[nl] De Uitverkorene Karakter
[en] Low-Level Programming Apress
[nl] De Zevende Zuster Paradigma Media Advies (PMA)
[en] Python Data Visualization Cookbook Packt Publishing
[en] Dependency Syntax · Theory and Practice State University of New York Press
[it] L'Arte Della Negoziazione Giunti
[en] The Kremlin School of Negotiation Canongate Books
[pl] 14 ·57 Do Czyty. Reportaże Z Rosji Czarne
[en] Mastering High Performance With Kotlin Packt Publishing - ebooks Account
[en] Early Inuit Studies Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press
[en] Plant Tribe Abrams
[en] Talking to Families About Mental Illness W. W. Norton Company
[fr] Gilles Deleuze Presses Universitaires de France - PUF