[en] A Tragic Legacy: How a Good Vs. Evil Mentality Destroyed the Bush Presidency Random House, Inc.
[en] The Audacity to Win Viking Books
[en] [Game Change 01] • Game Change HarperLuxe
[en] The Post-American Presidency · The Obama Administration's War on America Threshold Editions
[en] [Nuffield Election Studies 19] • The British General Election of 2015 Palgrave Macmillan
[en] To End a Presidency · The Power of Impeachment Basic Books
[en] The Right Way to Lose a War · America in an Age of Unwinnable Conflicts Little, Brown and Company
[en] The Right Way to Lose a War Little, Brown and Company
[en] White House Usher Booklocker.com
[en] Big Agenda · President Trump's Plan to Save America Humanix Books
[en] Big Agenda Humanix Books
[en] Armageddon Humanix Books
[en] That's Not Fair!: Progressivism and the Politics of Envy HarperCollins
[en] Game of Thorns Center Street
[en] The Rebellion of Ronald Reagan · A History of the End of the Cold War Penguin Books
[en] The Reagan Era Columbia University Press