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Imperial Library
Part I: From the Margins to the Center of the Roman World
Chapter 1: Peter: Bishop of Rome?
Chapter 2: After Peter and Paul
Chapter 3: Constantine: The Thirteenth Apostle
Chapter 4: Prosperity to Crisis: Damasus and Leo the Great
Chapter 5: Gregory the Great
Part II: Bringing Order Out of Chaos
Chapter 6: Greeks, Lombards, Franks
Chapter 7: Charlemagne: Savior or Master?
Chapter 8: Their Darkest Hour
Chapter 9: Saving the Papacy from Itself
Chapter 10: Gregory VII: Who’s in Charge Here?
Part III: Development, Decline, Disarray
Chapter 11: Compromises, Crusades, Councils, Concordats
Chapter 12: Innocent III: Vicar of Christ
Chapter 13: Boniface VIII: Big Claims, Big Humiliation
Chapter 14: Avignon: The Babylonian Captivity
Chapter 15: Three Popes at a Time: The Great Western Schism
Part IV: Renaissance and Reformation
Chapter 16: The Restored Papacy
Chapter 17: The Renaissance Popes
Chapter 18: Luther, Leo, and the Aftermath
Chapter 19: Paul III: A Turning Point
Chapter 20: Five Popes and a Council
Chapter 21: The New Rome
Part V: Into the Modern Era
Chapter 22: The Storm Breaks
Chapter 23: Pius VII: Bowed Down and Raised Up
Chapter 24: Beleaguered, Infallible, and Prisoner Again
Chapter 25: Leo XIII: Searching for Solutions
Chapter 26: Pius X: Confronting Modern Culture
Part VI: The Papacy as a Global Institution
Chapter 27: War, Peace, Fascism
Chapter 28: Pius XII: Saint or Sinner?
Chapter 29: John XXIII: Peace and Reconciliation
Chapter 30: Paul VI: In a Tight Spot
Chapter 31: John Paul II: The World Is My Parish
List of Popes
About the Author
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