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Imperial Library
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1 Background
2 The Associative Structure of the Copper Plaques
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Alpha
2.2 Beta
2.3 Gamma
2.4 Delta
2.5 Epsilon
2.6 Digamma
2.7 Zeta
2.8 Eta
2.9 Theta
2.10 Iota
2.11 Kappa
2.12 Lambda
2.13 Mu
2.14 Nu
2.15 Xi
2.16 Omicron
2.17 Pi
2.18 San
2.19 Qoppa
2.20 Rho
2.21 Sigma
2.22 Tau
3 Physical and Chemical Examination of the Copper Plaques
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Electron Probe Microanalysis
3.2 Binocular Bench Microscopy
3.3 X-radiography
3.4 Optical Metallography
3.5 The Patina
3.6 Scanning Electron Microscopy
3.7 X-ray Diffraction Analysis
3.8 Conclusions
4 The Syntagmatic Structure of the Copper Plaques
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Narrow Orthographic Transcriptions of the Copper Plaques
4.2 Broad Orthographic Transcriptions of the Copper Plaques
4.3 Alphabetic Variation in the Copper Plaques
5 Langue et Écriture
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Arbitrariness: Part 1
5.2 Distinctiveness and Ambiguity
5.3 Arbitrariness: Part 2
5.3.1 Greek Writing
5.3.2 Semitic and Egyptian Writing
5.4 Alphabetic Order
5.5 Language and Non-language
6 Of Styluses and Withes
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Μηλη (Mêlê)
6.1.1 Σμίλη (Smilê) and Μήλη (Mêlê)
6.1.2 The Common Origin of Σμίλη (Smilê) and Μήλη (Mêlê)
6.2 Λυζη (Luzdê)
6.2.1 Λύγος (Lugos) and Plaiting / Weaving
6.2.2 Λύγος (Lugos) as a Synonym for Ἄγνος (Agnos)
6.2.3 On Samos: Part 1
6.2.4 Λύγος (Lugos) and the Oldest Trees
6.2.5 On Samos: Part 2
6.2.6 Σανίς (Sanis) and Σμῖλις (Smilis)
6.2.7 Σμῖλις (Smilis) and Σμίλη (Smilê)
6.2.8 On Samos: Part 3
6.2.9 A Lexical Matrix of Cult and Writing as (Cult) Performance
6.2.10 Λυγίζω (Lugizdô): A Secondary Formation
6.2.11 Λυζη (Luzdê): A Primary Formation
6.3 Σε (Se) and αβγδ (abgd)
6.4 On Samos: Part 4
An Addendum on MS 2–2, Lines 10/11
7 The Warp and Weft of Writing
7.0 Introduction
7.1 Confusion of Language and Script
7.2 Poetic Weaving
7.2.1 Pindar and Bacchylides
7.2.2 Archaic Greece
7.2.3 Common Indo-European Tradition
7.3 Weaving of a Written Text
7.3.1 Weaving of Alphabetic Letters
7.3.2 Latin Alphabetic Interweaving
7.4 Dionysius of Halicarnassus: Literary, Linguistic, and Alphabetic Weaving
7.5 St. Jerome and Alphabetic Interweaving
7.6 West Semitic Alphabetic Interweaving
7.7 Alphabetic Interweaving and Division
7.8 Greek Alphabetic Interweaving and the Copper Plaques
7.8.1 A Geometric Subset within the Interwoven Alphabet
7.8.2 The Nu-Iota-Mu Subset within the woven Alphabet
7.9 Greek Alphabetic Interweaving beyond the Copper Plaques
7.9.1 Dotted Omicron
7.9.2 Square Theta and Omicron
7.10 At the Juncture of the Alphabetic Substrings
7.11 The Woven Alphabetic Text
7.12 The Performance of the Alphabet
7.13 Zeus of the Sign
An Excurses on Σῆμα (Sêma), Σημαλέος (Sêmaleos), and Σημάντωρ (Sêmantôr)
7.14 Homer’s Bane
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