Found 60 books

[en] Engineers of the Soul The Overlook Press

Westerman, Frank

[en] Poetic Community University of Toronto Press

Voyce, Stephen

[en] Ulysses by Numbers Columbia University Press

[en] Prose of the World Columbia University Press

Majumdar, Saikat

[en] Voices of Negritude in Modernist Print Columbia University Press

Noland, Carrie

[en] Gypsies and the British Imagination, 1807-1930 Columbia University Press

Nord, Deborah Epstein

[en] On Reading Well Brazos Press

Prior, Karen Swallow

[en] Engendering Genre University of Ottawa Press

Nischik, Reingard M.

[en] Possible Worlds Theory and Contemporary Narratology University of Nebraska Press

Bell, Alice & Marie-Laure Ryan

[en] No Country Columbia University Press

Perera, Sonali

[en] Fourteen Little Red Huts and Other Plays Columbia University Press

Platonov, Andrei

[en] Internet Literature in China Columbia University Press

[en] The Resurrected Skeleton Columbia University Press

Idema, Wilt L.

[en] Engineers of the Soul The Overlook Press

[en] The Horse of My Heart Fleming H. Revell Company

Callie Smith Grant, ed.

[en] Handbook of Narrative Analysis University of Nebraska Press

Herman, Luc & Vervaeck, Bart