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Imperial Library
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Editor’s Note
Table of Contents
Papers Written After the Publication of ‘Further Contributions to the Theory and Technique of Psycho-Analysis’
1. To Sigmund Freud on his Seventieth Birthday (1926)
2. Freud’s Importance for the Mental Hygiene Movement (1926)
3. Organ Neuroses and their Treatment (1926)
4. Present-Day Problems in Psycho-Analysis (1926)
5. Gulliver Fantasies (1926)
6. The Adaptation of the Family to the Child (1927)
7. The Problem of the Termination of the Analysis (1927)
8. The Elasticity of Psycho-Analytic Technique (1928)
9. The Unwelcome Child and his Death Instinct (1929)
10. The Principles of Relaxation and Neocatharsis (1930)
11. Child-Analysis in the Analysis of Adults (1931)
12. Freud’s Influence on Medicine (1933)
13. Confusion of Tongues between Adults and the Child (1933)
Posthumous Papers
14. More about Homosexuality (c. 1909)
15. On the Interpretation of Tunes that come into One’s Head (c. 1909)
16. Laughter (c. 1913)
17. Mathematics (c. 1920)
18. On Epileptic Fits. Observations and Reflections (c. 1921)
19. A Contribution to the Understanding of the Psycho-neuroses of the Age of Involution (c. 1921-2)
20. Paranoia (c. 1922)
21. Notes and Fragments (1920 and 1930-2)
I. (1920)
Nocturnal Emission, Masturbation and Coitus
‘Zuhälter’ and ‘Femme Entretenante’
Anxiety and Free Floating Libido
On Affect Hysteria
II. (1930)
Oral Erotism in Education
Each Adaptation is Preceded by an Inhibited Attempt at Splitting
Autoplastic and Alloplastic Adaptation
Autosymbolism and Historical Representation
On the Analytical Construction of Mental Mechanisms
On the Theme of Neocatharsis
Thoughts on ‘Pleasure in Passivity’
Fundamental Traumatic Effect of Maternal Hatred or of the Lack of Affection
Fantasies on a Biological Model of Super-Ego Formation
Trauma and Striving for Health
III. (1931)
Attempt at a Summary
On the Patient’s Initiative
Relaxation and Education
On the Revision of the Interpretation of Dreams
Aphoristic Remarks on the Theme of being Dead—being a Woman
The Birth of the Intellect
Fluctuation of Resistance
On Masochistic Orgasm
Trauma and Anxiety
IV. (1932 and undated)
The Three Main Principles
On Shock (Erschütterung)
Suggestion = Action Without one’s Own Will
Scheme of Organizations
Accumulatio Libidinis
Quantum Theory and Individualism
The Technique of Silence
Once Again on the Technique of Silence
The Therapeutic Argument
Psychic Infantilism = Hysteria
The Analyst’s Attitude to his Patient
The Vulnerability of Traumatically Acquired Progressive Faculties (also of Infant Prodigies)
The Two Extremes: Credulity and Scepticism
Infantility Resulting from Anxiety Concerning Real Tasks
The Language of the Unconscious
Suppression of the Idea of the ‘Grotesque’
Repetition in Analysis worse than Original Trauma
Pull of the Past (Mother’s Womb, Death Instinct) and Flight from the Present
Suggestion in (after) Analysis
Integration and Splitting
Indiscretion of the Analyst in Analysis—helpful
Exaggerated Sex Impulse and its Consequences
Theoretical Doubt in place of a Personal One
On Lamaism and Yoga
Abstraction and Memory for Details
Abstraction and Perception of Details
Cure Finishing
Trauma-Analysis and Sympathy
Papers Omitted from Previous Collections
22. Psycho-Analysis and Education (1908)
23. The Effect on Women of Premature Ejaculation in Men (1908)
24. Stimulation of the Anal Erotogenic Zone as a Precipitating Factor in Paranoia (1911)
25. On the Organization of the Psycho-Analytic Movement (1911)
26. Exploring the Unconscious (1911)
27. Dirigible Dreams (1912)
28. On the Definition of Introjection (1912)
29. A Case of ‘Déjà Vu’ (1912)
30. Varia: On the Genealogy of the ‘Fig Leaf’ (1912)
31. Varia: Metaphysics = Metapsychology (1912)
32. Varia: Paracelsus to the Physicians (1912)
33. Varia: Goethe on the Reality Value of the Poet’s Fantasy (1912)
34. A Forerunner of Freud in the Theory of Sex (1912)
35. Philosophy and Psycho-Analysis (1912)
36. Interpretation of Unconscious Incestuous Fantasies from a Parapraxis (Brantôme) (1912)
37. Taming of a Wild Horse (1913)
38. On the Genesis of the Jus Primae Noctis (1913)
39. Review of Groddeck’s ‘Die psychische Bedingtheit und psychoanalytische Behandlung organischer Leiden (1917)
40. Review of Groddeck’s ‘Der Seelensucher’ (1921)
41. Discussion on Tic (1921)
42. Psycho-analysis and the Mental Disorders of General Paralysis (1922)
43. Freud’s ‘Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego’ (1922)
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