[en] The Cause Lost · Myths and Realities of the Confederacy Endeavour Frontier
[en] The Greatest Fury, The Battle of New Orleans and the Rebirth of America Dutton Caliber
[en] A Day in Old Athens IndyPublish.com
[en] Belly, Wheat Rodale Books
[de] [Weizenwampe 01] • Warum Weizen dick und krank macht Goldmann Wilhelm Verlag
[de] [Weizenwampe 01] • Das 30-Minuten-Kochbuch Goldmann Wilhelm Verlag
[de] [Highland Warrior 01] • Samantha und William Romantasy Verlag
[en] 5 Detective Novels Fall 1952 5 Detective Novels
[en] New Detective February 1951 New Detective Magazine
[en] Visions in a Seer Stone University of North Carolina Press
[en] Duel Between the First Ironclads Doubleday
[en] Wheat Belly Cookbook · 150 Delicious Wheat-Free Recipes for Effortless Weight Loss and Optimum Health Thorsons/Element - GB
[en] Wheat Belly Cookbook Collins
[en] Three Roads to the Alamo Harper Perennial
[en] [Gutenberg 4716] • A Day in Old Athens; a Picture of Athenian Life Createspace Independent Publishing Platform