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Table of Contents
Preface and acknowledgements
1. The Textures of Society
What is society?
Society and social theory
Coping with climate change: Anthony Giddens
Key themes in contemporary social theory
Further questions
Further reading
Internet links
2. The Contemporary Relevance of the Classics
The contradictions of modernity: Marx
Modernity as iron cage: Weber
Modernity as moral bonds: Durkheim
Trauma, tragedy and Thanatos: Freud
Summary points
Further questions
Further reading
Internet links
3. The Frankfurt School
Horkheimer and Adorno: Dialectic of Enlightenment
Freudian revolution: the uses of psychoanalysis
Fromm: fear of freedom
Adorno: The Authoritarian Personality , anti-Semitism and the psychodynamics of modernity
Written in the stars: Adorno on astrology
Marcuse: Eros, or one-dimensional futures?
Utopia and social transformation: Marcuse on libidinal rationality
Criticisms of Marcuse
Summary points
Further questions
Further reading
Internet links
4. Structuralism
Saussure and structural linguistics
Criticisms of Saussure
The Raw and The Cooked: Lévi-Strauss and structural anthropology
Roland Barthes: structuralist semiology and popular culture
Foucault: knowledge, social order and power
Society and disciplined bodies
The limits of structuralism: Foucault’s History of Sexuality
Criticisms of Foucault
Summary points
Further questions
Further reading
Internet links
5. Post-structuralism
Lacan: the mirror stage and imaginary
Lacan’s reformulation of structuralism: language, symbolic order and the unconscious
After Lacan: Althusser and society as interpellation
Cinema studies: the screen as mirror
Žižek: beyond interpellation
Appraisal of Lacan
Derrida: difference and deconstruction
Rereading psychoanalysis: Derrida’s critique of Lacan
Appraisal of Derrida
Post-structuralism and post-colonial theory: Bhabha’s The Location of Culture
Summary points
Further questions
Further reading
Internet links
6. Theories of Structuration
Anthony Giddens: structuration and the practical routines of social life
Giddens on modernity and the self
Giddens, politics and the third way
Criticisms of Giddens
Pierre Bourdieu: habitus and practical social life
Questions of taste: Bourdieu’s Distinction
Criticisms of Bourdieu
Summary points
Further questions
Further reading
Internet links
7. Contemporary Critical Theory
Habermas: the democratization of society
The early Habermas: development and decline of the public sphere
Habermas on capitalism, communication and colonization
Emotional imperialism: feminist criticism of Habermas
Habermas on globalization and post-national societies
Towards deliberative democracy
Criticisms of Habermas
Honneth: the struggle for recognition
Summary points
Further questions
Further reading
Internet links
8. Feminism and Post-feminist Theory
Theorizing patriarchy: 1970s feminisms
Juliet Mitchell on femininity and sexual difference
Dinnerstein: societal nurturing arrangements
Chodorow: The Reproduction of Mothering
Benjamin: the analysis of love
Julia Kristeva: semiotic subversions
Kristeva on motherhood and maternal ethics
Appraisal of Kristeva
Irigaray: the feminine imaginary
Judith Butler: scripts of gender performance
Appraisal of Butler
Queer theory
Summary points
Further questions
Further reading
Internet links
9. Postmodernity
Deleuze and Guatarri: postmodernity as schizoid desire
The postmodern condition: Lyotard
Baudrillard: postmodernity as simulated media culture
Baudrillard’s non-event: ‘The Gulf War did not take place’
Jameson: postmodernity as global capitalist transformations
Bauman: postmodernity as modernity subtract illusions
Postmodern ethics: the global moral gap
Criticisms of postmodernism
Summary points
Further questions
Further reading
Internet links
10. Networks, Risks, Liquids
Manuel Castells: The Network Society
Criticisms of Castells
Global networks and fluids: Urry on mobilities
Ulrich Beck: organized lives in a world of risk
Beck on reflexive modernization
Criticisms of Beck
Living with liquidization: Bauman
Collateral damage : Bauman on social inequality
Bauman on liquid lives, loves and fears
Criticisms of Bauman
Summary points
Further questions
Further reading
Internet links
11. Globalization
The globalization debate
Global cosmopolitanism
Globalization since 9/11
Criticisms of the globalization debate
Globalization, work and the new economy
Uncertain lives in the global electronic economy
Globalization, communication and culture
Globalization and the new individualism
Life on the move: Elliott and Urry
Summary points
Further questions
Further reading
Internet links
Afterword: Social Theory Today and Towards 2025
Further reading
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