[en] Castle Skull: A Rhineland Mystery (British Library Crime Classics Book 75) British Library Publishing
[en] Windows NT SNMP O'Reilly Media
[en] [Hoka 04] • Hokas Pokas Baen
[en] People, Parasites, and Plowshares Columbia University Press
[en] [Dr. Gideon Fell 17] • The Sleeping Sphinx Berkley Publishing Corp.
[es] [Henry Merrivale 04] • Los Crímenes Del Unicornio ePubLibre
[en] Contraband Cocktails Melville House
[en] Mastering Market Timing (Joanne Romanovich's Library) FT Press
[en] Resisting Her Enemy Lord Harlequin Historical
[en] [Gutenberg 49212] • The Warfare of Science Prometheus Books
[en] [Gutenberg 505] • History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom Prometheus Books
[en] [Broken Tracks 01] • Etching Our Way Createspace
[en] The Burning Court International Polygonics