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Mindfulness: Learning Self-Awareness
1 how aware are you of your thoughts?
2 how unmindful thoughts can trigger painful emotions
3 mindfulness breathing
4 you bucket of emotions
5 how do your emotions feel?
6 mindfulness to physical
What You Need to KnowAbout Emotions
7 naming emotions
8 the job of emotions
9 thought, emotion, or behavior?
10 sorting out your thoughts,
11 observing your thoughts and emotions
Taking Control of Out-of-Control Emotions
12 reasoning, emotional, or wise self?
13 your typical way of thinking
14 lifestyle changes you can make to decrease emotions
15 how to be more effective
16 acting opposite to urges
Reducing Your Painful Emotions
17 judgments vs. nonjudgments
18 adding fuel to the fire
19 turning a judgment into a
20 do you validate or invalidate yourself?
21 what messages have
22 validating yourself
23 what does fighting reality do for you?
24 how reality acceptance helps
25 loving-kindness meditations
Surviving a Crisis WithoutMaking It Worse
26 how do you cope?
27 distracting yourself
28 soothing yourself
29 creating a crisis plan
Improving Your Mood
30 things you enjoy
31 what can you do to build mastery?
32 setting goals for yourself
33 focusing on the positive
34 being mindful to youremotions
Improving Your Relationships
35 thinking about your current relationships
36 increasing the relationships in your life
37 what’s your communication style?
38 reflecting on your assertiveness skills
39 assertiveness practice
Putting It All Together
40 self-assessment
41 your experience of willfulness and willingness
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