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Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Getting Started
Introduction to the Workbook Sections
Part One: Seven Keys to Lose it for Life
1. What Do You Have to Lose?
Workbook Week 1
Day 1: Losing it for Life
Day 2: The Culture of Eating
Day 3: Control or Surrender?
Day 4: What Works, What doesn’t
Day 5: Ten Elements of Success
2. Take the Red Pill
Workbook Week 2
Day 1: The Matrix . . . or Reality?
Day 2: Letting Go of Excuses
Day 3: New Motives and Methods
Day 4: Looking Below the Surface
Day 5: Lose the Unrealistic Expectations
3. Lose Dieting (for Life!)
Workbook Week 3
Day 1: Why Dieting doesn’t Work
Day 2: A Proper View of Eating
Day 3: What is Gluttony?
Day 4: Our Bodies for the Glory of God
Day 5: Distinguishing the Hungers
4. The Doctor is “In”
Workbook Week 4
Day 1: The Unique You
Day 2: The Stress Factor
Day 3: Confronting Reality
Day 4: Let’s Get Physical
Day 5: The Risks of Obesity
Part Two: Changing How You Think, Feel, And Live
5. Nutrition Transformed
Workbook Week 5
Day 1: RISE Above Your Old Habits (Part 1)
Day 2: RISE Above Your Old Habits (Part 2)
Day 3: What’s on the Menu?
Day 4: Common Sense for Uncommon Weight Control
Day 5: Handling Dangerous (Food) Situations
6. Move it and Lose it
Workbook Week 6
Day 1: Exercise 101—Do We Have to?
Day 2: Simple (and Sensible) Strategies
Day 3: Safety Reminders
Day 4: Getting Started
Day 5: Options Galore!
7. Coming Out (of the Eating Closet)
Workbook Week 7
Day 1: Emotional Eating
Day 2: Identifying Feelings (Part 1)
Day 3: Identifying Feelings (Part 2)
Day 4: Expressing Your Feelings
Day 5: Reducing Stress
8. Changing the Viewing
Workbook Week 8
Day 1: Extreme Makeover
Day 2: Achieving Weightlessness
Day 3: Renewing the Mind
Day 4: Taking Negative Thoughts Captive
Day 5: A New Attitude
9. Changing the Doing
Workbook Week 9
Day 1: Acting in the Truth
Day 2: Tools for Change
Day 3: You can do it!
Day 4: Food in Social Settings?
Day 5: Forgiveness
Part Three: A Lifelong Journey
10. Community—The Connection Cornerstone
Workbook Week 10
Day 1: The Miracle and Mystery of Community
Day 2: Overeating Versus Community
Day 3: Social Skills
Day 4: Sabotage!
Day 5: Trading Your Pain for His Purposes
11. Pressing on—Keeping it off
Workbook Week 11
Day 1: The Danger of Relapse
Day 2: Signs of Relapse
Day 3: Phases of Relapse
Day 4: Protection from Relapse
Day 5: Preserving Our Gains and Moving on
For Use in a Group Setting
A Personal Note
Appendix A: Food Journal
Appendix B: Physical Versus Emotional Hunger Chart
Appendix C: Glycemic Food Index
Appendix D: Two Weight-Loss Plans
Appendix E: Physical Exercises
Appendix F: Dysfunctional Thought Record
The Healthy 100s Diet and Weight-Loss Plan
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