Found 62 books

[en] Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts and their Heritage Taylor & Francis

Phillip Pulsiano & Elaine M. Treharne

[en] Pacific Northwest Women, 1815-1925 · Lives, Memories, and Writings Oregon State University Press

Ward, Jean M. & Maveety, Elaine A.

[en] Queen of Bebop Ecco

Hayes, Elaine M.

[en] Messy Eating Fordham University Press

King, Samantha & Millious, Victoria Niva & Carey, R. Scott & Macquarrie, Isabel & Millious, Victoria N. & Power, Elaine M.

[en] Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease Academic Press

Monsen, Elaine R. & Rock, Cheryl & Coulston, Ann M.

[en] Studies in Immersion Education Multilingual Matters Limited

Day, Elaine Mellen & Shapson, Stan M.

[en] Tricks and Treats Mystery Writers of America

Pronzini, Bill & Boucher, Anthony & Buchanan, Betty & Carr, John Dickson & Chambers, William & Ellin, Stanley & Ellington, Richard & Ellison, Harlan & Gores, Joe & Gray, Len & Hensley, Joe L. & Hoch, Edward D. & Holding, James & Lutz, John & Lynn, Elizabeth A. & MacDonald, John D. & Marlowe, Dan J. & Moore, Arthur & Nolan, William F. & Nowak, Stephen R. & Nussbaum, Albert F. & Malzberg, Barry N. & Queen, Ellery & Rafferty, S.S. & Ritchie, Jack & Slesar, Henry & Smith, Pauline C. & Wellen, Edward & West, Jessamyn & Westlake, Donald E.

[en] I'm with Stupid 5 Spot

Szewczyk, Elaine

[en] [Gutenberg 36503] • A Man's Hearth Kessinger Publishing

Ingram, Eleanor M.

[en] [Gutenberg 23738] • The Thing from the Lake J. B. Lippincott Company

Ingram, Eleanor M.

[en] [Gutenberg 35740] • The Game and the Candle Library of Alexandria

Ingram, Eleanor M.

[en] Mystery Writers of America Presents - The Rich and the Dead Grand Central Publishing

Bell, Ted & Blauner, Peter & Catalona, Karen & Chapman, Tim & Child, Lee & Connelly, Michael & Cook, Frank & DeLee, David & DeMille, Nelson Richard & Goodrich, Joseph & Isleib, Roberta & Kozak, Harley Jane & Morrell, David & Mullen, Carolyn & Phelan, Twist & Rozan, S.J. & Santlofer, Jonathan & Togneri, Elaine & Zeman, Angela

[en] [Daughters of Elydon 01] • The Lost Sister Chowen Publishing House LLC

Michaels, Alexa & Elaine, Eleanor & Michaels, Alexa H. & Pane, Elinora