Found 4137 books

[en] How AI Impacts Urban Living and Public Health, 17th International Conference, ICOST 2019, New York City, NY, USA, October 14–16, 2019, Proceedings Springer

José Pagán & Mounir Mokhtari & Hamdi Aloulou & Bessam Abdulrazak & María Fernanda Cabrera & Pagan, Jose & Mokhtari, Mounir & Aloulou, Hamdi & Abdulrazak, Bessam & Cabrera, María Fernanda

[en] Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation Springer New York, New York, NY

Beksaç, Meral

[en] An Introduction to Statistical Learning Springer New York, New York, NY

Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani

[en] Partial Differential Equations Springer New York, New York, NY

[en] Applied Predictive Modeling Springer New York, New York, NY

Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson

[en] Elementary Analysis Springer New York, New York, NY

Kenneth A. Ross

[en] Quantum Theory for Mathematicians Springer New York, New York, NY

[en] Bayesian and Frequentist Regression Methods Springer New York, New York, NY

[en] Introduction to the Theory of Quantum Information Processing Springer New York, New York, NY

Bergou, János A. & Hillery, Mark

[en] R for SAS and SPSS Users Springer New York, New York, NY

Muenchen, Robert A.

[en] Divorce in Europe, New Insights in Trends, Causes and Consequences of Relation Break-ups Springer International Publishing

Dimitri Mortelmans & Mortelmans, Dimitri

[en] Determinism and Free Will, New Insights from Physics, Philosophy, and Theology Springer

Scardigli, Fabio & Hooft, Gerard 't & Severino, Emanuele & Coda, Piero