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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
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1 The Place and Significance of Sudan
Why should anyone care about Sudan?
Why has the Sudanese State been so unstable since independence in 1956?
2 The Birth of Modern Sudan
How has Sudan’s early history affected its current problems?
How did the Mahdiya affect modern Sudanese history?
3 The Rule of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium
How did the British and Egyptian colonial period set the stage for later Sudanese conflicts after independence?
How did Sudan achieve its independence?
4 Fourth Period of Modern Sudan (1956–2005)
How did the first North–South civil war begin?
How did Colonel Numayri govern Sudan for so long?
Why did Numayri embrace an Islamic political vision for Sudan?
5 Fourth Period (Continued): The Second Civil War and the Turabist State
Why and how did the Second Civil War start in the South?
How did the discovery of oil change Sudanese politics?
What event precipitated the Second Civil War?
Who was John Garang?
What was Garang’s role in the Second Civil War?
What was Garang’s vision for Sudan?
Why and how did Numayri fall from power?
What was the reaction of Sadiq al-Mahdi to the Second Civil War?
What caused the humanitarian crisis of 1988–1989?
What were the patterns of fatalities in the Second Civil War?
6 The Bashir-Turabi Coup of 1989, The Rise and Fall of Hassan Al-Turabi, and U.S. Policy Toward Sudan
How did Omar al-Bashir and Hassan al-Turabi take power?
Who is Omar al-Bashir?
What was the true nature of the new government?
Who is Hassan al-Turabi?
How did Turabi build an Islamic state in Sudan?
How did Sudanese foreign policy change under Bashir and Turabi?
Why did Turabi’s ideology drive Sudanese foreign policy for as long as it did?
What was Garang’s war strategy?
Why and how did the Bashir government sever its ties with Turabi?
How did oil change Sudanese politics?
How did U.S. policy change toward Sudan during the 1990s?
7 The Three Rebellions of Darfur
What caused the rebellions in Darfur?
Why and how did Libya influence the Darfur rebellions?
When and why did the first Darfur rebellion take place?
How were the three Darfur rebellions related to the Second Civil War?
What caused the second Darfur rebellion?
What was The Black Book and how did it affect the third Darfur rebellion?
What was the relationship between the Darfur rebellions and Hassan al-Turabi?
How did the third Darfur rebellion start?
Why did the Bashir government move from negotiation to an ethnic cleansing campaign?
8 The Third Darfur Rebellion Continued
How did the Darfuri rebels arm themselves?
What limited the rebel movement’s effectiveness in the third rebellion?
Was Khartoum’s counterinsurgency campaign in Darfur ethnic cleansing?
So it was ethnic cleansing. Was it also genocide?
Could anything have been done to stop the atrocities during the third rebellion?
Why was Omar al-Bashir indicted by the ICC, and what was the consequence of the indictment?
9 The Comprehensive Peace Agreement
Why did Khartoum negotiate an end to the Second Civil War?
Why did the Bush administration decide to focus on ending the Second Civil War in Sudan?
Who is Ali Osman Taha?
What were the major provisions of the CPA?
How did John Garang die, and was his death an accident?
What is Garang’s legacy?
How did Garang’s successor, Salva Kiir, change the direction of southern Sudan?
How smooth was the CPA’s implementation?
How effective was the CPA in the period leading up to the vote on southern independence?
10 The Darfur Peace Process
Given the success of the CPA, why hasn’t a similar agreement been negotiated for Darfur?
What are the prospects for peace in Darfur?
11 The Future of North and South Sudan
How has the NCP remained in power for two decades?
What are the prospects for the North?
Will South Sudan become a failed state?
Why did the referendum on secession become so controversial?
Will the North and South return to war?
What are the South’s prospects?
Appendix: Facts About Historic Sudan
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