody, everyone) and generic nouns.
Indefinite pronouns
Generic nouns
23b Treat collective nouns as singular unless the meaning is clearly plural.
23c Take care with compound antecedents.
Chapter 24 Make pronoun references clear
24a Avoid ambiguous pronoun reference.
24b Generally, avoid making broad references with this, that, which, and it.
24c Do not use a pronoun to refer to an implied antecedent.
24d Avoid the indefinite use of they and it.
24e To refer to persons, use who, whom, or whose, not which or that.
Chapter 25 Choose between pronouns such as I and me
25a Use the subjective case (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) for subjects and subject complements.
25b Use the objective case (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) for all objects.
25c Put an appositive and the word to which it refers in the same case.
25d Following than or as, choose the pronoun that expresses your intended meaning.
25e For we or us before a noun, choose the pronoun that would be appropriate if the noun were omitted.
25f Use the objective case for subjects and objects of infinitives.
25g Use the possessive case to modify a gerund.
Chapter 26 Choose between who and whom
26a Use who and whom correctly in subordinate clauses.
26b Use who and whom correctly in questions.
Chapter 27 Choose adjectives and adverbs with care
27a Use adjectives to modify nouns.
27b Use adverbs to modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.
27c Distinguish between good and well, bad and badly.
27d Use comparatives and superlatives with care.
Chapter 28 Choose appropriate verb forms, tenses, and moods in Standard English
28a Choose Standard English forms of irregular verbs.
Common irregular verbs
28b Distinguish among the forms of lie and lay.
28c Use -s (or -es) endings on present-tense verbs that have third-person singular subjects.
28d Do not omit -ed endings on verbs.
Past tense
Past participles
28e Do not omit needed verbs.
28f Choose the appropriate verb tense.
Survey of tenses
Special uses of the present tense
The past perfect tense
Sequence of tenses with infinitives and participles
28g Use the subjunctive mood in the few contexts that require it.
Chapter 29 Review grammar topics for multilingual writers
29a Use modal verbs to express appropriate meaning.
29b Be familiar with articles and other noun markers.
When to use the
When to use a or an
When not to use articles
When to use articles with proper nouns
29c Overcome certain challenges when writing sentences in English.
Omitted subjects
Repeated subjects, objects, and adverbs
29d Become familiar with prepositions that show time and place.
Part 6 Punctuation
Chapter 30 The comma
30a Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction joining independent clauses.
30b Use a comma after an introductory clause or phrase.
30c Use a comma between all items in a series.
30d Use a comma between coordinate adjectives not joined with and.
30e Use commas to set off nonrestrictive (nonessential) elements, but not restrictive (essential) elements.
Restrictive elements
Nonrestrictive elements
Adjective clauses
Adjective phrases
30f Use commas to set off transitional and parenthetical expressions, absolute phrases, and word groups expressing contrast.
Transitional expressions
Parenthetical expressions
Absolute phrases
Word groups expressing contrast
30g Use commas to set off nouns of direct address, the words yes and no, interrogative tags, and mild interjections.
30h Use commas with expressions such as he said to set off direct quotations.
30i Use commas with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers.
Chapter 31 Unnecessary commas
31a Do not use a comma with a coordinating conjunction that joins only two words, phrases, or subordinate clauses.
31b Do not use a comma to separate a verb from its subject or object.
31c Do not use a comma before the first or after the last item in a series.
31d Do not use a comma between cumulative adjectives, between an adjective and a noun, or between an adverb and an adjective.
31e Do not use a comma to set off a concluding adverb clause that is essential for meaning.
31f Do not use a comma after a phrase that begins an inverted sentence.
31g Avoid other common misuses of the comma.
Chapter 32 The semicolon and the colon
32a Use a semicolon between closely related independent clauses not joined with a coordinating conjunction.
32b Use a semicolon between independent clauses linked with a transitional expression.
32c Use a semicolon between items in a series containing internal punctuation.
32d Avoid common misuses of the semicolon.
32e Use a colon after an independent clause to direct attention to a list, an appositive, a quotation, or a summary or an explanation.
32f Follow conventions for colon use.
32g Avoid common misuses of the colon.
Chapter 33 The apostrophe
33a Use an apostrophe to indicate that a noun is possessive.
When to add -’s
When to add only an apostrophe
Joint possession
Compound nouns
33b Use an apostrophe and -s to indicate that an indefinite pronoun is possessive.
33c Use an apostrophe to mark omissions in contractions and numbers.
33d Do not use an apostrophe in certain situations.
Plural of numbers
Plural of letters
Plural of abbreviations
Plural of words mentioned as words
33e Avoid common misuses of the apostrophe.
Chapter 34 Quotation marks
34a Use quotation marks to enclose direct quotations.
Exception: indirect quotations
Exception: long quotations
34b Use single quotation marks to enclose a quotation within a quotation.
34c Use quotation marks around the titles of short works.
34d Follow conventions for the use of punctuation with quotation marks.
Periods and commas
Colons and semicolons
Question marks and exclamation points
Introducing quoted material
34e Avoid common misuses of quotation marks.
Chapter 35 End punctuation
35a The period
To end most sentences
In some abbreviations
35b The question mark
35c The exclamation point
Chapter 36 Other punctuation marks
36a The dash
36b Parentheses
36c Brackets
36d The ellipsis mark
36e The slash
Part 7 Mechanics
Chapter 37 Abbreviations, numbers, and italics
37a Use standard abbreviations for titles immediately before and after proper names.
37b Use abbreviations only when you are sure your readers will understand them.
37c Units of measurement
37d Plural of abbreviations
37e Follow the conventions in your discipline for spelling out or using numerals to express numbers.
37f Follow conventions for using numerals in dates, addresses, and so on.
37g Follow conventions for italicizing the titles of works.
37h Italicize non-English words used in an English sentence.
Chapter 38 Spelling and the hyphen
38a Become familiar with the major spelling rules.
i before e except after c
38b Consult the dictionary to determine how to treat a compound word.
38c Hyphenate two or more words used together as an adjective before a noun.
38d Hyphenate fractions and certain numbers when they are spelled out.
38e Use a hyphen with the prefixes all-, ex- (meaning “former”), and self- and with the suffix -elect.
38f Check for correct word breaks when words must be divided at the end of a line.
Chapter 39 Capitalization
39a Capitalize proper nouns and words derived from them; do not capitalize common nouns.
39b Capitalize titles of persons when used as part of a proper name but usually not when used alone.
39c Follow conventions for capitalizing titles.
39d Capitalize the first word of a sentence or quoted sentence.
39e Know your options when the first word after a colon begins an independent clause.
Part 8 Grammar Basics
Chapter 40 Parts of speech
40a Nouns
40b Pronouns
40c Verbs
Helping verbs
Main verbs
40d Adjectives
40e Adverbs
40f Prepositions
40g Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions
Conjunctive adverbs
40h Interjections
Chapter 41 Sentence patterns
41a Subjects
The complete subject
The simple subject
Understood subjects
Subject after the verb
41b Verbs, objects, and complements
Linking verbs and subject complements
Transitive verbs and direct objects
Transitive verbs, indirect objects, and direct objects
Transitive verbs, direct objects, and object complements
Intransitive verbs
Chapter 42 Subordinate word groups
42a Prepositional phrases
42b Verbal phrases
Participial phrases
Gerund phrases
Infinitive phrases
42c Appositive phrases
42d Absolute phrases
42e Subordinate clauses
Adjective clauses
Adverb clauses
Noun clauses
Chapter 43 Sentence types
43a Sentence structures
Simple sentences
Compound sentences
Complex sentences
Compound-complex sentences
43b Sentence purposes
Part 9 Researched Writing
Chapter 44 Thinking like a researcher; gathering sources
44a Manage the project.
Managing time
Getting the big picture
44b Pose questions worth exploring.
Choosing a focused question
Choosing a debatable question
Choosing a question grounded in evidence
Testing a research question
How to Enter a research conversation
44c Map out a search strategy.
44d Search efficiently; master a few shortcuts to finding good sources.
Using the library
Using bibliographies and citations as shortcuts
Using the web
How to Go beyond a Google search
44e Write a research proposal.
44f Conduct field research, if appropriate.
Conducting a survey
Chapter 45 Managing information; taking notes responsibly
45a Maintain a working bibliography.
45b Keep track of source materials.
How to Take notes responsibly
45c As you take notes, avoid unintentional plagiarism.
How to Avoid plagiarizing from the web
Chapter 46 Evaluating sources
46a Evaluate the reliability and usefulness of a source.
How to Detect false and misleading sources
46b Consider how sources might contribute to your research project.
46c Read with an open mind and a critical eye.
46d Assess web sources with special care.
46e Construct an annotated bibliography.
Writing Guide: How to write an annotated bibliography
Chapter 47 Writing a research paper
47a Form a working thesis statement.
47b Organize your ideas.
Chapter 48 Citing sources; avoiding plagiarism
48a Understand what plagiarism is.
48b Understand the MLA and APA systems of documentation.
Understand how the MLA system works
Understand how the APA system works
48c Use quotation marks around borrowed language.
How to Be a responsible research writer
48d Put summaries and paraphrases in your own words.
Chapter 49 Integrating sources
49a Summarize and paraphrase effectively.
How to Paraphrase effectively
49b Use quotations effectively.
Limiting your use of quotations
Using the ellipsis mark
Using brackets
Setting off long quotations
49c Use signal phrases to integrate sources.
Marking boundaries
Establishing authority
Introducing summaries and paraphrases
Integrating statistics and other facts
Putting source material in context
49d Synthesize sources.
Considering how sources relate to your argument
Placing sources in conversation
Chapter 50 Documenting sources in MLA style
List of MLA in-text citation models
List of MLA works cited models
50a MLA in-text citations
General guidelines for signal phrases and page numbers
Variations on the general guidelines
Literary works and sacred texts
50b MLA list of works cited
General guidelines for the works cited list
General guidelines for listing authors
How to Answer the basic question “Who is the author?”
Articles and other short works
Citation at a glance: Article in an online journal
Citation at a glance: Article from a database
Books and other long works
Citation at a glance: Book
Citation at a glance: Selection from an anthology or a collection
Websites and parts of websites
Citation at a glance: Work from a website
Audio, visual, and multimedia sources
How to Cite a source reposted from another source
Government and legal documents
Personal communication and social media
50c MLA information notes (optional)
Chapter 51 MLA format; sample research paper
51a MLA format
Formatting the paper: The basics
Formatting the paper: Other concerns
Preparing the list of works cited
51b Sample MLA research paper
Chapter 52 Documenting sources in APA style
List of APA in-text citation models
List of APA reference list models
52a APA in-text citations
52b APA list of references
General guidelines for the reference list
General guidelines for listing authors
Articles and other short works
Citation at a glance: Online article in a journal or magazine
Citation at a glance: Article from a database
Books and other long works
Citation at a glance: Book
Websites and parts of websites
Citation at a glance: Section in a web document
Audio, visual, and multimedia sources
Personal communication and social media
Chapter 53 APA format; sample research paper
53a APA format
Formatting the paper: The basics
Formatting the paper: Other concerns
Preparing the list of references
53b Sample APA research paper
Answers to Exercises
A List of Charts
Revision Symbols
A List of Grammatical Terms
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