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Imperial Library
R.M. Ballantyne
"The Norsemen in the West"
Chapter One.
The Norsemen in the West; Or America before Columbus.
The Curtain Rises and the Play Begins.
Chapter Two.
Strong Emotions are Succeeded by Supper, and Followed by Discussions on Discovery, which End in a Wild Alarm!
Chapter Three.
Dark War-Clouds Lower, but Clear away without a Shower—Voices and Legs do Good Service.
Chapter Four.
Important Events Transpire, which end in a Voyage of Discovery.
Chapter Five.
Freydissa Shows Her Temper and a Whale Checks it—Poetical and Other Touches.
Chapter Six.
Changes in Wind and Weather Produce Changes in Temper and Feeling—Land Discovered, and Freydissa Becomes Inquisitive.
Chapter Seven.
Songs and Sagas—Vinland at Last!
Chapter Eight.
A Chapter of Incidents and Exploration, in which a Bear and a Whale Play Prominent Parts.
Chapter Nine.
The First Night in Vinland.
Chapter Ten.
Taking Possession of the New Home, an Event which is Celebrated by an Explosion and a Reconciliation.
Chapter Eleven.
Settling Down—Hake Proves that his Arms, as well as his Legs, are Good—A Wonderful Fishing Incident, which Ends in a Scene Between Freydissa and Krake.
Chapter Twelve.
Sage Converse Between Hake And Bertha—Biarne Is Outwitted—A Monster is Slain, and Savages Appear on the Scene.
Chapter Thirteen.
A Great but Comparatively Bloodless Fight, Which Ends Peculiarly, and with Singular Results.
Chapter Fourteen.
The First American Fur Traders—Strange Devices—Anxious Times and Pleasant Discoveries.
Chapter Fifteen.
Greenland Again—Flatface Turns up, Also Thorward, who Becomes Eloquent and Secures Recruits for Vinland.
Chapter Sixteen.
Joyful Meetings and Hearty Greetings.
Chapter Seventeen.
Treats of the Friendship and Adventures of Olaf and Snorro, and of Sundry Surprising Incidents.
Chapter Eighteen.
Anxious Times—A Search Organised and Vigorously Carried Out.
Chapter Nineteen.
New Experiences—Difficulties Encountered and Overcome—Thorward and Tyrker Make a Joint Effort, with Humbling Results.
Chapter Twenty.
Remarkable Experiences of Olaf and Snorro—The Former Suffers the Pangs of Remorse.
Chapter Twenty One.
Reinforcements Sent off to Karlsefin—Foes Discovered in the Woods—A Night Attack, and other Warlike Matters.
Chapter Twenty Two.
Hake Makes a Bold Venture, but does not Win—The Norsemen Find that There is Many a Slip ’twixt the Cup and the lip.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Difficulties Regarding Intercommunication—The Power of Finery Displayed—Also the Power of Song and Sentiment.
Chapter Twenty Four.
The Burning on the Fortress—A Threatened Fight Ends in a Feast, Which Leads to Friendship—Happy Reunion and Proposed Desertion.
Chapter Twenty Five.
The First Congress and the Last Farewell.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Changes in Brattalid—The Scots Continue to Plot and Plan.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Disappointment Terminates in Unlooked-for Success, and the Saga Comes to an End.
The End.
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