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Imperial Library
Growing in the Knowledge of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
The Hebrew Scriptures Testify of Jesus
The Hebrew Scriptures Anticipate Pentecost
Paul’s Use of the Hebrew Scriptures
Marcion’s Mistake
How the Law Reveals Jesus
In the Beginning
Innertextuality and Intertextuality
In the Beginning
In the Beginning Was the Word
The Error of Docetism
The Word of Life
Jesus is Yahweh
An Early Prophecy of the Messiah
A Prophecy in Three Parts
The Seed of the Woman
The Temptation of Jesus
The Death of the Serpent
Death Is Separation
Death Is Swallowed Up in Victory
Jacob’s Prophecy to Judah
Matthew and Zechariah
Zechariah and Genesis
Judah’s Blessing
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah
Judah’s Scepter
Until Shiloh Comes
The Donkey and the Colt
Isaiah and Revelation
The Passover
Jesus and the Passover
The Lamb of God
Christ, Our Passover
The Lamb as It Had Been Slain
Philip Interprets Isaiah
The Lamb and the One on the Throne
Balaam’s Prophecy
The Talking Donkey
An Unwelcome Message
The Shout of a King
God Brings Him Out of Egypt
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah
A Star Out of Jacob and a Scepter Out of Israel
A Prophecy for the Church
The Prophet Like Moses
Let Not God Speak with Us
Who Is the Prophet Like Moses?
Jesus Is the Prophet Like Moses
Four Aspects of Moses’ Prophecy
The Messiah’s Name in the Hebrew Scriptures
How the Prophets Reveal Jesus
The Davidic Covenant
Messianic Prophecy in II Samuel
Gabriel and the Davidic Covenant
Zacharias and the Davidic Covenant
Peter and the Davidic Covenant
A Discovery in Ephrathah, in the Fields of the Woods
The Throne of David and the Right Hand of God
A Son Is Given
Swords into Plowshares; Spears into Pruning Hooks
The Branch of the Lord
Isaiah’s Vision
The Virgin Shall Conceive
A Sign for the House of David
A Son Who Is the Everlasting Father
More Prophecies from Isaiah
Isaiah 35 and More
God Comes; He is Jesus
A Prophecy of the Atonement
The Messiah’s Anointing
Every Knee Shall Bow
The Gentiles Come to His Light
The Definition of the Gospel
This Is That Which Was Spoken by the Prophet Joel
How the Psalms Reveal Jesus
The Use of Psalms in the New Testament
Jesus and the Psalms
Peter and the Psalms
The First-century Church and the Psalms
Paul and the Psalms
The Book of Hebrews and the Psalms
The Book of Revelation and the Psalms
David’s View of the Psalms
David Was Inspired
David Wrote about the Messiah
The Purpose of the Book of Psalms
The Introduction to the Book of Psalms
The Prayer of Jesus on the Cross
The Superscription
Another Prayer of the Messiah
The Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament
An Example: Matthew Reads Hosea; Hosea Reads Numbers
Paul Reads Exodus
Jesus Reads Numbers
The Old Testament Is Our Book
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