[en] Political Platonism: The Philosophy of Politics Arktos Media Ltd.
[de] Kinder von Hoy Suhrkamp Verlag
[es] Historia de las ideas en la Argentina Siglo Veintiuno Editores
[fr] Le politique
[fr] Protagoras La Gaya Scienza
[fr] Le sophiste aucune
[fr] Hippias majeur
[fr] Apologie de Socrate PhiloSophie
[en] Cyber Republic MIT Press
[en] The Allure of the Selfie · Instagram and the New Self-Portrait, Network Notebooks Institute of Network Cultures
[en] Deliberate Ignorance, Choosing Not to Know MIT Press
[en] Plato's Republic [Allan Bloom's Translation] Penguin Classics
[en] Digital Countercultures and the Struggle for Community MIT Press