[en] Prosperity without Greed Campus Verlag
[en] Gutenberg's Fingerprint ECW Press
[en] Merv the World's Largest Oyster Shadowlands Publishing
[en] Kong · King of Skull Island Copyright 1957 LLC
[fr] [Rustica: Traités 01] • Le petit traité Rustica de la pâtisserie maison Rustica Éditions
[it] [Gli Sharks 03] • La Riconciliazione · Tutto Può Risorgere Giuseppina Campo
[it] [Commissario Lolita Lobosco 02] • Giallo Ciliegia Sonzogno
[en] [Sun on the Rocks 01] • Meridian 57 Smashwords Edition
[en] Thomas Jefferson Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis & West, the Opening of the American Simon and Schuster
[it] Difendere la Terra di Mezzo ODOYA