Found 1948 books

[en] [There Will Be War 01] • There Will Be War Volume I Pinnacle Books

Pournelle, Jerry & Niven, Larry & Heinlein, Robert & Dickson, Gordon R. & Dick, Philip K. & Card, Orson Scott

[en] The Military Megapack Wildside Press

Crane, Stephen & Bierce, Ambrose & Dick, Philip K. & Harrison, Harry & Burks, Arthur J.

[en] Rochester Rewritten R-SPEC Press

[en] Different Strokes 4Fun Publishing

[en] Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century Del Rey

Martin, George R.R. & Dick, Philip K. & McCaffrey, Anne

[nl] Een Zwak Voor Nederland Ambo/Anthos B.V.

[pt] Descobertas Perdidas Companhia das Letras

[en] [Science Fiction Megapack 04] • The Fourth Science Fiction MEGAPACK ® Wildside Press

Asimov, Isaac & Dick, Philip K. & Betancourt, John Gregory & Lesser, Milton & Harrison, Harry & Fearn, John Russell & Scithers, George H. & Vonnegut Jr., Kurt & Leinster, Murray & Tubb, E.C.

[de] Schlittenfahrt Diogenes Verlag

[en] Slay Ride G.P. Putnam's Sons

[de] David Copperfield / Nikolas Nickleby / Oliver Twist (3 in 1) DTV - Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag

Dickens, Charles

[de] Die beliebtesten Abenteuerromane (35 Klassiker der Jugendliteratur · Illustrierte Ausgabe) e-artnow

Twain, Mark & Verne, Jules & Cooper, James Fenimore & Melville, Herman & Swift, Jonathan & Dumas, Alexandre & Defoe, Daniel & Stevenson, Robert Louis & May, Karl & Scott, Walter & Salgari, Emilio & Poe, Edgar Allan & Dickens, Charles & Carroll, Lewis & Wyss, Johann David & Kipling, Rudyard & Marryat, Frederick Kapitän & Gerstäcker, Friedrich & Wörishöffer, Sophie & Schoppe, Amalie & Treller, Franz & Rhoden, Emmy von & Zschokke, Heinrich & Doyle, Arthur Conan