[en] [Olympia Brown Mystery 05] • An Improper English Mission Mainly Murder Press
[en] [Olympia Brown Mystery 02] • An Unspeakable Mission Mainly Murder Press
[en] Heroes' Day Madman & Moniker
[en] Backstroke Enspire Publishing
[en] Kleptocracy, the Rule of Thieves Jonathan Bates
[en] An Inconvenient Wife Katy Madison
[en] The Underground Restless Books
[en] The Virgin Hunt Games, Volume 3 One Handed Reads
[en] Ink and Ice Avian30
[en] [Hero 01] • Gold Medal Hero Jena Petrie
[en] Running Fast and Injury Free Gordon Pirie Dr. John S. Gilbody
[en] Sport 2.0, Transforming Sports for a Digital World The MIT Press
[en] The Little Communist Who Never Smiled Seven Stories Press
[en] The Tonya Tapes World Audience, Inc.
[en] Your Guide to the National Parks of the West Stone Road Press
[en] [2016 02] • When It Counts Lauren Hopkins
[en] [2016 01] • Finding Our Balance Amazon Digital Services
[en] The Corruption of Lily Potter hpfanficarchive.com
[en] The Pirates of Maryland Point P'NUT & CARN PUBLISHING