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The Oxford W. E. B. Du Bois
The Black Letters on the Sign: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Canon
Chapter I: The Scope of this Study
1. General Aim
2. The Methods of Inquiry
3. The Credibility of the Results
Chapter II: The Problem
4. The Negro Problems of Philadelphia
5. Plan of Presentment
Chapter III: The Negro in Philadelphia, 1638–1820
6. General Survey
7. The Transplanting of the Negro, 1638–1760
8. Emancipation, 1760–1780
9. The Rise of the Freedmen, 1780–1820
Chapter IV: The Negro in Philadelphia, 1820–1896
10. Fugitives and Foreigners, 1820–1840
11. The Guild of the Caterers, 1840–1870
12. The Influx of the Freedmen, 1870–1896
Chapter V: The Size, Age and Sex of the Negro Population
13. The City for a Century
14. The Seventh Ward, 1896
Chapter VI: Conjugal Condition
15. The Seventh Ward
16. The City
Chapter VII: Sources of the Negro Population
17. The Seventh Ward
18. The City
Chapter VIII: Education and Illiteracy
19. The History of Negro Education
20. The Present Condition
Chapter IX: The Occupations of Negroes
21. The Question of Earning a Living
22. Occupations in the Seventh Ward
23. Occupations in the City
24. History of the Occupations of Negroes
Chapter X: The Health of Negroes
25. The Interpretation of Statistics
26. The Statistics of the City
Chapter XI: The Negro Family
27. The Size of the Family
28. Incomes
29. Property
30. Family Life
Chapter XII: The Organized Life of Negroes
31. History of the Negro Church in Philadelphia
32. The Function of the Negro Church
33. The Present Condition of the Churches
34. Secret and Beneficial Societies, and Co-operative Business
35. Institutions
36. The Experiment of Organization
Chapter XIII: The Negro Criminal
37. History of Negro Crime in the City
38. Negro Crime Since the War
39. A Special Study in Crime
40. Some Cases of Crime
Chapter XIV: Pauperism and Alcoholism
41. Pauperism
42. The Drink Habit
43. The Causes of Crime and Poverty
Chapter XV: The Environment of the Negro
44. Houses and Rent
45. Sections and Wards
46. Social Classes and Amusements
Chapter XVI: The Contact of the Races
47. Color Prejudice
48. Benevolence
49. The Intermarriage of the Races
Chapter XVII: Negro Suffrage
50. The Significance of the Experiment
51. The History of Negro Suffrage in Pennsylvania
52. City Politics
53. Some Bad Results of Negro Suffrage
54. Some Good Results of Negro Suffrage
55. The Paradox of Reform
Chapter XVIII: A Final Word
56. The Meaning of All This
57. The Duty of the Negroes
58. The Duty of the Whites
Appendix A. Schedules used in the House-to-House Inquiry
Appendix B. Legislation, etc., of Pennsylvania in Regard to the Negro
Appendix C. Bibliography
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois: A Chronology
Selected Bibliography
I. Map of Seventh Ward, showing streets and political divisions
II. Map of Seventh Ward, showing distribution of Negro inhabitants throughout the ward, and their social condition
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